英语人>词典>汉英 : 疲劳 的英文翻译,例句
疲劳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
fag  ·  fatigue  ·  fatiguing  ·  prostration  ·  tire  ·  tiredness  ·  tires  ·  weariness  ·  fags  ·  fatigues  ·  defatigation

wear out
更多网络例句与疲劳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, some experience formulas for them are regressed. The third chapter establishes a unified S-N curve equation to calculate multi-axial fatigue ultimate strength of concrete considering both the effect of confinement and minimum/maximum stress ratio, based on the triaxial fatigue test data in this paper and the test results under uniaxial and biaxial fatigue loading in previous literatures. Moreover, the consistency of calculating condition fatigue ultimate strength with fatigue life distribution and initial ultimate strength distribution is analyzed.


Chronic fatigue syndrome is a kind of general syndrome under the contemporary fast tempo mode of live with the serial of chronic fatigue syndromes such as the degression in impermanent memory or attention , pharyngalgia , lymphadenectasis or haphalgesia in cervical part or under armpit ,courbature , multi-articular soreness without red swelling of the skin , cephalalgia , somnus unable to recover from fatigue , postexercise defatigation exceeding to 24 hours .


With the method of psycholosical measuring, the indexes about kinesthesia accuracy of more joints of continuous moving of upper limbs, sensibility of wrist joint, 2-point discrimination threshold of skin, muscle forcibly sense and shoot exactness were measured in the state of different degree of fatigue.

摘 要:采用心理测量方法,对运动员在安静、中度疲劳、重度疲劳三种状态时的上肢多关节联动动觉准确性、腕关节敏感度、肤觉两点阈、肌肉用力感、投篮命中率5项指标进行测试,结果表明:四项感觉指标和投篮准确性在中度疲劳状态时较安静状态和重度疲劳状态有所提高;不同指标的变化差异不同,投篮准确性、肤觉两点阈、腕关节敏感度的变化达到显著或非常显著水平;而肌肉用力感和上肢多关节联动动觉准确性的变化差异未达到显著性水平;在三个不同疲劳状况下肤觉两点阈、腕关节敏感度与投篮准确性的变化相一致。

The semi-low normal distribution membership function of fatigue limit is determined, and the anti-fatigue fuzzy reliability compute formula of rotor is deduced. The fuzzy reliability model of rotor anti-fatigue is set up. Taking an internal shaft of the rotor of aero electric generator for an example, its reliability design can be realized by adopting the anti-fatigue reliability design theory presented in the dissertation.


Results of analysis show that Generalized Paris Law can consider the complex crack propagation in the material of the pavement structure. The fatigue life of the pavement increases with increasing thickness of surface layer in a power function. Use of a thicker surface layer may extend the service life of the asphalt pavement. The fatigue life increases with decreasing modulus of surface layer in a power function with a negative exponent. However, since reduced modulus would scarify the structural strength and might cause rutting-related distress, caution should be taken when using low modulus materials for improving fatigue performance of asphalt pavements. The fatigue life increases with increasing modulus of base material in a power function. However, the fatigue life can not infinitely increases with increasing modulus of the base.


Indoor flexural fatigue tests are carried out, the results are analyzed and two types of double logarithm fatigue equation under different stress level andequivalent stress level are got. Using the fatigue equation, the fatigue performance of porous concrete and common semi-rigid base materials and cement concrete are compared, the fatigue stress coefficient which is used in the load stress calculation for porous concrete as undersurface of cement concrete pavement and the tensile strength structure coefficient which is used in the flexural stress check for porous concrete as base of asphalt pavement are obtained.


Using the fatigue equation, the fatigue performance of porous concrete and common semi-rigid base materials and cement concrete are compared, the fatigue stress coefficient which is used in the load stress calculation for porous concrete as undersurface of cement concrete pavement and the tensile strength structure coefficient which is used in the flexural stress check for porous concrete as base of asphalt pavement are obtained.


The antifatigue function of more than forty kinds of insect,fungi,bacteria and algae was studied and sifted first in this study by detecting swimming endurance and biochemical indexes. Then,in order to choose the better ones from the compoud additives formulas composed of L-carnitine, taurine, octacosanol,vitaminE and insectA ,a cross design experiment was done. InsectA was discovered in the first experiment that it greatly improved the antifatigue function in mice. Finally, the acute toxicities, thirty-day feeding effects and the mechanisms of No. 1 antifatigue compoud additives(No.1ACF) were studied.


The damage represents complex mechanism. In this research based on T300/HT3 laminate structure, fatigue life is predicted phenomenologically, dealing mainly with in-plane stresses without accounting for out-of-plane failures such as craze. Fatigue modulus, based on damage mechanics, is used as a physical parameter which helps to describe the basic fatigue behaviors of unidirectional laminates and obtain expressions for cumulative damages defined by strains and stress. Based on some typical fatigue test data for unidirectional composite laminates, residual modulus sequence is found out.


The results show that wet air reduces both fatigue life and strength with the influence-factor of 0.6059 and 0.8722, respectively. Wet air environment enlarges the dispersivity of fatigue life, therefore using the corrosion-influence-factor obtained by eigenvalue or mean value to predict the fatigue life with high reliability will cause an unconservative conclusion.


更多网络解释与疲劳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2.视力疲劳(asthenopia) 是远视眼患者的主要自觉症状. 因远视眼无论看远或看近都要使用较多的调节力. 尤其持续近工作时调节更为强烈. 视力疲劳更为突出. 视力疲劳的典型表现为看书、写字时间稍久,就感觉字迹模糊;休息片刻,可能好转,

muscular asthenopia:肌性视疲劳

accommodative asthenopia 调节性视疲劳 | muscular asthenopia 肌性视疲劳 | heterophoric asthenopia 隐斜性视疲劳

anisometropic asthenopia:屈光参差性视疲劳

asthenopia, Asth 视疲劳曾用名"眼疲劳". | anisometropic asthenopia 屈光参差性视疲劳 | accommodative asthenopia 调节性视疲劳

asthenopia, Asth:视疲劳曾用名"眼疲劳

monocular diplopia 单眼复视 | asthenopia, Asth 视疲劳曾用名"眼疲劳". | anisometropic asthenopia 屈光参差性视疲劳

Damnification of fatigue:疲劳损伤

疲劳试验:Fatigue trial | 疲劳损伤:Damnification of fatigue | 疲劳分析:fatigue analysis

endurance limit:疲劳极限

endurance failure 疲劳破裂 | endurance limit 疲劳极限 | endurance test 疲劳试验

endurance test:疲劳试验

endurance limit 疲劳极限 | endurance test 疲劳试验 | endurance testing machine 疲劳试验机

fatigue strength:疲劳强度

变应力时的疲劳强度(fatigue strength)计算三、单向不稳定变应力时的疲劳强度(fatigue strength)计算四、双向稳定变应力时的疲劳强度(fatigue strength)计算五、提高机械零件疲劳强度(fatigue strength)的措施尽可能降低零件上的应力集中(stress concentration)的影响,


wearful /疲惫的/无聊的/厌烦的/ | wearily /疲倦地/厌倦地/无聊地/疲劳地/疲劳/ | weariness /疲倦/疲劳/厌倦/无聊/

fatigue curve:疲劳曲线=>疲労

fatigue cracking ==> 疲劳龟裂,疲劳开裂 | fatigue curve ==> 疲劳曲线=>疲労 | fatigue damage ==> 疲劳损坏