英语人>词典>汉英 : 用于音乐的 的英文翻译,例句
用于音乐的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与用于音乐的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

AMTA Website This is commonly used to treat everything from physical disabilities to chronic pain to brain injuries. Even healthy people can be benefited through stress reduction or the use of music to aid in childbirth. Nature and other environment sounds can also be therapeutic. Think of how relaxing the sounds of a bubbling stream, crickets chirping, or ocean waves can be. Music Therapy is considered to be one of the "expressive therapies;" others include art, dance, drama, play, writing, and humor therapy.


Their cerebrum structure is so exquisite, actually a so huge part will use in music.""


All provide a mixture of local news and comment, with some entertainment matter, mainly pop music, in between. In 1991 the Home Secretary appointed a new Radio Authority to take over the functions related to radio of the old IBA, and in particular to grant new licences to broadcast. In the 1990s there should be one or more new commercial radio stations broadcasting nationwide, including one 'non-pop' station, possibly for continuous broadcasts of classical music.


Ode is used for the sacred music of religion fete, which is very close to music .


Although voice acting was used in earlier 2D Mario remakes, New Super Mario Bros. is the first original 2D Mario game to use voice acting. Charles Martinet returned to voice Mario and Luigi, along with Nicole Mills as Princess Peach, Scott Burns as Bowser, and Dolores Rogers as Bowser Jr. New Super Mario Bros. features original music composed by Asuka Ohta and Hajime Wakai, under the direction of the original Super Mario Bros. composer, Kōji Kondō.


Composers of the period alternated florid and discant organum (more note-against-note, as opposed to the succession of many-note melismas against long-held notes found in the florid type), and created several new musical forms: clausulate, which were melismatic sections of organa extracted and fitted with new words and further musical elaboration: which was a song for more voices to be sung rhythmically, most likely in a procession of some sort; and trops, which were rearrangements of older chants with new words and sometimes new music. All of these genres save one were based upon chant: that is ,one of the voice,(usually three, though sometime four) nearly always the lowest sung a chant melody, though with freely composed note-lengths, over which the other voice sang organum.


As always, it is aimed at average consumers doing typical tasks, such as Web surfing, email, social networking, word processing, photos, video and music. It doesn't apply to businesses, hard-core gamers or serious media producers -- groups that need specialized or heftier hardware.


Widely used in accompaniment in local operas, solos and concertos, and folk music bands, the four-string instrument is warmly welcomed by musicians.


In addition to their traditional usage for meditation, Tibetan singing bowls are used for deep relaxation, stress reduction, holistic healing, Reiki, chakra balancing, and World music.


Rupert Grint's latest film Cherrybomb is definitely generating lots of buzz in Irish media. A few days ago we posted a snippet from an interview with Lisa Barros D'Sa, and today we have the entire Cherrybomb feature, courtesy of BBC Radio Ulster. The feature is a part of their Across The Line series, devoted to contemporary indie and underground dance music, presented by Rigsy and Paul Hamill. Their collaborator Keith Anderson talked to Cherrybomb directors Glenn Leyburn and Lisa Barros D'Sa about Rupert Grint and how he became involved with this project, but also about music used in the film, the Belfast setting and other things.

鲁珀特的新片《樱桃炸弹》毫无疑问引起了爱尔兰媒体的巨大关注,前两天我们曾经发布过一小段对该片导演之一丽莎巴罗斯德萨的采访片段,现在该次完整的采访已经由BBC广播电台阿尔斯特(爱尔兰一地区,分属爱尔兰和北爱尔兰)分部播出,这个采访是该电台的Across The Line 节目的一部分,这个节目致力于介绍时下的独立和地下舞曲音乐,由Rigsy和 Paul Hamill主持,他们的合作者Keith Anderson 与《樱桃炸弹》的两位导演格伦雷伯恩和丽莎巴罗斯德萨进行了谈论了鲁珀特格林特,以及他是如何参与到这部影片中来的,他们也谈到了影片中的音乐、用于拍摄的贝尔法斯特的各个场所以及其它一些事情。

更多网络解释与用于音乐的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


"巴罗克"(Baroque)原是指一种不太受人欢迎的建筑设计. 这个词以前指的是不圆的珍珠,常被认为是一种有缺陷的丑宝玉. 用于音乐方面时,巴罗克则指一种对文艺复兴时期音乐的歪曲了的、相比显劣的音乐. 到了今天,它不再含有贬斥的意义.


(由2003年第16号第3条增补)"局长"(Secretary) 指经济发展及劳工局局长; (由2002年第106号法律公告增补)"的士高"(discotheque) 指任何主要用于进行符合以下说明的活动的处所─(c)该活动的一部分是由唱片骑师控制或操作重播和广播在(b)段中提述的音乐的系统;


西方音乐以七弦琴(lyre)作为音乐的标志乐徽. 七弦琴(lyre),又名里拉琴. 巴洛克(Baroque)一词来源于葡萄牙语"Barocco",意指形态不够圆或不完美的珍珠,最初是建筑领域的术语,后逐渐用于艺术和音乐领域. 在艺术领域方面,



Musical instruments:器

用于在音乐合成器(music synthesizers)、乐器(musical instruments)和计算机之间交换音乐信息的一种标准协议. 从20世纪80年代初期开始,MIDI已经逐步被音乐家和作曲家广泛接受和使用. MIDI是乐器和计算机使用的标准语言,是一套指令(即命令的约定),

Return To Innocence:反璞歸真

这届奥运会用于宣传之用的电子音乐>(return to innocence)也为人们留下了深刻的印象,该曲由德国著名的新世纪音乐工作室enigma制作,最早发行于1993年,乐曲带有明显的台湾阿美族民歌的痕迹,旋律优美动听,意境宽广高远,听后令人浮想联翩.

frequency shifter:移频器

最初的移频器(Frequency Shifter)是为了抑制传声器扩音系统的回授啸叫而设计的. 它可以将传声器拾取的信号频率升高约3~8Hz,从而使其还音声场回馈给传声器时,不会在原频谱上构成声反馈器则是用于卡拉OK系统,此系统是一种用于自娱演唱并同时播放音乐的装置,

signature tune:信号曲

5信号曲(Signature Tune)用于导入或辨别特定广播或电视节目、伴舞乐队、表演者等的信号曲,常常是第一支曲子或歌,也有时是第一支和最后一支曲子或歌. 这是一个音乐出版社出版的有关音乐术语辞典中选定的术语. 大家不要觉得这个术语不好理解,


12 五声音阶:(Pentatonic scale)由五个音构成的音阶. 多用于民族音乐的调式. 如:do、re、mi、sol、la、(do). 16 主音(Key-note)调式音阶里的第一音. 17 十二平均律(Temperament)音律的一种. 把一个八度音均分为十二个半音,半音的音程都是相等的.

Chorale prelude:圣咏前奏曲

当时的圣咏前奏曲(Chorale Prelude)是巴罗克时期管风琴音乐中最重要的、使用于教会的器乐曲. 前奏曲到18世纪后才成为篇幅不大、曲式自由、带有即兴性质的独立小品,其中以管风琴的前奏曲居多,以巴赫的作品为代表. 2、古组曲:是18世纪中叶前流行的组曲,