英语人>词典>汉英 : 病历 的英文翻译,例句
病历 的英文翻译、例句


case history · medical history
更多网络例句与病历相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pattern plate of introductory data standardization, anamnesis, anamnesis is collected, knowledge is gotten, the implementation technology of online diagnostic function.


I showed the case history to the doctor, he red it and look at my skin.


In the development of this system, its security epically for resisting SQL Injection is researched primarily. A new resisting SQL Injection method via program validation and strengthening database security is put forward to reinforce the security of the system proposed in this paper.Combined with the practicality of XAUT hospital, this paper designs methods of EPR integration in different structure based on XML existing in centralized and distributive instance is designed, and an ophthalmologic electronic patient record system using XML which is a new hot research topic in the domain of medical system.

本文在对医院信息系统的研究热点——电子病历和XML技术进行研究的基础上,设计了在异构数据环境下基于XML的集中式和分散式的电子病历集成方法,并结合西安理工大学医院眼科的实际情况,设计了一个基于XML的眼科电子病西安理工大学硕士学位论文历系统, xAUT医院信息系统的设计与应用,提高了医院的工作效率和信息化程度,为医院的信息管理带来了方便。

Court of first instance with " take hollowly with computer blame " adjudicate half an year of Qin Ruilin put in prison, can assume, if anamnesis record of Liang Aishi is to be locked up,join file cabinet, and do sth without authorization of Lin of luck of the Qin Dynasty opens file ark if duplicate anamnesis faxes a newspaper office, from the point of Hong Kong law, won't make crime.


Objective To study a multimedia electronic record management system for orthodontic speciality,and resolve the incommodity of routine dental paper record.

目的 研究出一种适合正畸专业的多媒体电子病历管理系统,以解决常规纸质病历使用不便之不足。

Here, our development of the typical hospital physical medicine management system with is the example, and tells about how to build a practical hospital physical medicine management system.


Here, our development of the typical hospital physical medicine management system with is the example, and tells about how to build a practical hospital physical me


To strengthen the hospital electronic medical record management,to promote the hospital effective management electronic medical record,and to guarantee electronic medical record primitiveness is an important content in hospital informatics construction.


METHODS It was compared for quality of the hospitalized medical history by using systematic sampling method and collected 300-patient medical history separately before (from January to June,2005) and after (from January to June,2008) Hospital Management Year activities.


Objective This paper will regular IT profession and medical treatment profession research and application, and complete medical treatment health sector planning 80% hospital realization information manage eyemark, truly realization hospital with patient as central comprehensive information management "digitizing hospital"pass Computer-based Patient Record the General Card system research.


更多网络解释与病历相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


\\"止痛药\\",\\"analgesic drug\\\\\\"\\" | \\"回忆,病历,记忆行为\\",\\"anamnesis\\" | \\"记忆的\\",\\"anamnestic\\"

identifying data or biographic data):住院病历表 身家调查事项

Emergency room record 急诊室记录 | 住院病历表 身家调查事项 ( identifying data or biographic data) | admission date 住院日期

case history:病历

清华大学的刘建明教授曾经提到过建立医疗传播学的问题,我觉得医生学不学传播学可以暂先放到一边,最起码应该能够写一些让人看得懂的病历(case history),传递最基本的诊断信息.

case history room:病历室

case history folder car 病历夹车 | case history room 病历室 | cashe 藏镭器

case history folder:病历夹

cascade tube 级联(X射线)管 | case history folder 病历夹 | case history folder with double side 双五一


ファン fan 风扇;迷,狂热爱好者 | カルテ clinical 病历(卡) | カタログ catalogue 商品目录,营业项目及说明书


dosing pump 计量泵,定量泵 | dossier 病历夹,病历表册 | dot 小点,圆点


dosage 剂量 | dossier 病历表册 | DOT 职业分类典

chart file cabinet:病历夹柜

charter 图表仪 | chart file cabinet 病历夹柜 | charting 记录表格

catamnesis:诊后病历 (名)

catamite 娈童; 受鸡奸的男童 (名) | catamnesis 诊后病历 (名) | catamnestic 诊后病历的; 病后经过的 (形)