英语人>词典>汉英 : 生物内生的 的英文翻译,例句
生物内生的 的英文翻译、例句


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A growing pile of evidences has indicated that the'host-helping'effects are ascribable to the production of the bioactive compounds by endophytes which are accepted to play an important role in the development of agriculture and medicine.


It is important content for the study of animal nutrition and physiology by regulating endogenesis growth hormone of animal.

摘 要:通过调节动物内生荷尔蒙水平进行动物营养学和生理学研究是一项非常重要的内容,动物生长是一个复杂的生理和生物过程。

The present paper reviews the progress in research on geochemistry of tungsten in last 20 years, including tungsten distributions in the solar system, in the earth and in the principal units and products from both endogenesis and supergenesis.


Chronic bioassay tests indicate sublethal effects, such as changes in growth or reproduction of the organism over a longer period of time.


Endophytic fungus of strain 2B isolated from Celastrus angulatus has been studied on the taxonomy,agricultural bioactivities, isolation and identification of active components, breeding of high yield strains,and optimization of fermentation conditions in this paper.

本论文以一株编号为 2B 的苦皮藤内生真菌为出发菌株,应用形态学的方法鉴定了其种属地位;研究了其代谢产物的农用生物活性,并对目标活性物质进行分离和结构解析,采取诱变育种手段选育了高产菌株,并对高产菌株的发酵条件进行了优化。

The results indicated that the separation probability and the quantity of endophytic bacteria varied with seasons and organs.


It was evidently that the endophytic fungi of C. hainanensis are potential resources to find valuable bioactive components.


In this review the current status of endophytic fungi in tropical area, resource diversity and host preference were focused on.


As novel sources of potential medicine, a number of metabolites isolated from endophytic fungi have been proved to have anticancer bioactivity.


In this research work, from a large amount of endophytes which had been screened based on several models, dozens of strains showed activities. One of which were taxonomically identified, and their secondary metabolites were studied.


更多网络解释与生物内生的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.2 植物内生菌(endophyte) 植物内生菌有内生真菌、细菌和放线菌. 内生菌最早是在禾本科黑麦草中发现的,现在研究发现内生菌普遍存在于各种植物组织中,越是生物多样性丰富的地区,内生菌越多,尤其从中药材中分离出大量的内生菌.

inborn error:先天性障碍

生物素化物酶的测定可用于生物素化物酶缺乏症(biotinidase deficiency)的诊断和治疗,该症状是一种婴幼儿新陈代谢先天性障碍(inborn error),其特点是不能够利用饮食蛋白质结合维生素或者循环利用内生的生物素.

innocuous peptides:无害的缩氨酸

endogenous adj. [生]内长的, 内生的 | innocuous peptides 无害的缩氨酸 | bioactivity n. 生物活性


VA菌根是内生菌根的主要类型,是由于菌根菌丝在根皮层细胞内形成特殊的变态结构泡囊(Vesicule)和丛枝(Arbuscule),而用其英文打头字母得名. 5. CarlWoese等人在对大量微生物和其他生物进行16s和18sRNA的寡核苷酸序列测定并比较其同源水平后,


endobiosis 内生现象 | endobiotic 生物内生的 | endobiphyta 内生寄生生物


endobasidium 内生担子,(腹菌)腹担子 | endobiotic 生物内生的,体内(寄)生的,组织内寄生的 | endoblast 内胚层