英语人>词典>汉英 : 由于反射的 的英文翻译,例句
由于反射的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reverberatory  ·  reverberatories

更多网络例句与由于反射的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Such changes may be due to disuse following reflex inhibitory mechanisms.


A linear polarizer is an excellent solution in applications that require glare reduction due to reflected light.


When the primary air blast wave from the explosion strikes the ground, another blast wave is produced by reflection.


The presence of pus in the urine, usually a sign of urinary tract infection.


Additional experiments measuring airways resistance, total pulmonary resistance, and static and dynamic compliance tended to support the hypothesis that the fog effect is due to reflex bronchoconstriction.


Polygon microcavities have the same light confinement scheme by the totally internal reflectivity as the microdisk, however, the mode characteristics are diverse due to the different symmetry properties.


This will result in the fluctuation of the sensitivity of the system because of the existing of the dispersion of the reflection-induced retardance.


Those results showed that the speed of crystallization was increased so that the spherocrystal with small uniform was formed.


This is a unique quantum reflection process considering the fundamental properties of quantized vortex.


Our investigation has shown that:ⅰ there was an interference effect between the incident and reflected matter waves as all the atoms in BECs were coherent;ⅱ considering the rotation of a vortex, the nonuniform velocity distribution along the surface would play an important role in the quantum reflection process. For example, they would change the characteristics of the interference fringes between the incident and reflected matter waves;ⅲ the reflected vortex became unstable for sufficiently low incident velocity or strong interaction. This sort of instability physically originated from dynamics excitations induced by the atomic interaction in the quantum reflection process.


更多网络解释与由于反射的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

color film:色膜

该类产品根据各地区法规,有有色膜(Color Film)、不反射膜(Non reflective film)和反射膜(Reflective film). 对汽车膜的要求一般为:透光率高、防爆安全性好,由于汽车属于高档消费品各生产厂家提供的产品寿命一般在4-7年.

critical angle:界角

五棱镜内的反射并非由完全内反射造成,由于光束是以少于临界角(critical angle)进入,两个反射面是镀上反射物料以造成镜面的反射效果,而两个传递面则镀上防反光涂层以减低反射.

Solar dermatitis:日光性皮炎

日光性皮炎(Solar Dermatitis)又称晒伤(sunburn)是由于日光的中波紫外线过度照射后,引起人体局部皮肤发生的光毒反应. 经常参加户外锻炼使皮肤产生黑色素以增强皮肤对日光敏感性较强的病人应尽量避免日光曝晒外出时做好防护如打伞戴草帽手套等还可以外用一些避光剂:如反射性遮光剂15%氧化锌软膏;


记录介质层为有机染料,如酞花菁(phthalocyanine)、花菁(cyanine)或金属,反射层通常采用反射率、熔点较高的金属,最常用的是金. CD-R采用金膜是由于金具有良好的抗腐性和很高的光反射率. 此外,CD-R夹层中的多膜与底层之间还有一层染料层,



reflectance spectrum:反射光谱

从绿色植物的全波段反射光谱(reflectance spectrum)可以看出,在可见光范围内,绿色植物在绿色波段(波长在550μm左右)会有一个反射峰值(green peak). 这是由于健康的绿色植物进行光合作用(叶绿素在光合作用过程中吸收可见光谱中的红色波段)引起的.

reflecting telescope:反射望远镜

曾任格拉斯哥大学解剖学和化学系教授, 爱丁堡大学医药化学系教授.詹姆斯.格利戈理, 反射望远镜(reflecting telescope)的发明者.著名物理学家、发明家开尔文(Lord Kelvin) 原名W.汤姆孙(William Thomson),由于装设第一条大西洋海底电缆有功,


返流误吸处理 返流(regurgitation)指由于贲门松驰或胃内压力过高等原因,胃内容物逆流到咽喉腔的现象. 误吸指由于病人咽喉反射迟钝或消失,胃内容物进人气道,.. (2007-03-07)


reverberatorreverberatory 反射炉 | reverberatory 由于反射的 | reverentandrespectfulextremelydeferential 毕恭毕敬


超声图像有颗粒存在是一种被称为散斑(speckle)的现象. 散斑是由于不同的独立散射物质(类似无线领域的多路无线电频率反射)的相互作用所导致,并且是倍增的性质. 超声图像可通过有损压缩的方法来消除斑点. 首先,取图像的对数;