英语人>词典>汉英 : 用钉钉住 的英文翻译,例句
用钉钉住 的英文翻译、例句


nail down
更多网络例句与用钉钉住相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The coppersmith striking with the hammer encouraged him that forged at that time, saying: It is ready for soldering: and he strengthened it with nails, that it should not be moved.


When Sui Chao, the person that has horse of a surname and a person of surname king drink together once, during side of wine to one's heart's content is hot, the person that surnames a horse mocks " king " the word says:"You this ' king ' ah, surname originally so ' 2 ', go because of your all over the sky only, use so ' move pin your nose."


A single sheet of paper, pinned to the door for the cleaning lady, marked the moment when the French writer-philosopher André Gorz and hi**ritish-born wife Dorine reached the final chapter in their poignant love story.


Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed battened and secured by overall metal strapping.


Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. cases must be nailed, battened and secured by overall metal strapping.


4 Panel Cleated Cases Plywood Cases A nailed timber case having two or more inside or outside cleats, on two opposite faces, to reinforce the case and increase its nailing area.


Zhang: The cardboard boxes will be stapled before being sealed with binding tape.


When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner.


When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner.


A small, hook-shaped carpal bone of the wrist.To fasten or plug with a peg or pegs.


更多网络解释与用钉钉住相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

nail down:用钉钉住

nail down to 束缚 | nail down 用钉钉住 | nail file 指甲锉

nail down to:束缚

nail clippers 指甲钳 | nail down to 束缚 | nail down 用钉钉住


peewee 矮小的 | peewit 田凫 | peg down 用木钉钉住



pin sb. down:使某人做出承诺

pin n.大头针 vt.用别针别住;钉住,使不能行动 | pin sb down 使某人做出承诺 | pinch vt.捏,拧,掐,夹痛,紧压 n.压力,重压

tack, tach:词根表"钉

clinical surgery 临床外科 | tack, tach词根表"钉" | tack 大头钉;用大头钉钉住

peg out:安扎营帐; 把...摊开在地钉住; 用木桩标出...的边界; 筋疲力尽而倒下

peg down 用木钉钉住 | peg out 安扎营帐; 把...摊开在地钉住; 用木桩标出...的边界; 筋疲力尽而倒下 | peg to hang on 可使...站得住脚的依据

clinched the gold medal clinch:原意为"用钉子钉住"这里指问鼎金牌

5. rewrote the world record 改写世界记录 | 6. clinched the gold medal clinch 原意为"用钉子钉住"这里指问鼎金牌 | 7. chop off 原意为"砍掉,切去",这里指"领先,超出"

Hammer a tack into the wall:用锤子往墙上钉一颗钉子

tack 大头钉;用大头钉钉住 | Hammer a tack into the wall. 用锤子往墙上钉一颗钉子. | I tacked the carpet down. 我钉牢地毯.

peg down:用木钉钉住

peewit 田凫 | peg down 用木钉钉住 | peg 钉