英语人>词典>汉英 : 用户支持 的英文翻译,例句
用户支持 的英文翻译、例句


customer support
更多网络例句与用户支持相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We wish that, with the support of all old and new customers, many kinds of activated alumina will appear in the market.


If you still believe that you are receiving this message in error, please contact our Customer Support Team.


Over the years, through the tireless efforts of the Company and the general user support.


This user strongly opposes Taiwan , Tibet , or East Turkestan independence


The algorithm first takes count of the browse number of each access sequence by overlapping operation,then unites and deletes the unfrequent page items according to minimum support degree given by users,afterwards sifts getting the intersections of each two user access pattern and gives birth to candidate grequent access patterns,at last,adds up the number of each candidate frequent access pattern by scanning the original database.


User can create class, add news, delete news, modify news and search news through use this system. This system supports the count and display for the visit frequency. This system is developed with JSP code. JSP separate the logic and the interface. It makes the exploitation become to be more convenience, and the component supporting is powerful. The system develops with JSP code can running in the platform of many kinds. This system use MySQL as the database. It support operation of multi-user coinstantaneous, and the running is rapid, and its user privilege system is simple and effective.

用户可通过这个系统,在线创建新闻栏目,添加、删除、修改、搜索新闻;同时掌握相关新闻的选取发布,支持对访问次数的统计和显示;本系统的开发采用 JSP 代码,逻辑与界面设计分开,开发更方便,拥有强大的组件支持功能,并且能使系统具有在多种平台下运行的能力;以 MySQL 作为数据库,它支持多用户同时操作,运行快速,并且拥有简单有效的用户特权系统。

Sunlite - Sunlite is a BitchX script which features a translation of the environment into Spanish, Galego, English, Catala, Euskera, and Italian, color configuration with a theme manager, hotkeys support, sound playing on events, an MP3 player, a conference mode, ASCII art capability, a manager for windows, multi-server support, autojoin, autoidentify, and password encryption.


Sunlite is a BitchX script which features a translation of the environment into Spanish, Galego, English, Catala, Euskera, and Italian, color configuration with a theme manager, hotkeys support, sound playing on events, an MP3 player, a conference mode, ASCII art capability, a manager for windows, multi-server support, autojoin, autoidentify, and password encryption.


While Private Gold Equities Exchange Limited operates the c-gold.com business, customer support, as well as gold bailments, storage and redemption are outsourced to CyFro Associates Sdn.


Self-exclusion and limit management facilities are in place on all LGA regulated online gambling sites, as is the training of customer support staff to identify problem gamblers and manage the exclusion processes and tools available.

自已排除和极限管理设施象用户支持职员训练辨认问题赌客和处理排除过程和工具可利用是到位在所有LGA 被调控的在网上赌博的站点,。

更多网络解释与用户支持相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Computer user support:计算机用户支持

Computer technology;计算机技术;; | Computer user support;计算机用户支持;; | Computer-based systems;计算机化系统;;


一.SaaS系统三大要素 从系统架构的角度来看,要设计一个符合实际业务需求的能够支持多用户同时访问的SaaS系统就必须关注以下三大要素:可扩展(Scalable)、高效的多用户支持(Multi-Tenant-Efficient)、可配置(Configurable) 可扩展意味着最大程度的提高系统并发性,

DSL Digitalsubscriberline:数支持tv-out电视输出字用户线

DSLAM--DigitalSubscriberLineAccessMultiplexer数字用户线数据复用器 | DSL--DigitalSubscriberLine数支持tv-out电视输出字用户线 | DMB--DigitalMediaBroadcasting数字媒体广播

Work with external human resource if necessary:必要的时候寻求外援支持并共同完成任务

Solve problems individually 独立解决用户提出的问题 | Work with external human resource if necessary 必要的时候寻求外援支持并共同完成任务 | Conduct training to customers 对用户进行培训

user friendliness:用户友好性

User support 用户支持 | User-friendliness 用户友好性 | Validity 有效性

gentoo-user Gentoo:用户一般性支持和讨论邮件列表

gentoo-user Gentoo用户一般性支持和讨论邮件列表 | gentoo-announce Gentoo一般性公告(新版本发布,安全性修订) | gentoo-dev Gentoo开发者一般性讨论邮件列表

user-defined function:用户定义函数

索引扩展是用户定义函数(User Defined Function)的索引. 当定义用户定义结构类型时,数据库引擎将创建一组函数,以支持新创建的类型. 需创建的函数/方法是对该类型中包含的每个字段的访问方法. 类型的比较操作符(系统会为每种类型生成一个惟一的 ID).


searches (搜索,不支持中国用户) | search (搜索,不支持中国用户) | I CANT READ ENGLISH (我不能读英文)

User Avatars:登录使得用户图标

8.16 TWAIN Image Acquisition Drivers 用于支持获取图像,最主要就是支持扫描仪了 | 8.17 User Avatars 登录使得用户图标 | 8.18 Windows Tour 漫游Windows

Help Desk:技术支持

保持终端用户的工作效率是每一个IT组织或者技术支持(Help Desk)组织的服务宗旨. 如果不具备终端用户网络接口的监控能力,就很难排除基于服务器的应用、网站访问、VoIP和在线服务等的故障,如Email、打印.