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疝 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
ramex  ·  hernias  ·  her.

更多网络例句与疝相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

objective: value the no tention hernia ring padding neoplasty in treating inguinal hermia.method: retrospectively analysize the clinical data of the no tention hernia ring padding neoplasty.result:the average time of the neoplasty is 40 minutes,the patients can make out-of-bed activity ,whom were treated after 6 hours.all of the patients were free of infection.2 patients felt foreign body sensation in inguinal groove and 1 person felt benumbed.conclusion: no tention hernia ring padding neoplasty is a valuable type of neoplasty,which operates simply,and the patients can get little injury ,rapid recovery and low relapse rate.

目的:探讨无张力环填充式修补术在腹股沟手术中的应用价值。方法:对30例腹股沟患者行无张力环填充式修补术后的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:手术时间平均40 min,切口疼痛2 d~7 d,术后6 h下床活动,无感染病例,腹股沟异物感2例,麻木1例。结论:环填充式无张力修补术是一项更符合生理解剖结构的治疗技术,操作简单,损伤小,恢复快,复发率低。

Results: Both sides of elder hernia sac became constrictive because of fibrosis caused by A ring, C ring chronic inflammation, which made hiatal hernia sac dilate like a expanded balloon, 7 cases were manifested stenotic at the two ends. Lithiasis in the hiatal hernia sac display of filling defect the same as the smoothly sac without aerogenic powder. Long axis of filling defect were accorded with that of esophagous, the sign could be described as "cast mould" of esophagous hiatal hernia sac.


Results 12 cases as abdominal hernia (of which indirect hernia 9 cases, direct hernia 2 cases, femorocele 1 case), ultrasonography shows middle-high echo or linkage heterogeniety echo clumps; 8 cases as hydrocele, Ultrasonogram shows anechoic; 2 cases as cryptorchidism, ultrasonography shows normal testicular middle-echo; 4 cases as lymph node mass (of which lymphoma 2 cases, lymph node metastasis 1 case, lymph node inflammatory change 1 case), acoustic image shows low weak echo; 4 cases as substance mass (of which fibroma 1 case, spermatic cord tumor 1 case, Desmoid tumor 1 case, spermatic cord inflammation 1 case), Ultrasonography shows non-uniformity middle-highor low echo.

结果 12例为腹外(其中斜9例、直2例、股1例),声像图表现为中高回声或混杂性回声团块;8例为鞘膜积液,声像图表现为无回声;2例为隐睾,声像图表现为似正常睾丸样中等回声;4例为淋巴结包块(其中淋巴瘤2例、淋巴结转移1例、淋巴结炎性改变1例),声像图表现为低弱回声;4例为实质性包块(其中纤维瘤1例、精索肿瘤1例、韧带样瘤1例、精索炎症1例),声像图表现为非均匀性中高回声或低回声。

Methods:Clinical data of 32 cases of laparoscopic herniorrhaphy for inguinal hernia was analyzed retrospectively.


Hernia sac/freeing ------ Search for associated hernias In cases of voluminous direct hernias, a thorough exploration of the groin is necessary to rule out any coexisting intraparietal, low lying Spieling or femoral hernias.

在巨型直时,需彻底探查腹股沟区以排除任何合并存在的腹壁间裂隙、低位的外侧腹壁(Spigelian )或股

Modified Kugel patch repair is conducive to resolving the weakness of myopectineal orifice which is the anatomical basis of inguinal hernia, it is a fundamental resolution to the characteristics of a variety of hernia co-exist and recurrence easily, so it is a better repair with the advantage of thorough treatment, recovery rapidly, fewer complication, and lower recurrences.


Sigmoid mesocolon hernias account for 6% of all internal hernias (1 3) and are divided into three categories (45): intersigmoid hernia, trans mesosigmoid hernia, and intermesosigmoid hernia.


Results One case with transverse mesocolon pore hernia, one with obturator hernia and one with paracecal hernia were confirmed by exploratory laparotomy. There were six cases whose hernias resulted from the fall of export jejuna into import jejuna after Billroth II anastomoses in front of colons, five from the pelvic bottoms' peritoneal fissure and four from the fissure appearing between descending colon and lateral abdominal wall after Miles' operation, one from greater omental adhesion to sigmoidal wall after sigmoidostomy, and one from inflammatory adhesion on the basis of Meckel's diverticulum. The other 17 cases' hernias (48.7%) were caused by the fissure among celiac adhesive bands, peritonea, celiac organs, enteric walls and intestines.

