英语人>词典>汉英 : 生母 的英文翻译,例句
生母 的英文翻译、例句


one's own mother · birth mother
更多网络例句与生母相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He it was who took his bow and faced King Apollo himself for fair Marpessa's sake; her father and mother then named her Alcyone, because her mother had mourned with the plaintive strains of the halcyon-bird when Phoebus Apollo had carried her off.


Birth mother is Algerian , father's French .


Merlin refused to be a leader of dark powers, for he was raised by Ambrosia, a believer in the New Religion.


I could find out for you, who your biological mother and father were.


Category: D Type: Firm/Hard Milk: Sheep Origin: Portugal PDO. Wheels aged six to 12 months. Few or no holes in light yellow paste. Cardoon used to coagulate raw ewe milk.

类别:D 类型:实/硬奶:绵羊奶原产地:葡萄牙原产地保护,6至12个月的轮状,淡黄色的膏状奶酪里很少或没有孔洞,刺棘蓟用于凝固生母羊奶。

What she doesn't know is that Consuelo Guerrero is her true mother, who had already disowned Anita before birth for being conceived by rape.


In Delaware, the birth mother has 60 days to change her mind.


Delphinus 补充了一个更精辟的解释: I am sorry but I think you have missed the single most important message Mary wants to get over to Lucy: I don't want to carry on this talk about my stepmother - let's change a topic.

一、最明显的一个隐含意思是, Mary 的生母已经去世或者离婚,否则不会有继母。二、按照西方人的习惯,对于 Lucy 这样的问题, Mary 应当回答:她对我很好啊,我很喜欢她啊,等等,而 Mary 却采用了这种中性的说法,这表明 Mary 并不喜欢这位继母。

Let your father and mother have joy; let her who bore you exult.


After being kidnapped at the age of 3, Xiu Xiu found her biological mother after 20 years, thus her foster mother was put in jail.


更多网络解释与生母相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

birth pangs:阵痛; 创业之难

birth mother 亲生母 | birth pangs 阵痛; 创业之难 | birth rate 出生率

"Under the contract the natural mother is irrevocably committed:根据合同 生母签署了不可撤销的承诺

615 00:46:55,710 --> 00:47:00,6... | 616 00:47:01,379 --> 00:47:04,490 "根据合同 生母签署了不可撤销的承诺 "Under the contract the natural mother is irrevocably committed | 617 00:47:04,960 --> 00:47:07...

Losing Isaiah:生母养母的战争

魔鬼交易 Rich Man's Wife, The (1996) | 生母养母的战争 Losing Isaiah (1995) | 石头城乐园 Flintstones, The (1994)

Most likely:很可能这是私人领养|你唯一的渠道就是去找孩子的生母

so I'm not exactly surpris... | You know,most likely,this was a private adopt|your only avenue is to check with the mother,|很可能这是私人领养|你唯一的渠道就是去找孩子的生母 | the one who gave up the c...

Miranda Richardson:米蘭達李察遜

集合了米兰达.李察逊(Miranda Richardson)、茱莉.华特丝(Julie Walters)及埃米莉.华森三位杰出的英国女演员,李察.E.葛兰聪明又刻意地把琵琶别抱的生母、父亲新娶的继母两个身份代入政治批判.

biting mosquitoes:虰人的蚊子

birth mother 生母 | biting mosquitoes 虰人的蚊子 | black leaders 黑人領袖

foster parents:养父母

她的生母(biological mom)在她3岁的时候因为生活所迫把她寄养到了她的养父母(foster parents)家,这同样也是一个贫困的家庭,而且她的养父有着酗酒、赌博的恶习.


而在不同版本的传说中,有四个女人被认为是帕特罗克洛斯的母亲,Apollodorus of Athens列举三个Menoetius的妻子为帕特罗克洛斯较可能的生母:Periopis,斐瑞斯(Pheres)之女;Polymele,佩琉斯(Peleus)之女,亦是阿基里斯

queen mother:母后

嫔御所出的子女需认皇后为嫡母,称皇后为母后,称生母为母妃,皇子、亲王的子女亦称母亲为母妃. 清代的皇子和公主则称母后作皇额娘. 英语"母后"(Queen Mother)一词是指现任国王或女王的母亲,即王太后,但王太后包括并非现任君主母亲的前任王后.


随着哥特时代的到来,拜占廷的上帝生母(Theotokos)变成了MaterDolorosa,即上帝之母. 在日耳曼神话中,她则显形为(无疑只是来自加洛林时代)弗丽嘉(Frigga)和弗劳.霍勒(FrauHolle). 同样的情感也出现在游吟歌手的诸如太阳女郎、世界女郎、爱情女郎这些美丽的幻想中.