英语人>词典>汉英 : 疥疮 的英文翻译,例句
疥疮 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
psora  ·  scabies  ·  psorous  ·  puces

seven-year itch
更多网络例句与疥疮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They found that Balsam of Tolu worked very well for antibacterial, antifungal, and antiparasitic purposes so they immediately started using it for such things as scabies, ringworm, lice, minor ulcerations, wounds, bedsores, and diaper rash.


The common disorders easily confused with hard chancre were as follows: balanoposthitis,condyloma,acuminatum,genital herpes,folliculitis and furuncle,acute vulvae ulcer,genital tumors,fixed drug eruption,scabics nodules,Behcet's syndrome,chacroid and so on.


The elderly and people who do not have a fully functioning immune system are more likely to have crusted scabies.


Crusted scabies is extremely contagious, because of the larger number of mites, and can be passed on through bedding, towels, clothes and upholstery, as well as close physical contact.


What happened? Don't tell me that hick gave you scabies.- He's gone, with all the money


He fears to rise, convert hastily medicines of a hot or warm nature, eat hugger-mugger of and so on of rafter of bell breast, black go down, systemic float reveals the symptom with ulcer, scabies and dazed dazzled, what disease dogs and came almost.


A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies .


He made discoveries relating to a mercury chloride called corrosive sublimate.


Scabies is an itchy condition of the skin caused by a tiny mite, less than half a millimetre long.


Among the patients, fungal infections were correlated with male gender and bedridden status while xerosis was associated with increasing age. For scabies infection, a previous history of scabies was the most significant statistical risk factor.


更多网络解释与疥疮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

crusted scabies:厚痂性疥疮

Crustacea 甲壳纲 | crusted scabies 厚痂性疥疮 | Cryptosporidae 隐孢子虫科


italite 粗白榴岩 | itch 疥疮 | iteration method 迭代法


isthmus of fauces 咽峡 | itch 痒疥疮 | ithycyphos 脊柱后凸

scabies, itch:疥疮

rickets, rachitis 佝偻病 | scabies, itch 疥疮 | scarlet fever 猩红热

scabies, itch:疥疮AJy中国英语学习网

rickets, rachitis 佝偻病AJy中国英语学习网 | scabies, itch 疥疮AJy中国英语学习网 | scarlet fever 猩红热AJy中国英语学习网


psophometricweights噪声评价系数 | psora疥疮 | psoralen补骨脂内脂 补骨脂素


其特点为阵发性的前胸压榨性疼痛感觉,可伴有其他症状,疼痛主要位于胸骨后部,可...一、什么是疥疮 疥疮 (Scabies)是由于疥螨寄生于人体皮肤表层所引起的一种慢性接触性皮肤病.

Scabies ointment:疥疮软膏

萨昆桧 Savin tops | 疥疮软膏 Scabies ointment | 亚洲写根脂 Scammony resin

scabies keratotica:角化性疥疮

scabies 疥疮 | scabies keratotica 角化性疥疮 | scabies(疥疮) Disease ocasued by mites of genus Sarcoptes.

Antiscabious remedies:疥疮药

风湿病药 Antirheumatics | 疥疮药 Antiscabious remedies | 防腐药 Antiseptics