英语人>词典>汉英 : 用胶棉处理 的英文翻译,例句
用胶棉处理 的英文翻译、例句


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Finally, the grafting polymerization of textile materials initiated by microwave low temperature plasma was conducted. Knitted cotton fabric was grafted by AMPS first, then knitted cotton and terylene/cotton fabrics were grafted with AMPS/NIPA dualistic monomers respectively. By means of grafting polymerization, the P dualisticintelligent hydrogel was added to textile.The influences of the factors on add-on, such as treatment time and power of plasma, concentrations of crosslinking agent and total monomers, proportion of AMPS, polymerizing temperature and time etc, was studied fully. The optimal conditions of grafting polymerization initiated by microwave low temperature plasma were determined by orthogonal design, variance analysis and mathematical statistics method so as to analyze the main influencing factors. Then swelling/deswelling kinetics, temperature-sensitivity and pH-sensitivity of grafted textile were studied. The performance indexes of hydrostatic pressure, moisture permeability and bursting strength of the knitted cotton and terylene/cotton fabrics before and after grafting were compared and evaluated synthetically.


更多网络解释与用胶棉处理相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


利用遮瑕膏 (concealer) 或粉底液,针对在意的部位,少量多次地上妆,也可以针对眼尾、眼下等重点局部处理. 如果担心眼周肌肤太乾燥,妆前先上些眼胶或保湿的饰底乳,接著在眼圈和局部瑕疵处点上粉底,用指腹轻推开;以手指或海棉弹点的过程,