英语人>词典>汉英 : 电子能级 的英文翻译,例句
电子能级 的英文翻译、例句


electron energy level · electronic energy level
更多网络例句与电子能级相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Furthermore,the of wave numbers of every band spectrum was derived.


This paper analysis the interaction inside of two-electron atomic system by using Bohr Theory and the method of theoretical analysis, and presents a quantitative analysis, and discusses the feature and characteristic of energy level and spectral about two-electron atomic, based on the experimental data offered by China Basic Science Data Center.


If the laser is in ultraviolet-visible wave, photons activate choicely electron energy level or destroy weak bond of compound molecule, and result in chemistry reaction, which is photo leading decomposition mechanism, if the laser is in infrared wave, the chemistry reaction mainly is heat decomposition mechanism.


Electrons at the same electron energy level are also said to be in the same electron shell.


The energy state of an electron within an atom, represented by the electron energy level or shell, can theoretically represent one, two, four, eight, or even 16 bits of data.


Similarly, the number of negatively charged electrons moving around the nuclei of the atoms increases across a period, but the additional electrons are all located in the same electron energy level or shell.


Theoretical predict is given, that electron density of inner shell at nuclear surface decreases and energy level also decreases with increasing of charge state, nuclear lifetime increases slightly with previous reason but increases with a jump when energy level drops to a critical value.


With the combination of the optimal control theory and MCTDH method, optimal controlling of multi-dimensional multi-state molecule such as pyrazine is realized. The quantum dynamics of this molecule under the excitation of optimal pulse is simulated.


The energy levels and vibrational spectra of MgF2:V2+ crystal are calculated by using discreate variational Xαmethod.


The direction and the strength of the spin polarization are well controllable and manipulatable by simply varying the strength of spin-orbit interaction or the energy levels in quantum dots.


更多网络解释与电子能级相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

atomic energy level:原子能级

添加到百度搜藏[简介]原子物理学 > 原子能级(atomic energy level) 原子能级(atomic energy level) 原子中的电子只能在一系列不连续的状态下运动,它们具有不连续的能量值.

Atomic Physics:原子物理学

原子物理学(Atomic Physics) 原子物理学 电子在原子轨道中的填充顺序, 电子在原子轨道中的填充顺序,并不是 原子轨道能级高低的顺序, 原子轨道能级高低的顺序,填充次序遵循的 原则是使原子的总能量保持最低.

electron energy level:电子能级

能级组成:除了电子能级(Electron energy level)外,分子吸收能量将伴随着分子的振动和转动,即同时将发生振动(Vibration)能级和转动当强度为I0的入射光束(Incident beam) 通过装有均匀待测物的介质时,该光束将被部分吸收,

electron energy level:电子能级,电子能量级

electron energy analyzer 电子能量分析器 | electron energy level 电子能级,电子能量级 | electron energy loss spectroscopy 电子能量损失能谱学

fermi level:费米能级

费米能级(Fermi level)是绝对零度下电子的最高能级. 根据泡利不相容原理,一个量子态不能容纳两个或两个以上的费米子(电子),所以在绝对零度下,电子将从低到高依次填充各能级,除最高能级外均被填满,形成电子能态的"费米海".

energy levels:能级

通常用这一单尤其是指按所占的能级(energy levels)排列的方式. 每个电子的特征可用来表示相对原子质量(relative atomic mass) 的质量单位. 它利用石墨作减速剂(moderator) 的核反应堆(nuclear reac- tot)逆电动势. 再有,在电池中,

ionisation energy:电离能

electronic energy level电子能级 | ionisation energy电离能 | atomic orbital原子轨道(函数)

quasi electronic switching system:准电子开关系统

quartz wavemeter 石英波长计 | quasi electronic switching system 准电子开关系统 | quasi fermi level 准费密能级

quasi electronic switching system:准电子开关系统APU中国学习动力网

quartz wavemeter 石英波长计APU中国学习动力网 | quasi electronic switching system 准电子开关系统APU中国学习动力网 | quasi fermi level 准费密能级APU中国学习动力网

triplet positronium:三重态正子电子偶

三重态能级 triplet level | 三重态正子电子偶 triplet positronium | 三重态能谱 triplet spectrum