英语人>词典>汉英 : 皮层的 的英文翻译,例句
皮层的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
cortical  ·  corticating  ·  corticose  ·  corticous

更多网络例句与皮层的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The inner layer of the cortex differentiates into the endodermis.


The intercellular spaces of parenchyma cells close to exodermis and endodermis were smaller, but that in the cortex were larger.


Strain AR-15 penetrated the exodermal passage cells through the velamen cells or root hairs and further infected the cortical cells. There were a number of spores and hyphae in plant roots that was damaged by strain AR-15. Study on the ultrastructure of D. nobile root and its endomycorrhizal formationshowed that the wall of velamen cells of D. nobile root was thin, and there were waxylayers outside of velamen. Cells of exodermis were arranged tidily, having thick wallsand chloroplast.


This showed that capacity of water-holding in biological soil crusts were obvious improve,and effected precipitation permeate or water second distribute process.The study results of"fertile islands"formation mechanism in biological crusts showed that biological crusts layer cover could increased nutrients content for below sand soil through precipitation permeate washing,and it promoted plants assimilate more nutriment.The matter import ways of biological soil crusts fertility island had many ways,including the effection of living macrobiotics metabolism in crusts levels,wind-sand flow of near surface,dust deposition and plants decomposition course,etc.Source of particle matter in biological soil crusts was wind-sand flow of near surface,and not dust deposition.Biological crusts layer cover had preserved effection for nature water content in 0-5cm soil layer,compared with the sand of no biological crusts layer,effecting precipitation permeate,and could not obvious restrained from the water evaporate process indoor experiment.


Candidum root and surrounded it, and later penetrated the velamen cells.Or mycorrhizal fungus penetrated the exodermal passage cells through the velamencells and further infected the cells of cortex, and then formed pelotons in the corticalcells.


RESULTS: For the ketamine anesthesia groups, the decreased signal intensity was observed at sensory cortex (r=0.79, 19.5%), at motor cortex (r=0.81, 16.6%), at thalamus (r=0.66, 4.5%), and at callosal gyrus (r=0.68, 4.7%).

结果: 氯胺酮麻醉可降低感觉皮层、运动皮层的信号强度,其r值分别为0.79, 0.81,信号变化强度分别为19.5%, 16.6%;丘脑和扣带回区信号也受到抑制,r值分别为0.66, 0.68,信号变化强度为4.5%, 4.7%。

RESULTS: The results of immunohistochemistry showed that ephrin-A5 distributed in the region of V2MM, V2ML, V2L, Au1, AuV in damaged cerebral cortex, and located in the body of neuron, cytodendrite, and somewhat in axon.


The immunohistochemistry method was used to detect the distribution and location of ephrin-A5, and the change of expression was detected at 1 week, 2 weeks and 4 weeks after operation.RESULTS: The results of immunohistochemistry showed that ephrin-A5 distributed in the region of V2MM, V2ML, V2L, Au1, AuV in damaged cerebral cortex, and located in the body of neuron, cytodendrite, and somewhat in axon.

结果: 免疫组化结果显示:大脑中动脉皮层支梗塞后ephrin-A5主要表达于梗死灶侧皮层的V2MM、V2ML(第二视皮质内侧外区、V2L、Au1、AuV,分布在神经元胞体、树突中,轴突亦有少量分布。

The evidences from neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, especially recently from neuropsychology and neuroimaging studies of OCD suggest that: the functional overactivities in OFC and ACC could be responsible for the increased functions of error recognition and evaluation of emotion and motivation; the functional hypoactivity in DLPC could result in the lack of cognitive integration of the consequence of action.


Results: nk 4r immunoreactivity was found extensively localized in neuronal somata and neurite of cerebral cortex, and mainy in layer ⅲ,ⅴ. double labeling experiments confirmed that 100% nk 4r immunoreactive neurons co expressed neun, but not gfap.

结果:nk 4r免疫阳性产物在皮层的锥体细胞层分布最多,在皮层内、外颗粒层、多形层也广泛分布,其阳性产物表达于神经元胞体和突起上,免疫荧光双标结果观察到nk 4r与神经元胞核特异性标记物neun共存(100%,146/146,双标细胞数目/nk 4r阳性细胞数目),且不与星形胶质细胞标记物gfap共存。

更多网络解释与皮层的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cancellous:罗眼状的; 多孔的

ancillary 辅助的,附属的 | cancellous 罗眼状的; 多孔的 | cortical 皮层的,皮质的


cortex 皮层 | cortical 皮层的 | corymb 伞房花序

corticated:有外皮的, 有皮层的, 有树皮的

corticate | 有外皮的, 有树皮的 | corticated | 有外皮的, 有皮层的, 有树皮的 | corticating branch | 皮层的


也就是根的初生结构 皮层:是由基本分生组织发育而成,它在表皮的内方占着相当大的部分,由多层薄壁细胞 组成,细胞排列疏松,有着显著的细胞间隔隙 外皮层(exodermis):皮层的最外一层细胞,


de novo 重新,从头 | osteoid 骨样的,类骨质,前骨质 | cortical 皮层的,皮质的

corticating branch:皮层的枝

corticated | 有外皮的, 有皮层的, 有树皮的 | corticating branch | 皮层的枝 | cortices | 树皮, 皮质

corticose:外皮的, 皮层的

corticopontine | 皮质脑桥的 | corticose | 外皮的, 皮层的 | corticosteroid | 皮质甾类(的),皮质类固醇(的)


corticotropin 皮质激素 | corticous 皮层的 | cortile 中庭


meningo- 脑膜,脊膜 | meningocortical 脑膜皮层的 | meninx dissector 脑膜剥离器


thalamocoele丘脑室 | thalamocortical丘脑皮层的 | thalamus丘脑