英语人>词典>汉英 : 生痛的 的英文翻译,例句
生痛的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dolorific  ·  dolorogeaic

更多网络例句与生痛的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Delivery room accoucheuse cannot repeat mechanically " not impatient bearing a dot, do not be fond of no less than unripe coming " and ignore a patient experience, should go up in spirit, support gives on physical strength, make the puerpera is in the process that faces anguish, do not feel loneliness is mixed helpless, make its acquire contented feeling and safe move in mentally, experience comfortable reach the warmth like the family member. 2 increase love, patience, guidance applies an abdomen to press palace mouth to leave complete hind, the puerpera is advanced delivery room, because palace shrinks painful reach an environment to change and cause mental tension, produce scared psychology, need human nature to change more right now nurse.


Ckient: I want to buy something that can rekieve inner heat, I came up with the mouth canker sore throat these days.


Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin.


Its activity isgreater than that of aspirin and comparable to naproxen and indomethacin.


In life, it seems there is always a to withstand the pain.


Gesso is unripe it is OK to use fire of clear hot have diarrhoea, except irritated stop thirsty, multi-purpose at diseases caused by external factors pyretic, high fever irritated thirsty, lung heats up asthma to cough, gastric fire excessive is filled, have a headache the; forge such as toothache is used can close wet unripe, collect sore is hemostatic, ulcer is treated outside not collect, eczema aches urticant, extreme misery scald, traumatic haemorrhage, it is middling of prescription of doctor of traditional Chinese medicine use blindly mineral medicine, main component is CaSO4 · 2H2O.

梗概: 石膏生用可以清热泻火,除烦止渴,多用于外感热病,高热烦渴,肺热喘咳,胃火亢盛,头痛牙痛等;煅用可以收湿生,敛疮止血,外治溃疡不敛,湿疹疼痒,水火烫伤,外伤出血,是中医方剂中常用的一味矿物药,主要成份是CaSO4·2H2O。

Anger and arrogance turned to fear, raw and ragged, as the Darkstar's essence shimmered before him.


I had been to imagine a child would not stand the pain, but only after their birth to know that pain is not so, or at least the mother can endure.


Excessive bowel: continuous crying, difficulty falling asleep, about 30 percent in children with cerebral palsy after birth 3 months before a similar serious "gripes" performance.


Burns: A slice a raw potato or raw onion will relieve the pain.


更多网络解释与生痛的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acrodromous 脉向尖聚集的 | acrodynia 肢端痛 | acrogen 顶生植物


acrodynia 肢端痛 | acrogen 顶生植物 | acrogenous 顶生的


還能控制人體對壓力的反應,調節腸壁的收縮,促進人體舒暢的感覺及控制情緒,有調節腦下垂體釋放成長及生殖荷爾蒙的功能. 腦啡會產生諸如痛覺缺失(analgesia)、僵直(rigidity)以及行為和心境改變(changesinmoodandbehaviour)等影響.

Pushing Daisies:转世还阳

雏菊花下:奇幻童话包裹的悬疑伦理剧>(Pushing Daisies)第1季相信内德(Ned)也这样想,当他无意间救了母亲的生命,无意间杀死了夏洛特(Charlotte)的父亲,无意间又彻底的杀死了母亲后,那根点死成生的手指一定成了内德内心深处最隐秘的痛.

Earlier on his parent threw a fit in school:聽說學校被那嚴格懂音樂的爸爸怒氣沖沖地痛批

最後一個學生進來.The last student entered the room. | 聽說學校被那嚴格懂音樂的爸爸怒氣沖沖地痛批,Earlier on his parent threw a fit in school | 主任十分頭痛.which caused a huge sensation.

Pour ma peine, ma punition:為了傷痛及懲罰 (Je suis le roi 我為王)

Toute l'horreur de ma nature 與生俱來的恐懼 (Qu'on me pard... | Pour ma peine, ma punition 為了傷痛及懲罰 (Je suis le roi 我為王) | Moi je tourne en rond, je tourne en rond 我漫無目的 四處遊走 (Le roi ...

Pour ma peine, ma punition:為了傷痛及懲罰

Toute l'horreur de ma nature 與生俱來的恐懼 | Pour ma peine, ma punition 為了傷痛及懲罰 | Moi je tourne en rond, je trourne en rond 我漫無目的 四處遊走

I will resurge and shouts and bites:(接下来)我将钝痛和叫喊中重生

The time has came for you 属于你的时刻已经到来 | I will resurge and shouts and bites (接下来)我将钝痛和叫喊中重生 | Stay away! 离去


扁桃腺炎 (tonsillitis) 扁桃腺急性發炎的現象,通常發生在小孩子身上. 疾病症狀 扁桃腺變紅,有發炎現象,看起來較平時大. 下頷的下方及頸部的腺體有腫大及觸痛的現象. 其他的症狀與流行性感冒類似,如:頭痛、喉嚨痛、發冷、發熱等.

sciatic nerve:坐骨神经

长期不正确的姿势会引至退化,最常见的是生骨刺(bony spur)和椎间盘突出(disc prolapse)如果压到脊椎神经或坐骨神经(Sciatic nerve),轻则腰痛脚痹痛和冷热的不正常感觉,重则引至脚步肌肉萎缩无力,行动困难