英语人>词典>汉英 : 用尽一切 的英文翻译,例句
用尽一切 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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He tried very hard to baffle our plan.


Bottom line: bend over backwards to avoid confusing your customer.


This daughter of Atlas has got hold of poor unhappy Ulysses, and keeps trying by every kind of blandishment to make him forget his home


Into a corner force sb. into a corner put sb. into a corner four corners have a corner in sb.'sheart have a corner on have a soft corner in one's heart for sb. hot corner warm corner in a corner keep a corner look round the corner make a corner in sth. murky corners out of the corner of one's eyes out of the corner of one's eye Poet's Corner put a child in the corner stand a child in the corner put sb.

保留一个角落瞻前顾后,考虑周密囤积居奇阴暗的角落,隐蔽的躲避处斜着眼睛斜着眼睛诗人墓区;诗栏;厕所罚小孩站在角落里罚小孩站在角落里迫使某人全力以赴,迫使某人用尽一切可行的办法在拐角处;转机;不远;就在眼前在拐角处;转机;不远;就在眼前险境,困境险境,困境险境,困境脱离危险;有转机;临阵脱逃逃跑不越出范围 have a warm corner in one's heart for sb。

When you try to avoid the lows at all cost, it can have an overall deadening effect on these connections.


Boys exhausted all the power of love, to end up with what is it?


He left no means untried to ensnare Jesus.


He told me to do everything I can to get him to join them, said Tiziano Gonzaga.

根据他的经济人Tiziano Gonzaga的说法:"球员对我说,希望我用尽一切办法使他可以加盟LAZIO。"

The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body. After all ima


The observer of tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring.


更多网络解释与用尽一切相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do it by any means necessary:用尽一切手段

No wedding day jitters. 婚礼恐惧. | Do it by any means necessary. 用尽一切手段. | You have my word. 我向你保证. (I gave my word.)


dimension attribute 维数表征 | exhaustively 用尽一切地 | red cell 红血球


exhaustively 用尽一切地 | exhaustiveness 用尽一切 | exhaustlessexhibitor 不会枯竭的


exhaustively 用尽一切地 | exhaustless 无穷尽的 | exheredate 剥夺继承权

GRANDPAPA: I've done all I can do for you:我做了能为你做的一切

I mean, y'all kicking me out.|你们把我赶出家门 | GRANDPAPA: I've done all I can do for you.|我做了能为你做的一切 | We tried our best to raise you.|我们用尽全力养育你

leave no stone unturned:不遗余力; 挖空心思, 用尽一切手段

lay the first stone 打下基础 | leave no stone unturned 不遗余力; 挖空心思, 用尽一切手段 | mark sth. with a white stone (古罗马人用白垩在日历上把幸福的日子打上记号, 转义为)作为喜庆的日子大书特书

put every iron in the fire:用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段

lay all irons in the fire 用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段 | put every iron in the fire 用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段 | lay every iron in the fire 用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段

irons in the fire:用尽一切办法

Iron fist 高压统治 | *Irons in the fire 用尽一切办法 | Is Saul also among the prophets? 太阳从西边出来了

put all irons in the fire:用尽一切办法

put ahead 拨快的指针 | put all irons in the fire 用尽一切办法 | put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一掷

put all irons in the fire:用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段

in irons 戴着镣拷 被监禁着[航海]不能转变船帆的吃风方向 | put all irons in the fire 用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段 | lay all irons in the fire 用尽一切方法, 试用种种手段