英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物素 的英文翻译,例句
生物素 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

vitamin H · anti-egg white factor · bios II
更多网络例句与生物素相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin. An abundance of ''.


Latest research indicates that,if eating a great deal of undone eggs for a long time,antibiotin protein in undone egg white can integrate with biotin internal the body as a sort of steady compound,making biotin can't be absorbed by intestinal wall and leading to energy ennui,muscle ache,hair falling off,skin inflamation,appetite letdown,weight droping and so on.When eggs pass through the intestinal tract,it's easy to zymolysis and transformation,sometimes it may appear nitroso compound,which has the function of causing cancer.


The liquid absorption value and growth of the bacillus was measured after 24, 48 and 72 hour. It was showed that the most effective level of maltose in the medium is 5%. The media with pimelic acid was centrifugated 30min at 10000r/min, room temperature


The present dissertation reviews the total synthesis of biotin, particularly on Hoffmann-La Roche\'s Lactone-Thiolactone approach. The Lactone-Thiolactone approach is presently the most competitive commercial route, which gives an excellent illustration of the gradual construction of the functionalized skeleton with the simultaneous solution of the stereochemical issues in a minimal number of steps.In 1970, Gerecke etc. of Roche Corp.


Biotinylated IGF-1 was complexed with tetravalent streptavidin and then bound to biotinylated self-assembling peptides.


A mandarin orange; a tangerine.A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin.


BQJ-34 was cultured on the biotin fermentation media for 48 hour ,a 10ml fluid medium was boiled for an hour and was centrifuged (10,000r/min , 30 min), the supernatant is filleted with the 0.22μm filters and the biotin content of filter liquid is detected by RP-HPLC based on the biological samples regression analysis, recovery, accuracy testing.

利用生物素培养基对菌株BQJ-34进行振荡培养,取48h的细菌培养液10ml置100℃条件下水浴1 h,随后在超速离心机上以10 000 r/min,30 min离心,取上清液用0.22μm滤膜过滤,用高效液相检测滤液中的生物素含量,并通过对生物素样品的回归分析和回收率、精密度试验,最终确定利用反相高效液相色谱法可用于培养液中生物素测定,其最佳检测条件是:用安捷伦Zorbax SB-C18(4.6~※250cm,5μm)色谱柱,以K_2HPO_4(0.04mol,pH2.5)和CH_3CN(二者体积比为91.5:8.5)为流动相,紫外检测波长为215nm。

A protein found in uncooked egg white that binds to and inactivates biotin.


Preliminary studies on affinity isolation based on the specific combination between Biotin and Avidin Presently, affinity chromatography is increasing to be a main protein isolation and purification technique for a complicated system because of its high specificity, high rate of recovery, etc.


Methods The ELISA plate was firstly coated with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae , and then successively incubated with rabbit anti Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae serum and goat anti rabbit IgG biotin to form the solid biotin, which competed with the biotin in the solution for the limited streptavidin horse radish peroxidase conjugate.

酶标板先用猪肺炎支原体包被,再依次用兔抗猪肺炎支原体抗血浆、羊抗兔IgG -生物素温育形成固态生物素,同溶液中的生物素竞争有限量的链霉亲和素 HRP。

更多网络解释与生物素相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biotin carboxylase:生物素羧化酶

biotin 生物素 | biotin carboxylase 生物素羧化酶 | biotin enzyme 生物素酶(类)

biotin enzyme:生物素酶(类)

biotin carboxylase 生物素羧化酶 | biotin enzyme 生物素酶(类) | biotin phosphoramidite 生物素亚磷酰胺

biotin phosphoramidite:生物素亚磷酰胺

biotin enzyme 生物素酶(类) | biotin phosphoramidite 生物素亚磷酰胺 | biotinylated 生物素(酰)化的

biotin; antiavidin:生物素

\\"生物潜能\\",\\"biotic potential\\" | \\"生物素\\",\\"biotin; antiavidin\\" | \\"生体解剖\\",\\"biotomy\\"

biotinylated nucleotide:生物素酰核苷酸,生物素化核苷酸

biotinylated 生物素(酰)化的 | biotinylated nucleotide 生物素酰核苷酸,生物素化核苷酸 | biotinylated phosphoramidite 生物素酰亚磷酰胺,生物素化亚磷酰胺

biotinylated nucleotide:生物素酰核苷酸

biotinylated phosphoramidite 生物素酰亚磷酰胺,生物素化亚磷酰胺 | biotinylated nucleotide "生物素酰核苷酸 | biotin 生物素

BRAB bridged avidin-biotin technique:桥抗生物素-生物素技术

BMZ basement membrane zone 基底膜带 | BRAB bridged avidin-biotin technique 桥抗生物素-生物素技术 | BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine 5-溴尿脱氧核苷


姚少钦副教授说,抗生物素蛋白(avidin)和生物素(biotin)是常用的胶合化学剂,两者一碰面就紧紧结合,难以分开. 把抗生物素蛋白涂在晶片上,过程并不难;但要把生物素与蛋白质结合,就不容易.


亲和细胞化学中常用的亲和物质有生物素(biotin)与抗生物素(avidin)、葡萄球菌A蛋白与IgA的Fc段、植物凝血素与糖结合物等. 这些亲和物质之间不但具有高度亲和力,还可与荧光素、酶、同位素、铁蛋白及免疫球蛋白等呈化学结合,

H biotin; vitamin H:生物素;维生素

生物素甲酯 biotin methyl ester | 生物素;维生素H biotin; vitamin H | 联环氧乙烷;去水赤藻糖醇 bioxirane; anhydride erythritol