英语人>词典>汉英 : 电脑绘图 的英文翻译,例句
电脑绘图 的英文翻译、例句


computer graphics
更多网络例句与电脑绘图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Cuttting plotter.Laser engraver.CNC engraver machines.Inkjet Printer.vinyl cutter,cnc,router,engraving,carven, carving...

巧士科技电脑割字机,电脑刻字机,电脑绘图机,雷射雕刻机, CNC雕刻机,割字软体,雕刻软体。。。

For the first 2 years, fundamental art trainings are organized by the school, such as sketching, chromatology, sculpturing, design, film analysis etc, while the last 3 years involve computer drawing, 3D computer software, story script, editing and music etc.


In the pilot study, students gestate the design with SCAMPER strategy. The result of this pilot study showed that the SCAMPER could not only keep off the problem of overabundant special efficacy in digital creation, but also provide the scaffold of computer graphics.


Yutian the original company, Taiwan's production equipment package of handmade, lasercomb from Germany in 2002 the introduction of computer graphics, computers proofer, laser cutting machine, computer, etc. cutlass complete set of advanced production lines producing high-tech equipment (accuracy 0.02mm ), and with bottom-mode, metal processing, hot embossing molds with a team of experienced, highly skilled computer designers, laser engineers, equipment technicians knife. From Germany in 2006 to introduce the world's leading power laser knife mold and three-dimensional printing technology.


Topics are tackled from multiple standpoints, including optics, psychophysics, computer graphics and computer vision.


And can be cut, and a variety of materials, precision cutting demanding the ability to use pulse laser cutting die computer printer and the computer automatically scimitar machine, can be used in cutting die plus scimitar machine cutlasses, fast, and accurate.


Because the techniques of the biochemical waste treatment are very important, the techniques of the cultivation of the microorganism have received more attention in recent years. A study is conducted to analyze the steady states and dynamic bechavior of the reactions of the cell-substrate and the prey-predator interaction in two chemostats in series. For the reaction of cell-substrate in two chemostats in series, if the specific growth rate of the Monod model is used for the cell , there are three types of steady states for this reaction system. These three types of steady states and stability are analyzed in detail. The dynamic behavior of this reaction system is analyzed by the numerical method and computer graphs. The results show that the dynamic behavior of this system consists of stable steady states.


In the process of their comic creations, most of students have developed their own habits and C.G. creation procedures. A few students could even manipulate both C.G.T. and C.G.


Combining C.G.T. and the C.G., we can make good use of the features of C.G. and let the graphic art creators enjoy the fun of C.G. much more than before.


Owning to the advantages and convenience of C.G.T. and C.G., this research is aimed to apply them to the comic creations for the 5th graders of elementary school. It's expected that students will more enjoy the fun of comic creations through their experience of using C.G.T. and C.G.


更多网络解释与电脑绘图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

catch up:空白部分起脏 版面污染 版面感染

Cast-coated paper 抛光涂料纸 镜面铜版纸;玻璃铜版纸 玻璃粉纸 | Catch-up 空白部分起脏 版面污染 版面感染 | Computer graphic 计算机图像处理 电脑绘图 电脑绘图

Computer Graphics:電腦繪圖

1970年代中期以后除了以有限元素计算为主之应用继续蓬勃发展外,电脑绘图(Computer Graphics)技术亦开始被运用於土木工程图之绘制上(例如,谢鸿卿、钟善藤,1981;朱柟、叶铭煌、周同生,1981;朱柟、何兆龄,1983),

Advanced Computer Graphics:高级电脑绘图

Adult Learning and Global Change 成人学习与全球改变 | Advanced Computer Graphics 高级电脑绘图 | Geoinformatics 地理信息


CV:Computer Visualizer电脑绘图员 | CW:Copywriter撰稿人 | DCS:Director of Client Service客户主管

Hard Disk Size: 20 GB:硬盘大小: 20绿化地带

Graphics Memory Size: 16 MB 绘图记忆体大小: 16甲基溴 | Hard Disk Size: 20 GB 硬盘大小: 20绿化地带 | Label: Nec Computers 标签: nec电脑

output device:输出装置

答: 输出装置 (output device) 可以将电脑处理完毕的二进位资料转换成使用者可以理解的文字、图形、音讯或视讯,然后显示出来,例如萤幕、印表机、绘图机、液晶投影机等.


大多数人不是为了安装操作系统而安装操作系统的,我们买电脑的目的最终还是想用软件,Windows是好,但是在,Windows下能够使用的应用软件确实太贵了, 例如办公软件(Office)、绘图软件(PhotoShop)等;请不要跟我说盗版,偷书就不能算偷么?


Advanced Illustration 1 电脑绘图软件高级Illustration1 | Cartooning 卡通制作 | History of Arts Part I 艺术史1

The Rescuers Down Under:(救难小英雄澳洲历险记)

1990年<<救难小英雄:澳洲历险记>>(The Rescuers Down Under)成为迪士尼第一部动画剧情片,全片由刚推出的电脑动画绘图系统(Computer Animation Paint System,简称CAPS)制作,是迪士尼首次摒弃墨水与绘图的方法所制作出来的动画.

The Rescuers Down Under:年 救难小英雄澳洲历险记

1990 年<<救难小英雄:澳洲历险记>>(The Rescuers Down Under)成为迪士尼第一部动画剧情片,全片由刚推出的电脑动画绘图系统(Computer Animation Paint System,简称CAPS)制作,是迪士尼首次摒弃墨水与绘图的方法所制作出来的动画.