结果 剖腹探查手术证实为横结肠系膜裂孔1例;闭孔1例;盲肠旁1例;毕Ⅱ式结肠前吻合术后输出段空肠入输入段空肠与横结肠系膜间隙6例;Miles术后盆底腹膜裂开所致内5例;Miles术后降结肠与侧腹壁形成的间隙致内4例;大网膜与乙状结肠造口肠壁粘连形成内1 例;1例在梅克尔憩室基础上发生炎性粘连形成腹内;因腹腔粘连带与腹膜、腹腔脏器、肠壁、肠与肠之间的孔隙改变形成内17例(48.7%)。

A = foramen of Winslow hernia, B = left paraduodenal hernia, C = right paraduodenal hernia, D = transmesenteric hernia, E = pericecal hernia, F = transomental hernia, G = intersigmoid hernia.

图1 示意图显示上腹腔和下腹腔腹内的部位和方向。A,Winslow孔;B,左侧十二指肠旁;C,右侧十二指肠旁;D,肠系膜;E,盲肠旁;F,网膜;G,乙状结肠

Pelvic hernias include hernias through the broad ligament, perirectal fossa, and fossa of Douglas.


更多网络解释与疝相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

diaphragmatic hernia:膈疝

......[概述] 膈(Diaphragmatic Hernia)系指腹内脏器经由膈肌的薄弱孔隙、缺损或创伤裂口进入胸腔所致. 临床分为食管裂孔、先天性膈和创伤性膈三大类. [诊断] 结合临床表现、查体及X线同"横膈先天性缺损"查体和X线检查可以作出诊断.

hiatus hernia:食管裂孔疝

食管裂孔(hiatus hernia)是指腹腔内脏器(主要是胃)通过膈食管裂孔进入胸腔所致的疾病.食管裂孔是膈中最常见者,达90%以上.食管裂孔患者可以无症状或症状轻微,其症状轻重与囊大小,食管炎症的严重程度无关.裂孔和返流性食管炎可同时也可分别存在,

hiatus hernia:裂 孔 疝

疾病概述 食管裂孔(hiatus hernia)是指腹腔内脏器(主要是胃)通过膈食管裂孔进入胸腔所致的疾病. 食管裂孔是膈中最常见者,达90%以上. 食管裂孔患者可以无症状或症状轻微,其症状轻重与囊大小、食管炎症的严重程度无关.

Richter:疝 ** 肠管壁疝

Paget病 ** 乳头湿疹性乳腺癌 | Richter ** 肠管壁 | Maydl ** 逆行性嵌顿

epigastric hernia:上腹疝

白线(hernia of linea alba) 可发生于腹壁正中线(即白线)的不同部位,但绝大多数在脐上,故也称上腹(epigastric hernia). 下腹部两侧腹直肌靠得较紧密,白线部腹壁强度较高,故很少发生. 白线多在成人发生,与肥胖或妊娠有关.

herniopuncture:疝穿刺术 疝穿刺术

herninamycin 伯尔尼霉素 | hernioplasty 根治术 根治术 | herniopuncture 穿刺术 穿刺术

ischiatic hernia:坐骨孔疝

亦称臀(gluteal hernia)或坐骨孔(ischiatic hernia).坐骨临床 极为罕见, 多发生在中年以后的妇女, 尤以经产妇女为主. 男性虽有发生, 但更为少见.出途径以坐骨大孔脱出者为多.病因: 骨盆是由后方的骶骨 尾骨和两侧髋骨借骨连结而构成的坚强骨环.骨 盆的骶结节韧带,

hernia repositor:疝复位器,疝套入器

hernia probe 探针 | hernia repositor 复位器,套入器 | hernia retractor 牵开器

retroperitoneal hernia:腹膜后疝

腹膜后(Retroperitoneal Hernia)是腹内的一种类型 又称腹膜隐窝. 后腹膜少见,腹内包括:腹内容物穿过肠系膜特别是结肠系膜及阔韧带入异常开口;穿过网膜孔 先天性肠扭转异常及腹膜附着异物形成腹膜皱褶窝内后腹膜. 位置常在十二指肠周围

retrosternal hernia:胸骨后疝

腹腔脏器经胸肋三角突入胸腔心膈角区,称为先天性胸骨后膈,又称胸骨后(retrosternal hernia),胸骨旁(parasternal hernia),前外侧(anterolateral hernia)或Morgangri裂孔.