英语人>词典>汉英 : 用板覆盖 的英文翻译,例句
用板覆盖 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
board  ·  boarded

更多网络例句与用板覆盖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A high-speed moldboard raise-and-lower function is available on loaders with Selectable Joystick Controls to allow the operator to override the laser system and make quick adjustments as necessary.


Blegen's dig is now covered by a huge, open-sided sheet-metal hangar, erected by the Greek government to protect the low, rubble footprint of the late Bronze Age palace.


Using single sided unetched printed circuit board for the backplane is one, as the fibreglass board is quite strong and the copper is already bonded to the board which you can use as the reflector.

用 单面印刷电路板做底板就是一个,玻璃纤维板非常结实,铜已经覆盖在上面了,可以成为很好的反射板。

I guess one of the interesting things about it is that it's a fibro house and most houses I guess these days are brick veneer, whereas this is fibro on the outside, timber on the outside, but there's bricks on the inside


Most houses I guess these days are brick veneer , whereas this is fibro on the outside, timber on the outside, but there's bricks on the inside.


All requirements for and ESL 60 machine are now covered: bottles sterilization and cap sterilization with ozonated water or hydrogen peroxide; washing and sterilization of the clean chamber; inclined main plate guaranteeing complete flow out off any fluid and dry up of the machine floor; construction allowing automatic washing using spherical and dedicated nozzles for supply of washing fluid; sterile air with overpressure supply, monitored by differential manometers, received by three-step filtration with enzyme HEPA filters.

对所有的要求和ESL 60机现覆盖:瓶子和瓶盖的消毒与臭氧水或过氧化氢杀菌,洗涤和清洁室消毒;斜板的主要保证完成关闭任何液体流出来的机器干地上;建设允许使用全自动洗衣机的洗涤液供应球形和专用喷嘴,与超压供应无菌空气,用差压力表监测,通过三步酶HEPA过滤器过滤欢迎。

A composite laminate with bonded piezoelectric film as sensor under uniaxilstretching is analyzed by means of modified quasi threed-dimensional finite element method.


Size and fixed up with adhesive plaster in the assay of ursolic acid, after spraying with


更多网络解释与用板覆盖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


没用文治木料覆盖的外部板件涂有一层清澈、高光泽度的黑漆. 黑木的内部设计以林肯.航海家为基础,但在转向盘和仪表板上采用文治木以加强其特色. 安装在地板上的中央控制台里面有一个全球定位系统. 四个斗式坐椅是用黑色康诺利(Connolly)真皮蒙面.


希腊人用中空的圆来表示零,最大的可能是来自覆盖了沙粒的计算板上拿走计算用的小 石头后留下的痕迹.如果有单词来表达"可能(possible)"和"很可能(probable)"之间的 微小差别,我们可选的一个单词应该是这些其中的一个:将要(would) ,应该(should),