英语人>词典>汉英 : 白腐病 的英文翻译,例句
白腐病 的英文翻译、例句


white rot
更多网络例句与白腐病相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Control Efficacy of Neomycin against Several Bacterial Plant Diseases and Its Acute Toxicity HE Yan, TAO Ke, HUANG Xiao, CUI Wen-hua, ZHANG Xin-gang, HOU Tai-ping (Institude of Pesticide and Crop Protection, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, China) Abstract: The control efficacy of neomycin is comparative with streptomycin using the potted plant experiment, with control efficacies of 77.55% in soft rot of cabbage, 77.55% in ginger blast, 69.07% in rice white leaf blight, 80.51% in citrus canker, at the concentration of 200 mg/L.

新霉素对植物病原细菌的防效及其急性毒性贺燕,陶科,黄晓,崔文华,张新刚,侯太平(四川大学生命科学院,农药与作物保护研究所,成都 610064)摘要:室内盆栽试验表明,新霉素与农业上常用的杀菌剂农用链霉素的防效相当,200 mg/L防治大白菜软腐病防效为77.55%,姜瘟病防效为77.55%,稻白叶枯病防效为69.07%,柑桔溃疡病防效达80.51%。

Most other Sclerotinia or white mold diseases, such as on dry beans, soybean, canola and sunflower head rot are initiated by and infection of above ground plants parts by ascospores.


And the grape downy mildew used to be large-area prevalent in 2006, which causes the grape production, reduced about 30 percent and sugar content of the fruit decreased, so did the quality.


更多网络解释与白腐病相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bean blight:菜豆白腐病, 菜豆疫病

beamy | 放射光线的, 光亮的, 象梁一样的, 船身宽大的 | bean blight | 菜豆白腐病, 菜豆疫病 | bean cake | 豆糟, 豆饼

White pine blister rust:白松泡锈病

Rubber leafspot or blight 橡胶树叶斑病 | White pine blister rust 白松泡锈病 | White rot fungi 木材白腐真病

white rot:白腐病

枯斑病:rot spot | 白腐病:White Rot | 炭疽病:Ripe Rot

white rot of onion:葱头白腐病

white rot 白腐病 | white rot of onion 葱头白腐病 | white rouge 白抛光粉

fruit white rot of grape:葡萄白腐病

fruit wasp 果蜂 | fruit white rot of grape 葡萄白腐病 | fruit-and vegetable processing plant 果品蔬菜加工厂


白霉菌病的致病菌主要是酒面菌属(Rhizopus)、根粘菌属(Rhizomucor )和子须菌属(Abisia),归类为白霉科(Mucoraceae)接合菌类(Zygomycetes). 寄生於泥土和腐化物,适合生长於25-55℃及潮湿的环境中. 在实验室里,白霉菌能良好生长在霉菌培养皿(如Sabouraud agar,

fruit white rot of grape:葡萄白腐病

fruit wasp ==> 果蜂 | fruit white rot of grape ==> 葡萄白腐病 | fruit-and vegetable processing plant ==> 果品蔬菜加工厂

green rot disease:绿烂病

白腐真菌:White-rot fungi | 绿烂病:green rot disease | 白腐菌:white-rot fungi

Ripe Rot:炭疽病

白腐病:White Rot | 炭疽病:Ripe Rot | 铃病:Cotton boll rot

soft rot disease:软腐病

白腐菌:white-rot-fungi | 软腐病:soft rot disease | 白腐菌:white-rot fungus