英语人>词典>汉英 : 生殖肢 的英文翻译,例句
生殖肢 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
gonocalyx  ·  gonopod

更多网络例句与生殖肢相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In 1931, the Wisconsin research team proved the mammal nutrition must the third kind of element is the zinc; in 1961 Ananda S, Prasad and so on reported that "Iranian village sickness", has the short, the reproductive organ maldevelopment, to lack the iron liver splenomegaly, low-spirited, to be addicted to rests and so on sickness, the zinc treatment has the good effect; Various countries also one after another have the zinc denutrition the report which confirmed after the experiment, and discovered that the zinc medicinal preparation treats enteropathy extremity dermatitis to have the special effect.

锌为人体必需的微量元素之一,其作用巨大,正引起社会各界的日益重视,被近代医学界、营养学界喻为人体的"生命之花"、"智慧元素"。1931年,威斯康星研究小组证明哺乳动物营养所必需的第三种元素是锌;1961年Ananda S,Prasad等报告"伊朗乡村病",有身材矮小、生殖器官发育不良、缺铁性肝脾肿大、精神不振、嗜睡等症,锌治疗有良效;各国也陆续有锌营养缺乏经实验证实的报道,并发现锌剂治疗肠病性肢端皮炎有特效。20世纪70年代末以后,我国各地有大量关于锌缺乏病的报道,以小儿为多见。

The female was mainly characterized by symmetrical convex gential segment, the same thorn length on either sides of the fourth sections, and no serrated ridges on the third section in the fifth thoracic appendage. No convex on the left side and long hook-like tip were found in the fifth thoracic appendage of the males.


When he judges it is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the females reproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries.


When he judges it is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the female's reproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries.


Is safe to do so, he inserts the end of a pedipalp into the female'sreproductive opening and discharges the sperm it carries.


Limb abnormalities including phocomelia, amelia, clubfeet, polydactyly, microtia, facial palsy, orofacial cleft, microphthalmia, cardiac defect, IUGR, urogenital, gastrointestinal, and spinal defects


Insect alkaline phosphatases are distributed in such insect organs and tissues as head, salivary gland, intestine, Malpighian tube cuticule, haemolymph, fat body, reproductive system and appendage. They may be involved in the process of insect development, nerve conduction, hormone synthesis, substance metabolism and diapause, and caste formation in social insects, etc.


更多网络解释与生殖肢相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


成虫腹部的附肢大部分都已退化,但第8、9腹节常保留有特化为外生殖器(genitalia)的附肢. 具有外生殖器的腹节,称为生殖节(geital segments);生殖节以前的腹节,称为生殖前节或脏节(visceral segments);生殖节以后的腹节有不同程度的退化或合并,


外生殖器(genitalia)是昆虫生殖系统的体外部分,是用以交配、授精、产卵器官的统称,主要由腹部生殖节上的附肢特化而成. 雌虫的外生殖器称为产卵器(ovipnsitor);雄性外生殖器称为


gonomery 兩親染色體分組 | gonophore 生殖芽;生殖體;載種體 | gonopod; gonopodium 生殖肢;插入器

copulatory organ:交配器

雌虫的外生殖器称为产卵器(ovipnsitor);雄性外生殖器称为交配器(copulatory organ). 雌性外生殖器着生于第8、9腹节上. 是昆虫用以产卵的器官,故称为产卵器. 它是由第8、9腹节的生殖肢形成的,生殖孔即位于第8、9节间的节间膜上. 产卵器一般为管状构造,


gonoblennorrhea 眼淋病 | gonocalyx 生殖肢 | gonocheme 性水母体


gonophylltheory 生殖叶学说 | gonoplasm 生殖质 | gonopod 生殖肢


生殖肢;肛侧肢 surgonopods | 狐獴(属) Suricata | 狐獴 Suricata suricata


产卵器一般为一管状构造,通常由3对称为产卵瓣(valvulae)的瓣状构造组成,分别着生在第八、九腹节上. 产卵瓣是生殖肢,它的基部有一骨片,叫生殖突基节,内有起源于腹节背板的肌肉. 第八腹节的产卵瓣称第一产卵瓣(first valvulae)或腹产卵瓣(腹瓣)(ventral valvulae),