英语人>词典>汉英 : 生长素 的英文翻译,例句
生长素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

growth substance
更多网络例句与生长素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The effect of different agronomic measures No topping(T1),Topping(T2),Topping+K-2SO-4(T3),Topping+Applying IAA 1 time(T4),Topping+K-2SO-4+ Applying IAA 1 time(T5),Topping+K-2SO-4+Applying IAA 2 times(T6) on chromoplast pigment and its degraded products content in flue-cured tobacco leaf was studied.


The inhibition of coleoptile elongation is alleviated when exogenous auxin was added to the medium under the low concentrations of Cu2+ stress. However, under high concentrations of Cu2+ stress, as the toxicity is so much, exogenous auxin is not available any further.


We also measured the content of indogenous IAA in different nodes in monoecium and gynoecium, and the variation of indogenous IAA and gibberellic acid at the different developing stages in cucumber after being treated with exogenous GA〓: the variation of ethylene release and the activities of ACC oxidase at the different developing stages after being treated with exogenous IAA and GA〓.


These results suggested that the stimulation effect of local nitrate on LR growth is dependent on auxin. And the auxin mainly comes from the basipetal transport from shoot to roots, but not from the seed or the basipetal transport of auxin from root tip to LR growth sites.


In order to explore the mechanisms of auxin action and metabolism, as well as the changing characteristics of its relative enzymes, IAA content in strawberry fruits with different treatments was determined by HPLC. Content of IAA and the activity of IAO and POD in fruits treated by NPA or TIBA, the inhibitor of auxin transport, were analyzed to investigate the changing characteristics and possible source of auxin, as well as the relation among IAA, POD and IAO. Results were showed as the followings: there had a certain count of IAA in receptacles and achenes, and IAA content in achenes was higher than that in receptacles.

摘要为了探索草莓果实中生长素的代谢变化及其发挥作用的机理,利用HPLC定量测定了草莓果实发育过程中瘦果和花托中的吲哚乙酸,结合生长素运输抑制剂NPA和TIBA处理考察了草莓果实中IAA含量以及不同存在状态的生长素氧化酶和过氧化物酶活性变化,综合分析了草莓果实中IAA 的变化特性、可能来源及其与生长素代谢相关酶的关系。

Methods 180patients with liver injury owed to various pathogeny were randomly divided into3groups,which were control group A treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors,control group B treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors and Jinshuangqi,and treatment group treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors,Jinshuangqi and Tongkang tablet.


Methods 180patients with liver injury owed to various pathogeny were randomly divided into3groups,which were control group A treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors,control group B treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors and Jinshuangqi,and treatment group treated with hepatocyte growth-promoting factors,Jinshuangqi and Tongkang tablet.


Root initation may be stimulated by auxin from the shoot, and auxins have been shown to move toward the root eips.


In this study, according to the classification and activity of auxin plant hormones the authors carry out docking experiments with four auxins, IAA, 1-NAA, 2,4-D, 2-NAA, and the receptor.

依据生长素分子的分类以及生长素活性的不同,选取四种生长素分子IAA, 1-NAA, 2,4-D, 2-NAA分别与生长素受体分子进行分子对接计算研究。

First, the significant of co-factor InsP6 and center water in the mechanism of auxins are explored by docking; second, the experiments that compared with the docking rusults of two situations involving fully rigid and selective flexible of active residue of the receptor TIR1 illuminate that selective flexibility docking by AutoDock4 reports more rational results, so that, AutoDock4 dockings are implemented with TIR1-Auxins; third, AutoDock4 docking by TIR1-Auxins-Aux/IAA illuminates that auxin as a molecular glue enhances the interaction between TIR1 receptor and Aux/IAA substrate by the weak interactions, such as hydrogen bond and hydrophobic interaction, furthermore, the weak interactions between receptor protein and ligands greatly influence on auxin activity of auxin ligands.

首先, 通过分子对接计算研究辅酶InsP6以及中心水分子在生长素反应中的重要作用;其次,比较受体大分子完全刚性以及活性残基部分柔性的两种情况下的分子对接结果,说明AutoDock4实现了受体分子活性残基的部分柔性而使对接结果更加合理,进而使用AutoDock4方法对TIR1-Auxins体系进行对接计算;最后,对TIR1-Auxins-Aux/IAA体系进行分子对接计算,结果表明,生长素配体分子作为&分子胶水&直接与受体大分子TIR1以及底物多肽Aux/IAA形成强的弱相互作用,如氢键作用、疏水相互作用,促进了受体TIR1与Aux/IAA底物之间的结合,进而说明氢键作用和疏水相互作用等弱相互作用对于生长素分子的活性具有很大的影响。

更多网络解释与生长素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


...器]](LCD)由灰阶变为彩色的关键零组件,藉由LCD内部的背光模组提供光源,再搭配驱动IC与液晶控制形成灰阶显示,...[[生长素]](Auxin)造成的. 受光的一面生长素合成受阻,背光的一面因此会含有更多的生长素并向下运输. 生长素一方


在受光后,植物生长素(auxin)由茎的向光处移至背光处. 於是背光处的细胞较亮光处为伸长. 未知的是接受光线的刺激如何造成植物生长素的产生,即转化是如何发生仍未知. 1926年,与Went做生长素的实验同一年.

bound auxin:束缚生长素

botulinus toxin 肉毒杆菌毒素 | bound auxin 束缚生长素 | bound water 结合水,束缚水

bound auxin:束缚型生长素

束缚型赤霉素 conjugated gibberellin 277 | 束缚型生长素 bound auxin 270 | 束缚水 bound water 45 60

natural auxin:天然生长素

natrium 钠 | natural auxin 天然生长素 | natural calamity 自然灾害

free auxin:游离生长素

自由风媒传粉 free anemophily | 游离生长素 free auxin | 单体细胞;自由细胞 free cell

Growth Hormone:生长素

市场除了可以扩张之外,还可以被创造出来.一些伴随着年龄增长出现的症状现 在都被认为是疾病.过去的几十年里,上千万的妇女因为绝经后的症状服用了荷 尔蒙.现在许多老年男性因为"雄性激素不足"而接受睾丸激素的治疗,有时使用 促生长素(Growth Hormone) ,作为强身健体的

GH growth hormone:[生长素]

FX. - fracture [骨折] | GH. - growth hormone[生长素] | GI.- gastrointestinal[消化]

somatotropic hormone:生长素

生长曲线 growth curve | 生长素 growth hormone ; somatotropin ; somatotropic hormone ; GH ; STH | 生长素释放因子 growth hormone releasing factor


二氯苯酚 当然分泌了. 看看下面的第二条就知道了. 一、生长素的发现历史 生长素(AuXIns)是发现最早、研究最多、在植物体内存在最普遍的一种植物激