英语人>词典>汉英 : 疆土 的英文翻译,例句
疆土 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与疆土相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There would be a time when Abaddon no longer waged bloody war across the territories of humanity.


As for your question, the hero of whom you ask is Agamemnon, son of Atreus, a good king and a brave soldier, brother-in-law as surely as that he lives, to my abhorred and miserable self.


450 Kilos gold bar (2) Family Valuable box ,silver grey which contains sum of US $16,000,000.00 .I need this deposited fund to be transferred outside my territory for investment in your country .

450 公斤金酒吧(2)家庭可贵的箱子,包含美国$16,000,000.00 I 需要的总和这笔被放置的资金转移在我的疆土之外为投资在您的国家的银色灰色。

Suggest that the process of revival in Byzantium accords with this model.


The emperors put a halt to sea trade and closed the shipbuilding industry; China looked inward for the next four centuries.


After the establishment of Zhou Dynasty, the royal families of Zhou adopted a system of enfeoffment to grant titles and territories to people who were "newly-granted nobles" and who were "praised nobles" with new contribution to defend their state territory.


During this period its territory was up 10 fold.


This vast and ill-founded empire seems indeed nodding to its fall .


This vast and ill-founded empire seems indeed nodding ''.


This is because American English is infiltrating the territories formerly known to be the territory of British English influence


更多网络解释与疆土相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

domino theory:多米诺理论,专门研究连锁反应的理论

domino effect,多米诺效应,指的是连锁反应 | domino theory,多米诺理论,专门研究连锁反应的理论 | dominion,n,统治权领土, 疆土, 版图


牠们的群(herd)都是有一定疆土的. 群群之间,划疆而居,互不侵犯,偶有疆界之争,各群为着保疆卫土,发生内战,往往也杀得尸骸满山,惨不忍睹的. 人类原是群居动物之一种,初民的部落也都是各有其划定疆土的. 他们之间所发生的部落战争(tribal war),

Khitan Liao Dynasty:契丹族辽国

* frontier: 疆土. | * Khitan Liao Dynasty: 契丹族辽国 | * Jurchen Jin Dynasty: 女真族金国


泰克又帮助五面怪和平收复了一座城池,那是他的故乡--陨石(Meteorite)城. 城市的名字是在碟形陨石坠落之后被更改的. 五面怪的亚智慧生物大军推过整座城市,继续向前进发,最后停在了城市的边界,守卫着新划的疆土.


由于美国"西进运动"疆土迅速扩大,"蒸汽时代"的汽船(Steamboat)的航行,铁路均不断伸展,在一定程度上减轻维持一个统一国家的困难. 1807年富尔顿(Fulton)建造的"克莱蒙特(Clermont)"号汽船工业革命首先出现于工场手工业最为发达的棉纺织业.

Mass graves remain unturned:尚未毀壞的墓園

Empires built,and nations burned帝國建立,疆土傾圮 | Mass graves remain unturned尚未毀壞的墓園 | Decendants of the dispossessed勇士們無所依偎的子孫們啊

Sticky wicket:困境

困难而更想到的东西/forbidden fruit | 困境/deep end;hot seat;QueerStreet;sticky wicket;tough spot | 扩展疆土者/empire builder



Prides are much smaller:狮群规模小了很多

But to live here, lions have had to change their habits.|而若想在此生存,狮子必须改变它们... | Prides are much smaller|狮群规模小了很多 | and their home ranges are very much bigger.|但家族的疆土面积却大大...

deep end;hot seat;QueerStreet;sticky wicket;tough spot:困境

困难而更想到的东西/forbidden fruit | 困境/deep end;hot seat;QueerStreet;sticky wicket;tough spot | 扩展疆土者/empire builder