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疹后的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The main performance of the period similar to upper respiratory tract infection symptoms:① fever in all cases, more than for the moderate fever;② cough, runny nose and tears, pharynx, such as congestive catarrhal symptoms, eye symptoms prominent conjunctival inflammation, eyelid edema, increased tears, photophobia, eyelid under the edge of a clear line of congestive, the diagnosis of measles very helpful ③ Koplik spots, eruptive in 24 ~ 48 hours prior to the emergence of about 1.0mm in diameter outside the gray dots red halo, found only at the beginning of the mucosa under the molars, but the increase in one day can be involved very quickly and spread to the entire buccal mucosa lip and mucous membrane after the rash appears in the gradual disappearance of skin rash may have a small dark red points;④ occasional skin urticaria, rash or scarlet fever faint rash appears when the typical skin rash disappeared;⑤ Some patients may have some non-specific symptoms such as general malaise, anorexia, etc.


Twelve children ages 1 to 5 years and one adult with hand-foot-and-mouth disease were treated with oral acyclovir within one to two days of onset of the rash. Symptomatic relief, defervescence, and significant involution of lesions were seen within twenty-four hours of initiating therapy.

年龄1-5 岁的12例小儿和一个成人,患手足口病采用口服阿昔洛韦治疗,於出疹后1-2天开始服用,治疗开始24 小时内症状减轻,退热,疱疹明显退化。

Department of Medicine, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo 43699-0008, USA.Twelve children ages 1 to 5 years and one adult with hand-foot-and-mouth disease were treated with oral acyclovir within one to two days of onset of the rash. Symptomatic relief, defervescence, and significant involution of lesions were seen within twenty-four hours of initiating therapy.

年龄1-5 岁的12例小儿和一个成人,患手足口病采用口服阿昔洛韦治疗,於出疹后1-2天开始服用,治疗开始24 小时内症状减轻,退热,疱疹明显退化。

Parents anxious about the rash characteristic of early childhood, the child will feel anxious not horrible rash, when the 6 months to 2-year-old children have a high fever of unknown causes, it is necessary to think of the possibility of measles exanthema.


Richard interleukin not high, his voice a little bit red, often behind the ear or occipital palpable on both sides of soybeans after the large lymph nodes, fever has been not to reclaim the child, medication, injections are invalid, such as spread 3 to 4 days a sudden fever, a pink body rash, and limbs before the rash less or no rash, fever have been accompanied by symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, were also back with the burning of the gradual disappearance of measles, 1 ~ 2 days measles back After without leaving any traces, not peeling, which is characteristic of measles exanthema.


Before the law took effect, there was a rash of filings, which was expected.


Many in the incidence of 1-2 days after the rash appears, the shape and distribution of measles and measles similar facial rash began to develop rapidly from the body only one day, that is, heat rash, heat rash retreat retreat also, these are the wind the characteristics of measles.


After sunburnt, skin usually puts up these symptoms like redness, dryness, itch, to be worse, it causes roseola.


We report the case of a 45-year-old woman with opticospinal type multiple sclerosis with recent cutaneous herpes zoster and right shoulder girdle weakness.


Prompt systemic megadose corticosteroid treatment is effective in the treatment of bilateral optic neuritis following HZO.


更多网络解释与疹后的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



chloramphenicol:氯霉素; 氯霉素

(3)氯霉素:氯霉素(chloramphenicol)对斑疹伤寒有良好疗效. 常用剂量为成人2g/d,儿童25~40mg/(kg?d). 每日剂量可作静脉滴注或分4次口服,患者多于用药后24h之内快速退热,退热后剂量减半,继续用7~10天,以免复发. 因氯霉素有诱发再生障碍性贫血的性,

contact dermatitis:接 觸 性 皮 膚 炎

主要有三种型态:1湿疹(Eczema)2风疹(Hives)3接触性皮肤炎(Contact Dermatitis). 湿疹主要分布在脸上、手肘上及后腿部处,有一片一片会痒干燥微红色的皮肤疹,小婴孩至二岁孩童较多见;风疹是不规则片片状的征凸很痒的红色疹子,施压时红疹会减轻,

swine erysipelas:猪丹毒

猪丹毒(Swine erysipelas)是由猪丹毒杆菌引起的急性败血性传染病,成猪多发,尤其是断乳后到10月龄的猪更为多发. 生后3月以内的仔猪可自母乳中获得被动免疫而不易感染. 剖检特征是败血症性变化和皮肤传染性疹块.

herpes zoster:带状泡疹

容易令人混淆的是水痘(Chickenpox)和带状泡疹(Herpes Zoster),这两种病是由同一种病毒Varicella-zoster Virus造成,原发於小孩,水泡是分散状(不是群聚状),从躯干先长,迅速扩散到四肢及脸部;痊愈后,病毒会躲在神经节里,当免疫力低时再复发.

prurigo nodularis:结节性痒疹

数目不定,丘疹顶部有微小的水疱,但水疱常被抓破而不见,疱破后表面留有浆液性结痂,损害分批出现,引起剧烈瘙痒,由于长期搔抓可出现抓痕、苔藓化及色素沉着,少数病例愈后留有点状结疤. 3.结节性痒疹(Prurigo nodularis) 亦称疣状顽固性

prurigo simplex:单纯性痒疹

2、 单纯性痒疹(Prurigo Simplex)发生于成年人. 损害为绿豆至豌豆大小弧立的圆形丘疹,丘疹顶部有微小的水疱, 疱破后表面留有浆液性结痂, 皮损数目不定,损害分批出现,剧烈瘙痒. 由于长期搔抓可出现湿疹样改变及色素沉着. 皮疹好发于四肢伸侧及躯干等部位.

rickettsia prowazekii:普氏立克次体

为纪念他们遂将流行性斑疹伤寒的病原体命名为普氏立克次体(Rickettsia prowazekii)(一)传染源 病人唯一的传染源. 有潜期末1--2日至热退后数日病人的血液中均有病原体存在,病程第一周传染性最强. 个别患者病后立克次体可长期隐存于单核巨噬细胞内,


16.有关扁桃腺切除术(tonsillectomy)后的护理措施,以下何者错误?(A)鼓励病童常常做咳嗽动作以利肺部扩张 (B)协助采侧卧或俯卧以利分泌物引流 (C)观察呕吐物是否含血液性质 (D)开始进食后可提供冰凉的果冻、布丁、冰淇淋. 19.下列有关玫瑰疹(roseola infantum)的描述,

hydroa aestivale:夏季水疱病

抓痕血痂及苔藓样改变大部分病人分娩后皮疹自然消退少数患者也可在分娩后不立即减退持续数月或数年之久皮疹泛发严重的孕妇可出现死胎5.夏季痒疹(Summer Prurigo) 有的学者认为本病是轻型的夏季水疱病(hydroa aestivale)或痘样疱病(hyd