英语人>词典>汉英 : 用拉丁文写 的英文翻译,例句
用拉丁文写 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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In 1769, after further experimenting, Volta published a dissertation,"Dcvi attractiva"in Latin, which reinterpreted some of Beccaria's hypotheses and Franklin's theory of the"unique attractive" principle.

在 1769 年,在比较进一步的实验之后,伏打出版了一本用拉丁文写的论文" De vi attractiva",重新解释一些 Beccaria 的假定和富兰克林理论那"独特的吸引力的"原则。

These verses in sixth century Latin raise the question whether the two thieves of Calvary were named, as is commonly believed, Dismas and Gestas, or Dismas and Gesmas.


Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur


There is a musty chronicle, written in tolerable Latin


There is a musty chronicle, written in tolerable Latin.


That is the four Gospels in Latin, probably copied from the Vulgate.


Preferably not; swaydo-intellectual Latinisms cut no ice with him, unless he allowed himself a silkily Catulline ave atque vale.


The text, conserved in collections dating from 1625, is written in the Valencian language, with several parts in Latin.


These records thousands of books, ledgers, folios and statements documenting nearly every transaction that the Banco di San Giorgio undertook between 1407, when it was incorporated, and 1805, when it was shut down are written in Latin, in a beautiful script that appears to have changed little over four centuries.


Liberty was untidier than that. It was students camped in his LSE office; it was cross-bench voting in the House of Lords, to which he was appointed in 1993; it was his father's passionate underlinings, in red crayon, in Max Weber's "Politics as a Vocation"; it was a schoolboy ripping up his prison mattress in order to write down, defiantly, all the Latin he knew.


更多网络解释与用拉丁文写相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


主体一只胸前带有盾(shield)形图案的秃鹰(BALD EAGLE). 秃鹰上方的顶冠内13颗白色五角星代表美国最初的13个殖民地. 鹰爪分别抓着橄榄枝(olive brance)和箭(arrows);鹰嘴叼着黄色绶带上用拉丁文写着的"合众为一"(E pluribus unum means "Out of Many One".


书上用拉丁文写着"旧约与新约". 下面缎带上的古体大写拉丁文是Dei sub numine viget,也是校训. 英译是Under God's power she flourishes("因为上帝的力量,学校欣欣向荣"). 5.康奈尔大学校徽(纽约州) 康奈尔(Cornell)地处纽约州 ...