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皮脂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

sebum cutaneum
更多网络例句与皮脂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Efficacy: DCE anti-acne constringing toner contains tea tree oil, dandelion, red sage root, honeysuckle, forsythia, salvia and other precious natural herbal extracts. It can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. Skins with occasional acnes will find acnes disappear in several days after using this product; while skins harassed with regular tough acnes will radically get rid of this trouble if a whole bottle of toner is used. And one or two bottles of this product are enough for skins with new acnes, recrudescent acnes, prosperous acnes or tough acne roots.

功能: DCE痘痘清精华水含茶树油、蒲公英、丹参、连翘、金银花、鼠尾草等多种天然名贵草本植物萃取精华;具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入毛孔内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻;对于偶尔长痘的皮肤,使用本品后,大多数人在几天内即可消除;对于长期肆虐脸部的顽固痘,一般使用一盒即可消除根,并且可以防痘痘再生;对于新生痘,旧痘反复发作,满面痘痘,痘根的肌肤一般使用一至两盒即可除尽。

Efficacy:出水痘可以喝牛奶吗 anti-acne constringing toner contains tea tree oil, dandelion, red 祛除痘印疤痕 root, honeysuckle, forsythia, salvia and other precious natural herbal extracts. it can efficiently and speedily break down grease, and penetrate into pores to prevent acnes exacerbating, constringe pores and control oiliness. skins with occasional acnes will find acnes disappear in several days after using this product; while skins harassed with regular tough acnes will radically get rid of this trouble if a whole bottle of toner is used. and one or two bottles of this product are enough for skins with new acnes, recrudescent acnes, prosperous acnes or tough acne roots.

功能: dce痘痘清精华水含茶树油、蒲公英、丹参、连翘、金银花、鼠尾草等多种天然名贵草本植物萃取精华;具有强力、速效的皮脂分解力,通过分解过剩皮脂、深入祛除内防止青春痘恶化,紧致毛孔,抑制油腻;对于偶尔长痘的皮肤,使用本品后,大多数人在几天内痘印消除;对于长期肆虐脸部的顽固痘,一般使用一盒即可消除根,并且可以防痘痘再生;对于新生痘,旧痘反复发作,满面痘痘,痘根的肌肤一般使用一至两盒即可除尽。

The sad between male and female was 2.73, the somatotype have obviously sex difference (p<0.001). conclusion the somatotype of the male youth is mesomorphy, while the sebum cutaneum of female is prone to endomorphy.


objective to determine the menarche age among female students and the relation between body fat and menarche in anhui province to provide theoretical basis for adopting intervention measure and carrying out health education.methods probability unit regression were used to calculate mmas in 3 000 girls aged 9~18 years old,who were selected from 3 areas in 2005.results mmas were 12.76 and 13.11 years old for urban and rural girls respectively.the youngest age was 10.the menarche age was significantly,related with bmi sebum thickness of abdomen,sebum thickness of shoulder blade and the upper arm.conclusion there was significant relationship between menarche age and body fat.menarche age showed an ahead trend in han national students in anhui province.sex eduction should be conducted in advance,and it was important to strengthen sex education in adolescent.

目的 了解安徽省女生月经初潮及初潮前后体脂变化情况,为采取干预措施和健康教育提供理论依据。方法按照2005年全国学生体质调研要求,采用分层整群抽样方法,对安徽省南、中、北3个地区城乡9~18岁中小学女生3000人进行调查,并测量体质指数、腹部皮脂厚度、上臂皮脂厚度和肩胛下皮脂厚度4项指标。结果城市女生半数月经初潮平均年龄为12.76岁,农村女生13.11岁,城乡最小月经初潮年龄均为10岁。体质指数、腹部皮脂厚度、上臂皮脂厚度和肩胛下皮脂厚度4项指标均值来潮组均大于未来潮组,差异有统计学意义,p.01。结论月经初潮年龄与体脂因素关系密切;安徽省汉族学生月经初潮年龄呈现提前趋势,性教育应提前,加强青春期性教育尤为重要。

When the sebaceous gland secretion of excess皮脂溢出often develop into dermatitis.


