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疏 的英文翻译、例句

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更多网络例句与疏相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Can not connect the same-size matching the size of any trap, trap size can not represent the connection of water the size of sparse, with a diameter of the trap, may vary significantly hydrophobic; Therefore, traps should be selected based on equipment process conditions, the light trap manufacturer to provide matching trap parameters is the correct choice.


Can not connect the device size of random matching according to the same size of the trap, trap connection caliber can not represent the sparse amount of water the size of the same caliber of the trap, the hydrophobic capacity may vary widely; So when you use traps must be based on the device process conditions, in the light trap manufacturers matching parameters provided by the trap is the correct choice.


The experimental results show that hydrophobic association increases obviously with increasing polymer concentration, hydrophobe content, hydrophobic side chain length and temperature. The Critical aggregate concentration of P(AM/NaAA/C_8AM) with different hydrophobic content is 1.5-3g/L. Strong ass...

结果表明,随聚合物浓度、水单体摩尔分数、水侧链长和温度的增加,水缔合作用增强;不同水单体含量的P(AM/NaAA/C8AM)的临界缔合浓度为1.5~3.0 g/L;表面活性剂十二烷基硫酸钠与P(AM/NaAA/C8AM)发生了强烈的水相互作用,形成混合胶束,得到SDS的临界胶束浓度为8×10-3 mol/L;由于聚合物链上羧基的存在,使其具有良好的 pH敏感性,随 pH值的增大,P(AM/NaAA/C8AM)的水缔合作用呈现先减弱后恒定再增强的变化。

The experimental results show that hydrophobic association increases obviously with increasing polymer concentration, hydrophobe content, hydrophobic side chain length and temperature. The Critical aggregate concentration of P (AM/NaAA/C8AM) with different hydrophobic content is 1.5~3g/L. Strong association between surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate and P (AM/NaAA/C8AM) occurs through the formation of mixed micelles. The CMC of SDS is 8×10^(-3)mol/L. Moreover, because of the presence of-COOH group, the terpolymers have pH-responsive characterization. The hydrophobical association changes greatly with increasing pH.


The world's nuclear power plants in the nuclear island and conventional SAFETY VALVES island a number of important nuclear grade, non-nuclear grade valves, such as the pilot-type safety valve, the main steam isolation valves, regulating valves and other valves of nuclear power technology and markets are well-known nuclear power valves company monopolies, and the price very high.

世界上核电站中的核岛和常规岛中许多重要的核级、非核级阀门,如先导式安全阀、主蒸气隔离阀、调节阀等的核电阀门技术和市场均被著名的核电阀门公司所垄断,而且价格十分昂贵。Introduction of nuclear power valves 是由中国水阀网提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国水阀网还提供相关产品搜索:水阀型号、水阀价格、水阀技术、水阀新闻、水阀生产商等。

Some "water疏枝crossfall清浅, subtle fragrance floating on the evening."


The impact of temperature,pH and ionic strength on the volume phase transition of the hydrogels is studied.The result shows that the volume phase transition temperature of ionizable and thermosenstive copolymer hydrogels depend upon the hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of the comonomers...


The checks involved in fire damper, smoke damper, fire signal gate valve, butterfly valve, indoor fire hydrant, fire extinguishers, are lined fire hose, fire emergency lighting, point-type smoke fire detector.


Mechanical-type traps can be divided into the free float-type traps, the free semi-float type trap, pole float-type traps, inverted bucket type, etc. 1, Free Float Steam Trap Free float-type trap is simple, only one moving part within the fine grinding of stainless steel hollow float, float is both open and close parts, no wearing parts, long service life, steam traps with Y series automatic row-house air devices, very sensitive, automatically scheduling the air, high quality work.

机械型水阀又可分为自由浮球式水阀、自由半浮球式水阀、杆浮球式水阀、倒吊桶式等 1、自由浮球式水阀自由浮球式水阀的结构简单,内部只有一个活动部件精细研磨的不锈钢空心浮球,既是浮子又是启闭件,无易损零件,使用寿命很长,水阀内部带有Y系列自动排空气装置,非常灵敏,能自动排空气,工作质量高。

Guangxu Decade (1884), home Kashgar Road, a total of jurisdiction have疏勒, Shache two吉沙尔Province House and the Office of the United Kingdom, anti-Po Li sub-offices, and state Chihli Khotan.


更多网络解释与疏相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

campo cerrado:巴西疏林草原 疏林草原(巴西的)

campo 巴西草原 旱性草原(巴西的) Y | campo cerrado 巴西林草原 林草原(巴西的) Y | campo sujo 巴西稀树草原 木草原(巴西的) Y

steam trap:蒸汽疏水阀

英国皇家化学工业公司对其>中有关蒸汽水阀选型推荐:倒吊桶型蒸汽水阀(STEAM TRAP)作为所有工艺负荷和蒸汽主管线水阀(蒸汽水器)的首选,即所有需要对蒸汽水的场合.

steam trap:疏水器

当系统中产生冷凝水并进入水阀(水器) (STEAM TRAP)时,内置倒吊桶因自身重量处于水阀(水器) (STEAM TRAP)的下部. 这时位于水阀顶部的阀座开孔是打开的. 允许冷凝水进入阀体并通过顶部的孔排出阀体. 当蒸汽进入水阀.

Thinly stocked:疏郁闭,疏植

林地 Thin stocked land | 郁闭,植 Thinly stocked | 伐 Thinning

steam traps:蒸汽疏水阀

英国皇家化学工业公司对其>中有关蒸汽水阀选型推荐:倒吊桶型蒸汽 水阀(Steam Traps)作为所有工艺负荷和蒸汽主管线水阀(蒸 汽水器) 的首选,即所有需要对蒸汽水的场合.

steam traps:疏水阀

选用 水阀时,首先应选其特性能满足蒸汽加热设备的 最佳运行, 然后才考虑其他客观条件,这样选择你所需要的 水阀(Steam Traps)才是正确和有效的. 沈阳伟盛阀门制造有限公司,提供98系列蒸汽水阀(水器) 是机械型蒸汽水阀(水器)中最坚固的水阀之 一,

hydrophobic collapse:疏水折拢[由疏水作用而引起肽链的折叠]

hydrophily 水媒 | hydrophobic collapse 水折拢[由水作用而引起肽链的折叠] | hydrophobic labeling 水标记[例如通过非极性相互作用对蛋白质的内核进行光标记]

hydrophobic labeling:疏水标记[例如通过非极性相互作用对蛋白质的内核进行光标记]

hydrophobic collapse 水折拢[由水作用而引起肽链的折叠] | hydrophobic labeling 水标记[例如通过非极性相互作用对蛋白质的内核进行光标记] | hydrophobicity 水性


lyophillic colloid 亲液胶体 | lyophobe 液胶体;液物体 | lyophobic 液的


lyophilizer 冷冻干燥器 | lyophobe 液胶体 ;液物 | lyophobic 液的