英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物渗透 的英文翻译,例句
生物渗透 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与生物渗透相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nobel Prize in Chemistry for Water Channel pins as Aquapodns to Activate Choroid Plexus for Osmoreguiation to protect micro-organisms from freezing and osmotic shock→ Modulats intend fluid environment and maintain blood and cellular fluid compositions within extreme presence of Leukemia, Carcinomatosis, congestive heart failure, brain edema, muscular dystrophy , anhidrosis, renal tubular acidosis, cystic fibrosis and other acute

Weater Channel水闸,是以2003年诺贝化学奖发现的水通道《水闸》蛋白,启动脉络丛的渗透调节,以保护徽生物免於从冻结和渗透压冲击→进一步可为白血病,扩散性肿瘤,充血性心丽衰竭,脑水肿,肌肉萎缩症,缺汗症,肾小管发中毒,囊肿性纤维化和其他急性和慢性疾病等(患者》,调节其内部极端存在的流体环境,和维持其血液和细胞内的液体成分。

The efficacy of presently used therapeutic oximes (such as pralidoxime, obidoxime, HI-6, etc.) as reactivators of inhibited AChE is different for various organophosphate. Moreover, the used oximes are hard to resolve in human blood and can t penetrate center nerve system easily. So many researchers work hard to seek for a broad-spectrum oxime suitable for the antidotal agents of poisoning with all organophosphorus.


According to the characters of the biological subject in high school , we should seek the combining points of the psychological health education and the biological teaching in practice . In the individualizing teaching experiment , the psychological health education should be infiltrated in high school biological teaching for one and half a year , from the senior newborn matriculation to the end of the third semester, researching with the blind cut-and-try method and the questionnaire procedure,which promotes all students'psychological qualities enhancement and the psychological function health's development .


In which the microorganism fouling was the main reason why the RO system operated and run diffidently, such as a great deal of sticky biofilm were attached to the surface of RO membrane, and which led to a higher influent press, a lot of energy consumption and lower water production and so on.


This showed that capacity of water-holding in biological soil crusts were obvious improve,and effected precipitation permeate or water second distribute process.The study results of"fertile islands"formation mechanism in biological crusts showed that biological crusts layer cover could increased nutrients content for below sand soil through precipitation permeate washing,and it promoted plants assimilate more nutriment.The matter import ways of biological soil crusts fertility island had many ways,including the effection of living macrobiotics metabolism in crusts levels,wind-sand flow of near surface,dust deposition and plants decomposition course,etc.Source of particle matter in biological soil crusts was wind-sand flow of near surface,and not dust deposition.Biological crusts layer cover had preserved effection for nature water content in 0-5cm soil layer,compared with the sand of no biological crusts layer,effecting precipitation permeate,and could not obvious restrained from the water evaporate process indoor experiment.


In this paper, xerophyte , mesophyte: oil sunflower (G101, K102, K5) and halophyte were comparatively studied on their dry matter accumulation, growth of seedlings, water status, osmotic adjustment, ion distribution and chloroplast ultrastructure under water and salt stresses with the method of physiological and biochemical analyse, X-ray microanalysis, electron microscope.


In the biological area developed a world-leading levels of biological air purification pad, biological Penetrant, chitin textiles


The sewage flows from pool to plant, passing through retention reservoir to adjust PH value, into removing ammonia with temperature increasing to 20℃,into UASB reactor with temperature increasingto 35℃ to remove off COD and ammonia under the function of anaerobia, then into SBR reactor to remove BOD under the function of aerobia. When the biochemical disposal is completed, the processed sewage will come into the UF system to remove adsorbed solid, organic matter, bacteria, and pathogens in waterand finally come into the RO system to remove off dissolvable salinity, colloid, organic matter, and microbe in water.


Integrated technology has two parts: 1,"liquid gold" of the infiltration, because the liquid gold of the biological potential, isoelectric point and osmotic pressure is identical with local organizations, through the neurohumoral regulation And micro-circulation mechanism, so that the rapid absorption of fluid infiltration, adequate flow, diffusion, form a network structure.

完整技术有两部分: 1、&液态金丝&的渗透,因为液态金丝的生物电位、等电点及渗透压与局部组织完全相同,通过神经体液调节及微循环机制,使渗透液迅速吸收,适当流动、扩散,形成网状结构。

As one of the most important osmoregulation actor, firstly,Proline plays a keyrole in the osmotic potential adjustment in plant cells. Secondly, Proline can preventNaCl from damaging the structure of biomacromolecule in cells. Thirdly, the highdissolubility and non-rejection capability of Proline can enlarge the solution volumnof the cell, so the concentration of salt will be diminished in cytoplasm and the saltstress will be relieved. Forthly, the accumulation of Proline could prevent thedehydrolysis from sap cavity in cytoplasm. Fifthly, the synthesis of plant chlorophyllwill be diminished under the salt stress, but the Proline can provide request ofchlorophyll synthesis.


更多网络解释与生物渗透相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在这些真菌类生物内,流体充满了主茎,能支持单个孢子、填满孢子的孢子囊、或称之为子囊(asci)的包含多种孢子的细胞,被渗透作用加压. 因为孢子的抛射速度是如此之快,先前对发射过程的研究主要是基于数学模型推导,存在许多错误.

Biochemical Engineering:生物化学工程

生化工程全称是生物化学工程(Biochemical Engineering)是为生物技术服务的化学工程. 它是利用化学工程原理和方法对实验室所取得的生物技术成果加以开发,使之成为生物反应过程的一门学科,是生物化学与工程学相互渗透所形成的一门新学科.

Coordination Chemistry:配位化学

配位化学(Coordination Chemistry)也称为络合物化学(ComplexChemistry),是无机化学的一个重要分支. 配位化学理论的确立有一百多年的历史,但随着分析技术、合成技术的不断发展,配位化学目前已经渗透到有机化学、分析化学、物理化学和生物化学等领 ...

Molecular Epidemiology:分子流行病学

[摘要]分子流行病学(molecular epidemiology)是人群流行病学与实验室研究相互结合与渗透的一门交叉学科,借以阐明疾病病因的生物化学和分子生物学机制.

Gelsemium, alkaloids of:钩吻生物硷

Gel Permeation Chromatograph 凝胶渗透色谱仪 | Gelsemium, alkaloids of 钩吻生物硷 PP-S1,S3 | Gemcitabine; its salts 吉西他滨;其盐类 PP-S1,S3

Inflammatory Response:炎症反应

细胞迁移(cell migration)是炎症反应(inflammatory response)的必要组成部分,同时为防止细胞渗透到健康组织中,对白细胞运输(leukocyte trafficking,生物通注)过程进行合适的调控.


biosensor 生物传感器 | biosis 生活力,生命 | biosmosis 生物渗透


bionics 生物电子学 | bio-osmosis 生物渗透 | biopesticide 生物性杀虫剂


bio-organicchemistry 生物有机化学 | bio-osmosis 生物渗透现象 | bioacoustics 生物声学

Biomedical Informatics:生物医学信息学

进入21世纪以来,随着计算机技术、网络与通信、微电子、自动化技术的突飞猛进,我国生物医学与信息技术的相互渗透、相互融合和系统集成得到了迅速发展,并由此催生了一个崭新的前沿学科--生物医学信息学(Biomedical Informatics)的诞生.