英语人>词典>汉英 : 病历卡 的英文翻译,例句
病历卡 的英文翻译、例句


medical record
更多网络例句与病历卡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Please give me your ID and Health Insurance ID card, so I can build your basic information data.

A: 请您将身分证及健保IC卡一起交给我,我要为你建立病历基本资料。

The image collecting parts mainly complete the conversion of the optics photograph to the image that can be treated by the computer. In this step, the pictures of teeth are shot by CCD and store in the compute at the aid of the video collecting cards. The image processing parts realize the geometric transformation, color adjusting, enhancement, measurement and some specially good effects of the collected images. And at the assist of the image processing, the more image information of dental images is exploited, so that the odontologist can diagnose more accurately.


Flexible employment required to pay in full and on time, waiting for the end of the course, with my IC card and medical records of the (health center built after the Seal), point to medical institutions for medical treatment.


2 Methods will 2004 ~2005 year with tertian therapeutics (of 2H3R3Z3E3/4H3R3) Tu Yang is treated first phthisical disease observes an object artificially, 2001 ~2002 year with daily therapeutics (of 2HRZE/4HR) Tu Yang is treated first phthisical disease contrasts artificially, medicaments all is the board type medicine of Shenyang red flag.


Researchers looked at the patients ' medical records from between nineteen sixty-four and nineteen seventy-three.


更多网络解释与病历卡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antenatal care:产前保健

antenatal card;产前病历卡;; | antenatal care;产前保健;; | antenatal clinic;产前检查诊所;;


ファン fan 风扇;迷,狂热爱好者 | カルテ clinical 病历(卡) | カタログ catalogue 商品目录,营业项目及说明书

simple randomization:简单随机分组

(五)随机化分组:方法有:1.简单随机分组(simple randomization) 将研究对象以个人为单位用掷硬币(正、反两面指定为实验组和对照组)、抽签、使用随机数字表,也可采用系统随机化法,即用现成的数据(如研究对象顺序号、身份证号、病历卡号、工号、学号等)交替随机分配到实验组和对照组中去.


而依据常规的病历卡(format),病史应包括下列内容如水质的变化和环境改变的记录;表演日程最新变动;新来的动物,日常工作最近安排并要求特别训练;动物变动与相关的职员,鱼的供应变化或新上市的品种,接近玩具或微型道具(prop) 以致能吞咽(swallow)等坏习惯(vice