This sebum under the skin sebaceous glands produce an oily substance, bacteria in these arrangements do not go out of sebum on the multiplication, there will be two cases of acne: one miliary rash, hair follicles or pores that are blocked; One is the blackhead that seborrhea and darkened.


Results:Sebum content on forehead did not differ between males and females under 12 years old.


SF measurements were taken by Lange calipers (l0g/mm^2 constant pressure) at biceps, triceps, subscapulr and suprailiac sites.


But, with the bath face of overheat, can take away facial skin fat too much on one hand, make facial skin lacks flexibility, flabby and little moist; The exudation that can stimulate facial skin fat more on the other hand (the melting point of leather fat makes an appointment with 30 Celsius, the skin is lukewarm every rise 1 Celsius, leather fat is secreted rise 10%).


The occurrence of this disease with age, body type, environmental factors, the human body skin regulate body temperature and the role of secretion and excretion and in the case of cold, skin vasoconstriction, caused by sweat and sebaceous gland function is low, to prevent the divergence and to reduce skin heat lubrication, while the formation of dry skin, cuticle cracking, scaling, skin inflammation ‥‥ and so on, often associated with soap, disinfectant contact would eliminate the skin of lipids, an increase of the loss of moisture, in addition, can change the skin more dry and older because of the lack of sebum, to reduce sebum secretion, skin showing dry, rough, with a fault in bran-like crumbs off the winter came, the weather is cold, plus hot water bath or multi-use soap, will lead to skin Worse still, dry, itching is also more severe.


更多网络解释与皮脂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

seborrheic dermatitis:皮脂溢性皮炎

seborrhea 皮脂溢 | seborrheic dermatitis 皮脂溢性皮炎 | seborrheic eczema 皮脂溢性湿疹


皮脂溢出(Seborrhea)是指皮脂腺分泌功能亢进. 表现为头皮多脂、油腻发亮、脱屑较多,在皮脂发达部位较易发生,属中医"面游风范畴". 本病为多因素所致. 与年龄、性别有关,大多数病例有遗传倾向,雄激素水平增高,导致皮脂分泌增多.


sebolith 皮脂石 | seborrhea 皮脂溢 | seborrheic dermatitis 皮脂溢性皮炎


34. pyoderma脓皮病 | 35. seborrhea皮脂溢,脂溢性皮炎 | 36. dermatomycosis皮肤真菌病,癣


\\"油性皮脂石\\",\\"seborrhea oleosa\\" | \\"皮脂漏,皮脂溢出\\",\\"seborrhea,seborrhoea\\" | \\"脂漏性皮炎\\",\\"seborrhoeic dermatitis\\"

seborrhea oleosa:油性皮脂石

\\"皮脂石\\",\\"sebolith\\" | \\"油性皮脂石\\",\\"seborrhea oleosa\\" | \\"皮脂漏,皮脂溢出\\",\\"seborrhea,seborrhoea\\"


\\"脂漏性皮炎\\",\\"seborrhoeic dermatitis\\" | \\"皮脂,绵羊脂,牛脂\\",\\"sebum\\" | \\"皮脂\\",\\"sebum cutaneum\\"

seaborgium sebacic acid:皮脂酸,泌脂酸

scum 浮渣,浮垢 | seaborgium sebacic acid 皮脂酸,泌脂酸 | sebacoyl 皮脂 基,泌脂 基

sebacic acid derivatives:皮脂酸衍

sebacic acid皮脂酸 | sebacic acid derivatives皮脂酸衍 | sebacic acid esters皮脂酸酯

seborrheic eczema:皮脂溢性湿疹

seborrheic dermatitis 皮脂溢性皮炎 | seborrheic eczema 皮脂溢性湿疹 | sebum 皮脂