英语人>词典>汉英 : 画图纸 的英文翻译,例句
画图纸 的英文翻译、例句


drawing paper
更多网络例句与画图纸相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Use A2 drawing paper, scale is 1 1, producing the detail drawing

用A2图纸,按照 1 1 比例,画出零件工作图。

I had been disheartened by the failure of my Drawing Number One and my Drawing Number Two.


She began to put her own works on different websites to discuss with other enthusiasts in the same camp.


So he drew some plans and hired an ironworker to make the potbellied Franklin stove.


From a view of perspective drawing, new CCTV Head Office Building seems like a letter "U" in mirror writing with an angel at its right.


Electrical system and support the main circuit when the circuit is also linked to separate with a painting in the drawings and paintings in the main circuit general auxiliary circuit to the left or above, the main circuit with pachytene, assisted by the thin circuit portrayed.


The Richelieu was a battleship of the French Navy, lead ship of her class.


Then you have three choices: use tracing paper, draw right on top of your drawing, or do a second drawing.


If you use tracing paper, then tape it to your page or paper-clip it down. Then draw the skeleton onto the figure.


更多网络解释与画图纸相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cartridge paper:画图纸,图画纸

54 cartridge fuse 熔断丝管,熔断丝 | 55 cartridge paper 画图纸,图画纸 | 56 CAT carburetor air temperature 化油器空气温度

cartridge fuse:熔断丝管,熔断丝

52 CART carton 卡片纸 | 54 cartridge fuse 熔断丝管,熔断丝 | 55 cartridge paper 画图纸,图画纸

drafting paper:画图纸

draft or draught起模斜度 | drafting paper 画图纸 | drafting tape 胶带纸

drawing block:活页画图纸

do the block [澳]逛马路 | drawing block 活页画图纸 | go to the block 上断头台 被拍卖

free hand drawing:徒手画/草图

图纸交换格式 Drawing Interchange Format DXF | 徒手画/草图 free-hand drawing | 徒手画字符/草图字符 free-hand drawing character

hand made paper:手工纸

hand drawing paper 手工画图纸 | hand-made paper 手工纸 | handkerchief paper 手帕纸

handbill paper:广告纸

ham wrapper 火腿包装纸,吸油纸 | handbill paper 广告纸 | hand drawing paper 手工画图纸


415.(3) 绘图机(Plotter)的规格一般是以 ①绘图笔的装载数量②绘图的速率③能画出的图纸规格④416.(4) 下列视频介面卡(Video Interface Card)中,解析度最高者为①MGP卡②CGA卡③EGA卡

copy paper:复印纸

绘制漫画的纸张通常选用原稿纸(manuscript paper)和复印纸(copy paper). 但肯特纸(Kent Paper) 最适合,因为可以画出利落的线条. 如若考虑到节省,绘图纸(design paper)也是不错的选择.

hand drawing paper:手工画图纸

handbill paper 广告纸 | hand drawing paper 手工画图纸 | hand-made paper 手工纸