英语人>词典>汉英 : 用网捕 的英文翻译,例句
用网捕 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
net  ·  nets

更多网络例句与用网捕相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The birds fly", soaring in the skies are not caught with nets, archery bow could not use, is extremely safe, but in order to "bulimia" from high-altitude flying, the shooting death arrested;"abyss of fish , open in the deep water, the fish fork stabbed not, could not catch fish hooks, can be said to be extremely safe, and an incense in order to bait, however, they swim to the surface of the water, fish fork was stabbed to death by the fish hook钓起, the food table as a fisherman.


Fishing-rod, fish-hook and other line tackle, fish-landing net, butterfly net and similar net; decoy "birds" and similar hunting or shooting requisite


My girlfriend and I went on to read that apparently two girls were swimming in one of the large ponds there is on the land and one of the girls got caught up in the net that Jamie's father was using to drag the pond of any catfish. Well Jamie tried to get Lauren untangled from the net but it was too late.


The life table of natural population of cotton bollworm in cotton was studied. The important factors that caused the death of second and third generation of cotton bollworm in cotton field were predacious natural enemies.


The influencing effects of grain production systems on the population of second generation of cotton bollworm in cotton were studied. The multi-harvest system provided cotton a good protection against cotton bollworm due to the corn plants in this system strongly attracted cotton bollworm adults when they were ovipositing, therefore reduced the density of cotton bollworm in cotton, compared with ton-grain system..


Holiday-makers at the site in New South Wales managed to trap the creature in a net and jump on it to hold its jaws shut.


Princess kept touching her shoulder, at which point a glowing light net sprang out and stunned anyone it contacted.


I'm a "catch and release" fisherman, which means I don't kill the trout I catch, but net and handle them gently and set them free.


更多网络解释与用网捕相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Latimeria chalumnae:矛尾鱼

腔棘鱼长期被认为约在6,000万年前即已绝灭,而1938年却在非洲南部近岸用网捕到一条现生种类--矛尾鱼(Latimeria chalumnae). 在悬赏徵集之下,1952年在科摩罗(Comoros)群岛捕得第二尾(命名为Malania anjouanae,可能与矛尾鱼是同一种).

Alcippe morrisonia:灰眶雀鹛

用网捕-环志法和固定样点法研究海南岛尖峰岭几种雀形目鸟的移动和行为.共调查样点489个,记录到鸟类137种.张网6 426网小时,环志41种428只鸟.8种29只鸟被回收32次,总回收率为7.5%.棕颈钩嘴鹛(Pomatorhinus ruficollis)、灰眶雀鹛(Alcippe morrisonia)等6种鸟活动高度多在3 m以下;

A monster jellyfish ensnares them in a venomous web:一个怪物水母用一个有毒液的网诱捕它们

They know not what lies in wait below.|它们... | A monster jellyfish ensnares them in a venomous web...|一个怪物水母用一个有毒液的网诱捕它们 | ...that can stretch more than 30 feet across.|他们可以拉伸超...

flat-headed harpoon:捕鲸用平头銛

flat sour 扁平酸败 | flat-headed harpoon 捕鲸用平头銛 | fleer; drag; fluke trawl 小型桁曳网

crab trammel; crab trammel net:二重刺网{捕蟹用}

crab scrape 蟹耙网 | crab trammel; crab trammel net 二重刺网{捕蟹用} | crab trap 捕蟹笼