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Unicolor in autogamy shows different the seed-setting percentage in different pollinating methods, with the result as the higher rate of self-fruitfulness through xenogamy. Based on hybridization, genetransferring through pollen-tube pathway to Lilium davidii van Unicolor is researched. The master of basic technique of exogenous DNA transferring to Lilium davidii var.
We introduce the research progress about functional components in lily such as lily-polysaccharide, lily-brownii, colchicum autumnale, phenolic compounds acylglycerol , phospholipids, mineral element, lily dietary fiber, especially its elements and structure, physical and chemical characteristics, and its physiology and pharmacody function.
The manual compensatory beverage product was prepared by hydrolyzate , then its optimal formula was assured.
Lilium davidii var.Unicolor is an variety of lily family with its characteristics as full-grown tender and white squamae; delicate texture; scent and bitterless taste;superior edible quality. Owing to its 400 years cultivation history in Lanzhou and its peripherical areas, the quality of some cultivated species of Lilium davidii var. Unicolor comes to retrogress.
Rapid propagation of Lilium lancifolium Thunb. was introduced in five aspects: the reproduction of bulblets,the extantion of bulblets, the redifferentiation of bulblets through callus, the environment factors on bulblets propagation. In addition,the valuable components were analogized.
Longiflorum and Asiatic lilies of the genus Lilium of the family Liliaceae are two important groups of modern lily cultivars.
Lily is the dry fleshy bulb of the liliaceous plant.
Combining electron microscopy observation with DNA fluoresence detecting technique, it is systematically studied the ultrastructure of microspore, the distribution of plastid and mitochondria and the changes of organelle DNA at different developing stages in Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum, and Lilium Spec.(L. davidii and L. regale).
The results showed that the crossing combination of Oriental hybrids ×Asiatic hybrids and Longiflorum hybrids ×Asiatic hybrids were liable to success. It was showed that male parent was fit for female parent.
Heathy food: garlic, Chinese cabbage, cabbage包菜, broccoli绿椰花菜, cauliflower花菜, pepper, cucumber, radish萝卜, carrot, tomato, corn, legume豆类, lily bulb百合, lotus seed莲子, walnut, peanut, barley大麦, oats燕麦, buckwheat荞麦, cooked ginkgo熟银杏, sesame 芝麻, fish, honey, fruit, green tea.
- 更多网络解释与百合相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Eremurus chinensis O.A.Fedstch:百合科","中华独尾草
38,"百合科","斑叶百合竹","Dracaena reflexa Lam.cv.Variegata" | 38,"百合科","中华独尾草","Eremurus chinensis O.A.Fedstch." | 38,"百合科","湖北贝母","Fritillaria hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia"
Hyacinthus orientalis F:风信子(百合科)
248 郁金香(百合科) Tulipa gesneriana F387 | 249 风信子(百合科) Hyacinthus orientalis F374 | 250 百合属(百合科) Lilium sp. F376
百合分布及栽培发展简史 百合(lily)属百合科,百合属(Lilium).为无皮鳞茎地生型 (geophyte)之抽茎型球根花卉.原生种估计有 96 种(species), 分布于北纬 11 至 64 度间.亚洲,中亚及北美洲为百合最主要分 布地区,
Lilium regale:{王百合}{百合}
Lilium pumilum {山丹} | Lilium regale {王百合}{百合} | Lilium sempervivoideum {吊钟百合}
Lilium dauricum:毛百合
原料介绍百合为百合科百合属植物,百合(Lilium brownii)、毛百合(Lilium dauricum)或山丹百合(Lilium pumilum)又叫细叶百合的肉质鳞茎,鲜食干用均可. 百合是我国传统出口特产,国人的自我消费也连年攀升. 百合本身就汇集了观赏、食用、药用价值,
Lilium L:百合属
中国百合属(Lilium L)植物资源丰富,特有种多,分布范围广,利用历史悠久,是世界百合杂交育种不可多得的原始材料,已培育了许多著名的新品种.为了充分发挥我国百合的资源优势,必须对百合种质资源进行监控,对珍稀濒危物种进行保护,
Lilium brownii:[[布朗百合]
卷丹、山丹尤其是布朗百合(Lilium brownii)的球根在中国被大规模种植,口感和质地与土豆有些类似,常制成百合干销售,可以清热解毒,被认为是健康食品. 人们将百合干泡开后炒制,然后压碎用於煮汤,或是用於提取淀粉. 百合也是一些鳞翅目幼虫,
Lilium brownii:百合
百合为百合科百合属植物,百合(Lilium brownii)、毛百合(Lilium dauricum)或山丹百合(Lilium pumilum)又叫细叶百合的肉质鳞茎,鲜食干用均可. 百合是我国传统出口特产,国人的自我消费也连年攀升. 百合本身就汇集了观赏、食用、药用价值,
Scilla violaceae:百合科","小叶油点百合
38,"百合科","短叶虎尾兰","Sansevieria trifasciata Prain cv.Hahnii" | 38,"百合科","小叶油点百合","Scilla violaceae" | 38,"百合科","疣枝菝葜","Smilax asp
var. eximium (Courtois) Baker Bermuda Lily:百慕大百合
麝香百合(铁炮百合) L. longiflorum Thunb. Longflower Lily. Easter Lily | 百慕大百合 var. eximium (Courtois) Baker Bermuda Lily | 欧洲百合 L. martagon L. Martagon Lily