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皮层内的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与皮层内的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finally, cell wall degraded and aggregated together, which results in gas spaces formation in a radial direction.3. Aerenchyma formation appeared to be a form of nonapoptotic programmed cell death in the middle of root cortex.


The mechanisms underlying these biases of subcortical neurons are still under investigation.


There are two types of maturation according to our observation.One is nucleocapsids obtained its tegument in the nucleus and enveloped from the inner nuclear membrane.Another is nucleocapsids entered cytoplasm through nuclear membrane,then obtained their tegument in the cytoplasm,enveloped from the plasma membrane,finally released by necrosis,exocytosis or other ways.


When skin is young, the natural repair functions in the germinative layer's mother cells perfectly counterbalance their deterioration, allowing them to reproduce as new, intact, identical daughter cells.


When skin is young, the natural repair functions in the germinative layer's mother cells perfectly counterbalance their deterioration, allowing them to reproduce as new, intact, identical daughter cells.


Results The local intracortical connection, which is involved in mediation of downward information flow across layers II-VI, was identified by electrical stimulation at layers II-III.

结果 刺激S1后肢代表区脑片的II-III层,可鉴定出局部皮层内的连接回路,而刺激IV层则鉴定出丘脑皮层间的连接回路。

According to the rule of treatment of axillary osmidrosis, we used subcutaneous pruning by fold incision and CO2 laser vaporization removed apocrine gland to radical excision of axillary osmidrosis. This is an ideal method to treat axillary osmidrosis because of its credible effect, no special requirement to instruments and simple operation, and it can be widely used.


A cancer cell in an epithelial layer is trapped unless it can force through the basement membrane, which cordons off the tissue.


After reinjecting back to the depressed scar, autologous fibroblasts secret and synthesize typeⅠand type III collagen. Furthermore, it obviously improved the recovery of depressed scars. Autologous fibroblasts can be applied in medicine cosmetology, such as the recovery of scars and cosmetology packing wrinkle.


Second, because the thoracic duct drainage can be particularly lymphocytes from the large number of T cells in vitro, to reduce its dermal layer deposition, as well as the release of lymphokines, resulting in T-cell subsets change, helper T cells and the inhibition of T-cells ratio decreased the humoral immune function, B cells to produce specific antibodies decreased.


更多网络解释与皮层内的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

retinal detachment:视网膜脱离

视网膜脱离(retinal detachment)是视网膜的神经上皮层与色素上皮层的分离. 两层之间有一潜在间隙,分离后间隙内所潴留的液体称为视网膜下液. 按病因可分为孔源性、牵拉性和渗出性视网膜脱离. 渗出性视网膜脱离可发生在眼内的严重炎症、眼部或全身循环障碍、脉络膜或眶部肿瘤等,


中胚层细胞通过胚孔或原沟进入胚胎内部,沿着内皮层(endoderm)以阿米巴虫的方式向前延伸,并聚集在发育的前肠两边,形成两个分隔的团聚体. 两个团聚体形成双层管状物. 该管的内壁变成内心膜,外壁变成肌肉性的心肌. 当内胚层具备前肠沟的形式时,

endoderm lamella:内胚层板

endodermis jump 内皮层跃升 | endoderm lamella 内胚层板 | endodermoid 拟内皮层的


内皮细胞上 载体蛋白 选择性地的离子通过外质体(Apoplast)到达根的 内皮层 (Endodermis),为内皮层细胞间的凯氏带所阻,不能自由扩散到内面. 内皮细胞上 载体蛋白 选择性地


1.内膜 大血管的内膜(intima) 由内皮层(endothelium) 和内皮下组织(subendothelium)组成.在大血管内皮细胞具有特异性结构的成分是,胞质中都包含一个Weibel -Palade小体.小体的内容物是von Willebrand因子(也叫血管性血友病因子,


也就是根的初生结构 皮层:是由基本分生组织发育而成,它在表皮的内方占着相当大的部分,由多层薄壁细胞 组成,细胞排列疏松,有着显著的细胞间隔隙 外皮层(exodermis):皮层的最外一层细胞,


(三)维管柱 维管柱是内皮层以内的部分,结构比较复杂,包括中柱鞘(pericycle)和初生维管组织,有些植物的根还具有髓(pith),由薄壁组织或厚壁组织组成. 中柱鞘是维管柱的外层组织,向外紧贴着内皮层.它是由原形成层的细胞发育而成,

endodermal groove:内胚层沟

endodermal cell with casparian strip 具有凯式带的内皮层细胞,具有凯式带的内皮层细胞 | endodermal groove 内胚层沟 | endodermal sinus tumor of ovary 卵巢内胚层窦瘤


endoderm(entoderm)内胚层 原肠胚(gastrula)细胞的内层.将来发育为成体的消化道(内脏) 和消化腺. 参见 germ layers. endodermis 内皮层 植物根皮层(cortex)的最内层,它紧靠维管组织的外边.外皮层 细胞的各种变化表明,

endodermal cell with casparian strip:具有凯式带的内皮层细胞,具有凯式带的内皮层细胞

endocrinopathy of pancreatic islets ==> 胰岛内分泌病 | endodermal cell with casparian strip ==> 具有凯式带的内皮层细胞,具有凯式带的内皮层细胞 | endodermal groove ==> 内胚层沟