英语人>词典>汉英 : 白日梦 的英文翻译,例句
白日梦 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
daydream  ·  fantasy  ·  fant  ·  fantasied  ·  daydreamed  ·  daydreaming  ·  daydreams  ·  daydreamt  ·  fantasies  ·  fantasying  ·  reveries

pipe dream · castle in the air · castle-building · day-dream · day dreaming
更多网络例句与白日梦相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They've been enthusiastic during the constructing process since they can let out some personal wills that will normally "abash"them.Therefore the creation will be interpreted as an adult game called"daydream",or as the revealing and realising of the suppressed subconsciousness.This process is also one that fulfills the wills that "abash"them.


Daydreaming may seem absentminded and pointless, but it actually demands a lot of the brain's processing power.


Their waiting in drunken illusions is the means of survival for modern man designated by O'Neill who is deeply influenced by the Nietzschen philosophy and impending World War II. Waiting for Godot exposes the absurd existence of modern man as well as Beckett's uncertainty of the world and concerns about human prospects under the impact of World War II and absurdist theories based on existentialism.


He told me affirmatively that he would be rich some day, but I knew it's just his daydream.


E.g.: He told me affirmatively that he would be rich some day, but I knew it's just his daydream.


Maybe daydream is necessary in our everyday life. Mo Junfeng describes the secret of our everyday life of this time veraciously. Our desires are exposed but still oppressed. The angst from the oppress only have to show through daydream. So the scene in daydream exceeds the reality of everyday life a lot.


Though too much idle daydreaming may make one impractical, some daydreaming, when not being en- gaged in something that requires attention, provides some temporary happiness, calm- ness and relief from stress.


Though too much idle daydreaming may make oneimpractical, some daydreaming, when not being en- gaged insomething that requires attention, provides some temporaryhappiness, calm- ness and relief from stress.


He went in search of that honoured kinsman with God knows how heavy a weight of anguish at his heart, for he knew he was about to shatter the day-dream of his uncle's life; and he knew that our dreams are none the less terrible to lose, because they have never been the realities for which we have mistaken them.


She looks as if she were thinking of something beyond her punishment -- beyond her situation: ofsomething not round her nor before her. I have heard of day-dreams -- is she in a day-dream now? Her eyes are fixed on the floor, but I am sure they do not see it -- her sight seems turned in, gone down into her heart: she is looking at what she can remember, I believe; not at what is really present.


更多网络解释与白日梦相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

castle in the air:空中楼阁,白日梦,想入非非的计划

castle builder | 城堡建筑师, 空想者 | castle in the air | 空中楼阁,白日梦,想入非非的计划 | castle manipulator | "城堡"式机械手

Daydream Believer:相信白日梦的人/安妮.莫莉

35Sad eyes悲伤的眼神/安里奎 | 36Daydream Believer相信白日梦的人/安妮莫莉 | 37Memory记忆/芭芭拉史翠珊




cue-提示>提示用口 | daydream-做白日梦>做白日梦得做一梦 | rumour-谣言,传闻,-辱么-制造谣言耻辱么

Daydream delusion:浸入白日梦中的幻觉

Daydream delusion. 浸入白日梦中的幻觉 | Limousine Eyelash 眨动了密长的睫毛 | Oh, baby with your pretty face 噢,亲爱的,滑过你美丽的脸庞

Daydream delusion:白日梦般奇异

Daydream delusion. 白日梦般奇异 | Limousine Eyelash 睫毛曲卷浓密 | Oh, baby with your pretty face 哦,宝贝,你是如此的美丽

Daydream delusion:白日梦的幻想

Daydream delusion. 白日梦的幻想 | Limousine Eyelash 浓密的眼睫毛 | Oh, baby with your pretty face 噢,宝贝,你美丽的脸庞

Daydream delusion:白日梦和妄想症

Daydream delusion. 白日梦和妄想症 | Limousine Eyelash. 豪华轿车和长睫毛 | Oh, baby with your pretty face. 噢,宝贝你有漂亮的脸蛋

guided daydream:导向白日梦

guide specifications 指导性规范 | guided daydream 导向白日梦 | guided discovery learning 有指导的发现学习


"(The Lovin' Spoonful)的<<白日梦>>(Day Dream)和<<一勺爱之歌>>林是对爵士一点不懂,把白日梦和满匙爱这么有名的曲子都不是很熟"(The Lovin' Spoonful)的<<白日梦>>(Day Dream)和<<一勺爱之歌>>林是对爵士一点不懂,