英语人>词典>汉英 : 电荷密度波 的英文翻译,例句
电荷密度波 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

charge-density ware
更多网络例句与电荷密度波相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AWhen e-e interactions are neglected,the ground state of MX compounds is astable CDW in M sublattice accompanied by BOW in X sublattice.


A CDW may cover damage, but it also tends to be very expensive.


In the family of CDW materials,NbSe3 is a typical one that has been studiedthoroughly.


Top-tier technology resellers like CDW and CompUSA will not bother us as we will not impact them.


Some claim a CDW is just another way of ripping of the renter, while some business men suggest it is necessary.


If you go without a CDW and the worst should happen and the car is damaged, you might be tempted to return it and walk away, hoping no one will notice.


Some traveling business men suggest that a good way to save money is by declining the CDW, but you need to be careful of how to proceed.


For instance, as temperature decreasing, the Peierls transition will take place in one-dimensional (1D) conductor, at which supperlattice, charge density wave and spin density wave occur.


It includes the effects of π electron hopping between the alternate radicals and associated carbons on the bond order wave along the polyacetylene chain,the formation of charge density wave,and the effects of next-nearest-neighbor hoppings and electronic interactions.


As to the higher Landau levels, we conducted systematically calculations for the various possible ground states, such as the Laughlin liquid, the composite fermion liquid, the Wigner crystal, and the charge density wave . We find that when the Landau level index N≥2, the fractional quantum Hall states are ruled out and the CDW and Wigner crystal dominate. An exception occurs at around v=4+1/6, where the composite fermion liquid may be more energetically preferable than the CDW and the Wigner crystal states. This result provides a new explanation to the so-called re-entrant integral quantum Hall effect. In fact, the feature of isotropically metallic property at this filling is discerned from the experiment.


更多网络解释与电荷密度波相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bohr magneton:波尔磁子

此电荷转移导致内部原子费米能阶附近的自旋向上能态密度,相对於外层原子产生微小的损失. 这将造成内部原子的磁性减少约0.35个波尔磁子(Bohr magneton),而外部原子增加约0.39波尔磁子,结果是银13团簇的平均磁矩增加了.

CDW:abbr. charge-density-wave; 电荷密度波

charge density wave:电荷密度波

比如说,在铂(100)的重构表面上,我们发现表面电子有很强地形成电荷密度波(charge density wave)的倾向(10). 原因是当重构发生时,表层的原子密度远高过下层,导致表层浮起来,使其近似於一个二维系统. 造成金属或半导体的表面重构或结构相变的原因很多,

charge density wave:abbr. cdw; 电荷密度波

Fermi energy:费米能(量)

这『电荷密度波』的形成对於一维金属系统的物理性质有重大的影响,例如说系统的电子能态於费米能量(Fermi energy)打开了一能隙,使得系统由金属变成了绝缘体.


他们发现母体材料1T-TiSe2发生的电荷密度波相变不是通常的金属-绝缘体相变,而是由半金属(semimetal)到另外一个半金属状态的相变. 该相变不是源自于费米面叠套,而是由于特殊的电子-空穴相互作用所驱动(Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,

electric surface density:面电荷密度

"electric supply line ","供电线,电源线" | "electric surface density ","面电荷密度" | "electric surge ","电突波,电浪涌"

space craft:太空船;宇宙飞船

space charge wave 空间电荷波 | space craft 太空船;宇宙飞船 | space density 空间密度

space craft:宇宙飞船;宇宙飞船

空间电荷波 space charge wave | 宇宙飞船;宇宙飞船 space craft | 空间密度 space density