英语人>词典>汉英 : 皮肤结核 的英文翻译,例句
皮肤结核 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scrofuloderm  ·  tuberculoderma  ·  strumoderma

tuberculous gumma
更多网络例句与皮肤结核相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It can affect the lungs or other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes (tuberculous adenitis or scrofula), the skin and the bones.

它可以影响肺部或身体其他部位,如淋巴结(结核adenitis或scrofula ),皮肤和骨骼。

Objective To explore the clinical characteristic of tuberculosis cutis, and analysis the reason of misdiagnosed, improve the ability of diagnosing on tuberculosis.


It may produce skin wound that appear like those of other diseases such as hansen's disease, cutaneous tuberculosis , syphilis , skin cancer and fungal infections.


Lupus vulgaris is tuberculosis of the skin.


nodular dermal vasculitis in lower extremities are often seen clinically in middle-age women, and are evoked by many causes. Some laboratory examinations have abnormal outcomes and we think these are related with autoimmune reactions of nodular dermal vasculitis. We can make diagnosis with clinical character of erythema and nodose lesions in lower extremities, laboratory examinations and histopathology inspection. Antibiotics, non- Steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-tubercle drugs and corticosteroids are effective drugs.


Lymph node nuclear, also known as scrofula疬skin tuberculosis, said civil rats sores, is a cutaneous tuberculosis.


Results:Out of the nine tuberculose patients,six healed after second operation,one sinus formation,two died.Out of the two disruption of wound,one was re-sutured and healed,the other healed after a long term of dressing changing.Seven infectious incision were controlled within one month.Out of the nine cerebrospinal fluid fistulae,eight were cured conservatively,only one spinal meninges was repaired.One epidural hematoma was cleared and made a good healing.Out of the two mold infection,one was cured after focal clearing,the other developed to chronic recurrent sinusitis.Four patients with sore healed after decompression.The other eight patients (four by hemostasis narcotic,two by liquefied fat,two by dermal allergic papular eczema) had good healing after intra-red therapy.


Tuberculosis ; cutaneous Nodular dermatoses Polymerase chain reaction


A nodule is a solid dome-shaped or irregularly shaped lesion, characterized by pain, inflammation and extending into deeper layers of the skin.


To compare the capacities of the tuberculin skin test, the interferon--based T-SPOT.TB assay, and an expert physician panel to diagnose latent tuberculosis in patients on hemodialysis.


更多网络解释与皮肤结核相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tuberculosis cutis:皮肤结核

皮肤结核(tuberculosis cutis)是由结核杆菌所致的慢性皮肤病. 主要由自身结核灶通过血行、淋巴系统或临近结核灶传布和皮肤粘膜轻微外伤感染而来. 组织病理变化以典型的结核结构为主. [诊断]包括:丘疹性坏死性结核疹、瘰疬性皮肤结核、疣状皮肤结核、寻常狼疮. 颜面粟粒性狼疮 颜面粟粒性狼疮(...


严重深部反应需外科手术及抗结核治疗. (2)感染方式,儿童接触开放性结核病人,亲吻、亲呢等方式将结核菌传染面部皮肤. 受感染皮肤多先有损伤如碰伤、擦伤等未引起注意而感染. Homo曾报告由于纹身(tattooing)引发的原发性皮肤结核病例.

orificial tuberculosis, tuberculosis cutis orificialis:腔口[皮肤]结核

嵌甲unguis incarnatus, onyxis | 腔口[皮肤]结核orificial tuberculosis, tuberculosis cutis orificialis | 强度-频率曲线检查intensity-frequency curve examination

Verrucous scrofulide; Verrucous scrofuloderm:疣状皮肤瘰癧

Verrucous pachydermia 疣状厚皮病; 疣状喉厚皮病 | Verrucous scrofulide; Verrucous scrofuloderm 疣状皮肤瘰癧 | Verrucous scrofuloderm; Tuberculous growth of skin 结核性瘰癧结节; 结核性皮肤瘰癧; 疣状皮肤...

Verrucous scrofuloderm; Tuberculous growth of skin:结核性瘰癧结节; 结核性皮肤瘰癧; 疣状皮肤瘰癧

Verrucous scrofulide; Verrucous scrof... | Verrucous scrofuloderm; Tuberculous growth of skin 结核性瘰癧结节; 结核性皮肤瘰癧; 疣状皮肤瘰癧 | Verrucous skin-tuberculosis; Anatomical tubercle 疣状皮结核;...


鳞状细胞癌 squamous cell carcinoma | 瘰疬性皮肤结核 scrofuloderma | 落叶性天疱疮 pemphigus foliaceus


scrofuloderm 皮肤瘰疬 | scrofuloderma 皮肤瘰疬 | scrofulodermia 皮肤结核

papulonecrotic tuberculid:丘疹坏死性结核疹

丘疹坏死性结核疹(papulonecrotic tuberculid)亦称丘疹坏死性皮肤结核(tuberculosis cultis papulonecrotica),临床特点是在四肢伸侧出现散在性丘疹,中央坏死,可形成溃疡及瘢痕,病因及中医辨证见硬结性红斑.


tuberculization 结核菌素疗法 | tuberculocele 睾丸结核 | tuberculoderma 皮肤结核


tuberculocele 睾丸结核 | tuberculoderma 皮肤结核 | tuberculoma 结核瘤