英语人>词典>汉英 : 病主 的英文翻译,例句
病主 的英文翻译、例句


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In order to master the occurrence of wheat leaf blotch and evaluate resistance of wheat cultivars in Henan Province from 2005 to 2007, 49 wheat cultivars were selected and their resistance to wheat leaf blotch were identified.


The results showed the resistance was controlled by at least two pairs of genes, and was incompletely recessive. Effect of backcross was very significant and that of reciprocal cross was not. Resistance was dominated by nuclear genes, narrow inheritability was comparatively high. The resistance was in keeping with additive-dominance model, and dominance was dominating, and showed a quantitative character.


In the theoretical study of this text, the key mechanism of PRLS was approached through analysis of a number of information with regard to experience and prehension of past dynasties doctor of traditional Chinese.


She started to receive traditional Chinese medicine treatment on May 17 2008. Hodgkin's lymphoma falls into the area of scrofula, phlegm nodule, or tuberculosis of lymph node in TCM, and the mechanism is phlegm obstruction transforming into fire with stagnation of qi and blood, deficiency of liver and kidney and deficiency of both qi and yin.


The main varieties of citrus crop in Fujian were Ponkan,Fuji mandarin and Xuekan which possessed resistivity to Tristeza,Exocortis and Tatter-leaf. Therefore,Ponkan,Fuji mandarin and Xuekan grafted on self-stock which were infected by Tristeza,Exocortis and Tatter-leaf did not result in a great loss of production.


If the Dragon's Tail be with Saturn in Square of the Moon, and she Cadent, the Native will be consumptive, especially if from an Angle; but if besides it be in Square to the Lord of the Ascendant, he will be sickly and infirm all the days of his life, and if such Aspect happen in or from the sixth house, so much the worse.


Observe the effect of Fuling Gancao Decoction on gastric liquid emptying and content of nitric oxide and acetylcholine esteras in the gastric fundus,antrum and duodenal tissu of functional dyspepsia rats and investigate the mechanism.1 Reference reviewThe reference review discussed the source of disease name of TCM for FD,etiology and pathogenesis of TCM,selection of therapeutic methods by different stages or according to the differential syndrome diagnosis,advance on the clinical and experimental research as well as the problems lying in the research of TCM and corresponding strategies.We also have summarized the recent research progresses on the FD.In the meanwhile,we further exploited the pathologic characteristics,diagnosis and treatment of FD;summarized etiology and pathogenesis of TCM for FD and application of Classical Prescriptions in clinical and experimental study;Collected and arranged the Literatures and summarized the recent research progresses of Fuling Gancao Decoction;Finally, collected and arranged the literatures of proved cases and clinical experiences of Fuling Gancao Decoction.2 Theoretical studyThe Theoretical study first discussed the source of TCM for stomach deficiency and congestion of fluid-retention in syndromes of FD;Secondly, summarized the indications of Fuling Gancao Decoction,that is:①epigastric throb,②cold hands and feet in syncope,③hydroadipsia,④gastric blockade,⑤gastric splashing sound,⑥no desire for drinks,⑦light white tongue,thin-white and smooth fur,⑧deep and wiry pulse are the indications of Fuling Gancao Decoction;Subsequently,analyzed the composition of Fuling Gancao Decoction,considered that ginger is the main drug which treating congestion of fluid-retention in Middle-Jiao by Zhang Zhongjing.3 Experimental study3.1 Experiment oneObjective:To establish the animal model of FD with delayed gastric liquid emptying and evaluat it.


Xi-chen-tong-shu capsule had a good effect for main syndromes of apoplexy involving both collateral and meridian(blood stasis congesting brain vessel syndrome).


Xi-chen-tong-shu capsule had a good effect for main syndromes of apoplexy involving both collateral and meridian(blood stasis congesting brain vessel syndrome).

希臣通舒胶囊治疗中风病主症有较好的疗效。中图分类号: R255.2;R743.33 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-0668(2000)

By realizing the onset、course、pathology、therapy and prognosis of NMO, we draw conclusions as follows after consulting the advances of therapeutic mechanisms and methods on myelitis、optic neuritis、multiple sclerosis、spinal cord injury etc, and combined with the typical case analysis of NMO diagnosed and treated mainly by XNKQ Acupuncture Therapy by stages:1 XNKQ Acupuncture Therapy grasps the soul of Canon of medicine, that is "Be the monarch normal, the followers are safe; while the monarch be abnormal, the twelves followers are dangerous and the channels are obstructed", believes that the main pathological mechanism of NMO be "The vitality can"t direct the qi which making the medulla injuried and the optical passage closed.

通过对NMO发病、病因、病理、治疗、预后的认识,参阅针灸治疗脊髓炎、视神经炎、多发性硬化、脊髓损伤等疾病的治法及作用机制研究进展,结合以醒法为主分期诊治NMO的临床典型病例分析,得出以下结论:1 醒法领会《内经》&主明则下安,主不明则十二官危,使道闭塞不通&的精神,认为本病总病机是&神不导气,髓损目暗&,汲取&凡刺之法,必先本于神&的精髓,确立了&调神导气,益髓明目&总则,分期辨证诊治,具有渊远流长的理论根基和标新立异的创新精神。2 与传统针法相比,醒法治疗NMO具有四大优势,即病机认识的深刻性、选穴处方的独创性、施术操作的规范性和临床疗效的显著性。

更多网络解释与病主相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

God bless:愿主保佑你

impatient patients were getting desperate.|没耐心的病患开始焦躁不安 | God bless.|愿主保佑你 | Pulling out all the stops, huh?|全副武装



The Snake and the Cottager:毒蛇与农舍主

The Sick Lion病狮 | The Snake and the Cottager毒蛇与农舍主 | The Snake and the Eagle毒蛇与老鹰

cysticercosis cutis:皮肤猪囊虫病

皮肤猪囊虫病(cysticercosis cutis)系由猪肉绦虫的幼虫--猪囊虫寄生于人皮下、脑、眼等组织疾病. 猪肉绦虫的天然中间宿主是猪,人既可以作为中间宿主,又是唯一的终缩主.

primary immunodeficiency:原发性免疫缺乏病

primary constriction 主缢痕 | primary immunodeficiency 原发性免疫缺乏病 | primase 引物酶

Sophora japonica:国槐

除国槐(Sophora japonica)外,龙爪槐也受害. 主要为害槐树的幼苗和幼树的绿色主茎及大树的1~2年生枝. 严重时能引起幼苗和幼树枯死及大树枯枝. 由小穴壳菌属(Dothiorella)真菌引起的腐烂病的病斑初呈黄褐色,呈近圆形,后渐扩大呈椭圆形,



Head Nurse:病 房 护 士 长

总 护 士 长 nurse executive | 病 房 护 士 长 head nurse | 主 任 护 师 chief superintendent nurse


东莨菪碱 东莨菪碱(Scopolamine)在治疗剂量时即可引起中枢神经系统抑制,表现为困倦,遗忘,疲乏,少梦,快动眼睡眠(REM)相缩短等.东莨菪碱主要用于麻醉前给药,尚可用 于晕动病,帕金森病的治疗.我国用于中药麻醉的主药洋金花,

soft rot:软腐病

细菌性软腐病 (soft rot) 为高温 (日温大於28℃)、高湿度(相对湿度大於 80%) 栽培环境下常见之病害,主要是由Erwinia spp. 所引起的病害,此病原菌的寄主范围极广,涵盖多种蔬菜与花卉作物,作物受感染后会在数天内死亡,且传染快速,