英语人>词典>汉英 : 生锈的 的英文翻译,例句
生锈的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rusty  ·  rustier  ·  rustiest

更多网络例句与生锈的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rusty angle iron was laying around in the dirt and was quite a bit stronger than in the plans.


We sat before a little fire, with two bricks put within the rusted grate, one on each side, to prevent its burning too many coals; until another debtor, who share the room with Mr. Micawber, came in from the bakehouse with the loin of mutton which was our joint-stock repast.


On the rusted banisters


There are also available Mazzeto Blanco and Mazzeto Rose with stainless steel and rusty steel back panels accordingly.


It is not inhibited to prevent rust on carbon steel.


Hey, listen, so they wanna put baby Chutney in chain mail, which would rust once they soaked her.

听着,他们想给小 Chutney 宝宝穿上锁子甲,一碰水会生锈的

I guess dampness at sea may be the cause of rust.


He shook his head, shouldered the rusty firelock.


You replace your carving and other kitchen knives with bayonets and j ump knives.


Iron is a metal that rusts easily and this is something that'll happen much faster when the iron comes in contact with moisture.


更多网络解释与生锈的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

caused by bundle off:由于散捆的原因而造成的

caused by band rusted 由于箍生锈的原因而造成的 | caused by bundle off 由于散捆的原因而造成的 | caused by bundle slack 由于捆松的原因而造成的

rust eaten:完全生锈的

rust blister 锈疱 | rust eaten 完全生锈的 | rust formation 锈蚀形成


ruinous#毁坏的;荒废的 | rustic#乡村的 | rusty#生锈的;荒疏的


等级3以上dex+1 E级释放卷轴 生锈的(Rusty) 暴击减少2% 锋利的(Sharp) 等级12以上暴击增加2% 猎狐者(Fox Hunters) 等级3以上最大伤害增加2-4 薄雾的(Mist) 靴子 等级25以上生命力增加8,

nonstaining mortar:不生锈的灰浆

nonstaining cement 无玷污水泥 | nonstaining mortar 不生锈的灰浆 | nonstandard component 非标准构件


unrulyuninhibited 不羁 | unrusted 未生锈的 | unsaddle 使落下马


rattlesnake 响尾蛇 | rusty 生锈的 rusted | grassshopper: 蚂蚱;蜢、蟋蟀、螽斯蚂蚱


jut 伸出,突出 | rusting 生锈的 | barnacle (岩石、船底等处的)附着甲壳动物

And their old rusty rapiers that hung by their sides:他们生锈的破剑挂在身边

And bid them take that as fair warning. 向他们以示公平... | And their old rusty rapiers that hung by their sides, 他们生锈的破剑挂在身边 | We flung them as far as we could in the tide, 我们尽可能远地把它...

Re-slots screw heads; removes rusty nail heads:重新插槽螺杆元首;删除生锈的钉子元首

Make it easy to cut through metal可... | Re-slots screw heads; removes rusty nail heads重新插槽螺杆元首;删除生锈的钉子元首 | EZ Lock design makes changing accessories as easy as a pull, twist, and rele...