英语人>词典>汉英 : 电极化的 的英文翻译,例句
电极化的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与电极化的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Using DC and AC poling methods, three groups of polarized PZT/P 70/30composites have been prepared by poling only the ceramic phase(1), both ceramic and polymerphases in the same(2) and opposite(3) directions. Piezoelectric coefficients of group 1 compositesincrease as the PZT content increasing, while for group 2 composites, the piezoelectric coefficientschange the sign with increasing PZT content because piezoelectricity of copolymer is increasinglycompensated by that of PZT, and PZT content for zero-〓 isn't that for zero-〓. The experimentdata of both group 1 and 2 composites agree well with EMT-Shin model.


P. P. Raevski〓, and pointed that this polarization at grain boundary between WO〓 monoclinic and triclinic phases causes a modification to Schottky barrier is origin of nonlinear electrical characteristic of tungsten oxide polycrystalline ceramics.


Mathematics model of dielectric under uniform electric field is built up, and total current is separated into three parts such as conductive current, instantaneous current and relaxation polarization current, then polarization and depolarization of linear and non-linear dielectric are simulated under step excitation, the results show that nonlinearity of non-linear conductivity is reflected by measuring surface potential attenuation during the process of self-discharge of non-linear dielectric.


A series of experiments were done to substantiate the feasibility of the different piezoelectric cochlea implants in vitro and in vivo . The unpoled ceramic had no piezoelectric characteristic and no ability to decrease the threshold, while the poled ceramic had obvious piezoelectric effect to recover the hearing. Based on these results, it can be affirmed that the piezoelectric cochlea implant can activate the nerve and decrease the threshold.


A series of experiments were done to substantiate the feasibility of the different piezoelectric cochlea implants in vitro and in vivo. The unpoled ceramic had no piezoelectric characteristic and no ability to decrease the threshold, while the poled ceramic had obvious piezoelectric effect to rec


Specific subjects Ab initio and Density functional theory calculations of electric polarizability and hyperpolarizability, intermolecular forces, aromaticity, molecular design, electric properties of solvated molecules, NLO materials, Raman intensisties, polarizability of metal and semiconductor clusters, relativistic effects on electric properties, and more.


Dynamics theory of ferroelectric polarons, which was developed from the shielding theory of ferroelectricity, is used to explain the polarization switch of ferroelectricity.


Spin injection make the spin density of the polarons different at the different position in the organic semiconductor.


The reduction in switchable polarization of ferroelectric thin film is a major problem in ferroelectric mem...


The reduction in switchable polarization of ferroelectric thin film is a major problem in ferroelectric memories.


更多网络解释与电极化的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


elastic wave 弹性波 | electret 柱极(电介)体(永久极化的电介质) | electret microphone 柱极体传声器

electret microphone:柱极体传声器

electret 柱极(电介)体(永久极化的电介质) | electret microphone 柱极体传声器 | electric 电的、带电的


electropneumatic 电动气动的 | electropolar 电极化的 | electropolishing 电解抛光


electroplexy 电休克 | electropolar 电极化(的),电极性(的) | electropositive 阳电性的,正电性的


电解通常是在不可逆的情况下进行的,分解电压常常大于理论分解电压. 有电流通过电极时,电极电势偏离平衡值的现象,称为电极的极化作用 (Polarization). 采用超电势(Overpotential)定量描述电极极化的程度,符号为.


一般而言,浅电破,就是在寄主材料(host material)中植入两种以上的电偶极,可假设第j 种电偶极的偏极化率(polarizability)为将有助於导引下一阶段的实验(如:罩幕(masking)及剂量的改变).

susceptible to plugging:易堵塞的

对...敏感 susceptible to | 易堵塞的 susceptible to plugging | 灵敏度;磁化率;电极化率 susceptiveness


易堵塞的 susceptible to plugging | 灵敏度;磁化率;电极化率 susceptiveness | 衬托器;感受器;基座 susceptor

electrically poled:电极化的

thermocouple 热(电)偶 | electrically poled 电极化的 | orbital 轨道


在没有外加电场的情形下该种分子的正铁电体(ferroelectric)有自发的电极化强度, 就是说即使没有外场, 该种物质本身也会有电极化强度. 钛酸钡(BaTiO3)就