英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物科学 的英文翻译,例句
生物科学 的英文翻译、例句


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This paper presents that, based on quality oriented education, we search for the innovation of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry course.


In recent years, consolidation in the development of the medical profession, and strive to improve the quality of teaching at the same time, the additional population science, biological science, computer science, environmental science, foreign languages, materials science, and other non-medical professionals to make the College to maintain and carry forward Medicine, radiology, nursing, pharmacy characteristics at the same time, to the multi-disciplinary, comprehensive, modern and the University of direction.


Major Fields include Animal Sciences, Biological and Environmental Engineering, Biological Sciences, Biometry and Statistics, Crop and Soil Sciences, Entomology, Food Science, Natural Resources, Nutrition, Food and Agriculture, Plant Sciences.


This institute setted up four scientific research organization: institute of biodiversity and ecological engineering, center for research and development of new drugs, institute of environmental and biological technology, center for research and development of dasheen, three departments: biology science, biological technology, biological resource and environment, four disciplines for undergraduate: biochemistry and molecular biology, ecology, cell biology and environment science, four disciplines for graduate: biology science, biological techonology, biological engineering and environment science.


Ph.D. study in Applied Biological Science, Applied Economics, Biomedical Science, Didactics , History, Law, Linguistics and Literature, Medical Science, Political and Social Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Philosophy, Science, Veterinary Science.


The team, along with Alan Waggoner, professor of biological sciences and director of Carnegie Mellon's Molecular Biosensor Imaging Center, is now deeloping noel biosensors and fluorescent-based techniques to isualize stem cell differentiation in response to the bio-ink patterns.

目前,研究组同Carnegie Mellon大学的分子生物传感器成像中心的主任生物科学的教授Alan Waggoner一道,开发新型生物传感器和荧光技术以观察干细胞对生物墨水模式的反应情况。

The journal publishes original research and review articles on all aspects of biomagnetic research and technology, including Study of biological, medical, environmental and related systems and processes involving magnetic nano- and microstructures, and paramagnetic molecules; study of the effects of magnetic fields to biosystems; construction of magnetic biocompatible, biodegradable and biomimetic systems; application of basic biomagnetic research in biosciences, biotechnology, environmental technology and related areas.


Furthermore,we selecet and breed excellent beer yeast with modern high pressure biological technology.


Along with rapid development of bioscience and technology and their more and more far-ranging appliance in human life, our society is paying more and more attention to citizens bioscience quality and brings new requirement to bio-teachers.


Peter Buttery is Professor of Applied Biochemistry and Dean of the Faculty of Science at The University of Nottingham, and has vast experience in higher education management. He has served as a Pro-Vice-Chancellor with special responsibility for international students, and is a former Head of the Division


更多网络解释与生物科学相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bioscience:生物科学 美国

The American naturalist 美国博物学家 美国 | BioScience 生物科学 美国 | Oikos 生态学 丹麦

bioscience:生物科学, 太空科学

biosafety protocol 生物安全方案 | bioscience 生物科学, 太空科学 shēngwùkēxué, | biosynthesis 生物合成 shēngwùhéchéng

Food Bioscience:食品生物科学

BSc Biotechnology 生物工艺学 | Food Bioscience 食品生物科学 | BSc Food Science 食品科学

BSc Bioscience:生物科学

Bioscience生物科学 | BSc Bioscience生物科学 | BSc Applied Biology应用生物学

Animal Bioscience:动物生物科学

Agroecology 农业生态学 | Animal Bioscience 动物生物科学 | Bio-Agribusiness Management 生物农业商贸管理

Biology;Natural History:生物科学

350 地球科学;地质学 Geology | 360 生物科学 Biology ;Natural History | 370 植物学 Botany

Neurobiological Science:神经生物科学

Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures 中东语言和文学 | Neurobiological Science 神经生物科学 | Philosophy 哲学

Organismal biosciences:有机生物科学

Nursing 护理 | Organismal biosciences 有机生物科学 | Other subjects allied to medicine 其他医学研究

Biological Theoretics:生物科学的理论

1普通生物学 General Biology | 1.01生物科学的理论 Biological Theoretics | 1.02生物科学的历史、现状与发展 History,Current Status and Perspective

Biological Sciences:生物科学类

070302 应用化学 Applied Chemistry | 0704 生物科学类 Biological Sciences | 070401 生物科学 Biological Science