英语人>词典>汉英 : 的确地 的英文翻译,例句
的确地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
surely  ·  iwis

更多网络例句与的确地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

My case was indeed deplorable, for I was left perfectly friendless and helpless, and the loss my husband had sustained had reduced his circumstances so low, that though indeed I was not in debt, yet I could easily foresee that what was left would not support me long; that while it wasted daily for subsistence, I had no way to increase it one shilling, so that it would be soon all spent, and then I saw nothing before me but the utmost distress; and this represented itself so lively to my thoughts, that it seemed as if it was come, before it was really very near; also my very apprehensions doubled the misery, for I fancied every sixpence that I paid for a loaf of bread was the last that I had in the world, and that tomorrow I was to fast, and be starved to death.


But my case was indeed deplorable, for I was left perfectly friendless and helpless, and the loss my husband had sustained had reduced his circumstances so low, that though indeed I was not in debt, yet I could easily foresee that what was left would not support me long; that while it wasted daily for subsistence, I had no way to increase it one shilling, so that it would be soon all spent, and then I saw nothing before me but the utmost distress; and this represented itself so lively to my thoughts, that it seemed as if it was come, before it was really very near; also my very apprehensions doubled the misery, for I fancied every sixpence that I paid for a loaf of bread was the last that I had in the world, and that to-morrow I was to fast, and be starved to death.

Daniel Defoe, Moll Flanders我的情况的确是可怜的,因为我没有一个朋友,得不到一点帮助,我丈夫由于受到这次损失已经穷到这种地步,即使我还没有欠债,然而我却很容易地看出剩下来的钱是不能维持我多久的;这笔钱一天天地花去,很快就花光了,那时除了极端的困苦之外,我看不见别的前途;这种未来的幻景清清楚楚地呈现在我的眼前,好像已经来临了,虽然实际上这个可怕的结局还没有真的来临。同时我的恐惧又加深了我的痛苦,因为我觉得我每买一块面包所花的六便士都是我在世界上唯一的财产,明天我就要没饭吃,饿死了。

With a bound she was out of bed and across the floor. She pushed up the sash--it went up stiffly and creakily, as if it hadn't been opened for a long time, which was the case; and it stuck so tight that nothing was needed to hold it up.


Massachusetts,About this author: He is Rabbi Laureate of Temple Israel in Natick.


Based on the principle of energy equivalence, the expanding expression of seismic acceleration process is achieved. The seismic process is expanded into a linear combination of deterministic functions modulated by 10 uncorrelated random variables.


The judges of the thirteenth century may have really had at their command a mine of law unrevealed to the bar and to the lay-public, for there is some reason for suspecting that in secret they borrowed freely, though not always wisely, from current compendia of the Roman and Canon laws.


It is de rigueur that a magnificent scene rises before 2 you: sorrow, happiness; anguish, comfort…All are varied. As a levelly connoisseur, you could predict their life career and mind state from their manners. The stream of passers-by never dries up. If you want to compare them, you just can. It is all up to you. The most intriguing thing on the Earth must be this—a pièce de résistance of God, transcending the iridescent ornaments in festivals.


And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years

15:13 耶和华对亚伯拉罕说,你要的确知道,你的后裔必寄居别人的地,又服事那地的人。那地的人要苦待他们四百年。

And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred year

15:13 耶和华对亚伯兰说,你要的确知道,你的后裔必寄居别人的地,又服事那地的人。那地的人要苦待他们四百年。

And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years

15:13 ***对亚伯兰说,你要的确知道,你的后裔必寄居别人的地,又服事那地的人。那地的人要苦待他们四百年。

更多网络解释与的确地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and no mistake:无疑地,的确

375andconj. 和; 逻辑与 | 376and no mistake无疑地,的确 | 377and so forth等等

as such:同样地

as stupid as an owl 极愚蠢 | as such 同样地 | as sure as a gun 的确

Of Immortality:永恒的确定性

To witness to the Certainty 为了证实 | Of Immortality -- 永恒的确定性-- | Taught Me -- by Time -- the lower Way -- 时间教导我,卑微地--


的确,法律关系标准不可能不变地(invariably)确立:如果被保险标的没有损失被保险人确定地享有利益,因为对保险财产的defeasible(可废止) title是权利的很好源泉.


surefooted 踏实的 | surely 的确地 | sureness 确实


undoubtedly,的确地,无疑地 | unquestionably,确凿地,无疑地,毫无疑问地 | show,看,表明,表演,出示

oh yes i am:是的,我的确是

I'm so crazy over you因为我依然疯狂地爱着你 | Oh yes I am是的,我的确是 | But no matter what I do但无论我做什么


ivy 常春藤 | iwis 的确地 | ixia 植物


ivy /常春藤/ | iwis /的确地/真实地/ | ixia /一种植物/

in posse:可能地

此外,下一代的生殖细胞只是可能地(in Posse)包含在它们之中,而非实在地(inesse)包含在它们之中. 物质不是无限可分的,以任何绝对标准看来,它的确也不是可以分得很细的;为了形成李文霍克的那种等级较高的精子,那就需要把物质不断地细分下去,