英语人>词典>汉英 : 生斑点 的英文翻译,例句
生斑点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与生斑点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Perdy gets a head start over Anita, and gives birth to 15 adorable Dalmatian puppies.

很快地,Perdy 抢先一步,生下十五只可爱的小斑点狗。

Her hands were sunburnt and all dotted with freckles, her forefinger was hardened and lacerated with the needle


Tepals 6, free, white or yellow, sometimes mottled with purple, usually with a nectary, hairs, or lamellae near base adaxially.

花两性 花被片6,离生,白色或黄色,有时具紫色斑点,通常具一蜜腺,毛,或者副花冠裂片在近基部正面。

The TLC of them were concordance.They presented the same color fluorescence in the corresponding position at the ultraviolet light(365nm). After the vanillic aldehyde sulphuric acid ethanol solution developed, violet color spots presented at the same place. Reference substance of Polysaccharide presented violet color ,but in the corresponding position the crude and the prepared didn't show the spots . It proves that the chemical constituents of Polygala Root may not have changed after stir-baked with honey.

生远志正丁醇部位色谱和蜜远志正丁醇部位色谱基本一致:紫外灯(365 nm)下二者在相应位置呈相同颜色荧光,香草醛硫酸乙醇溶液显色后二者在相应位置的几个斑点均呈紫罗兰色,且远志皂苷元对照品斑点呈紫罗兰色,而在与其相应位置生远志供试品和蜜远志供试品均未检视到相应斑点。

Leaves sub-basal, slightly distichous in seedlings and new shoots, erect, pale green, sometimes with pale spots in very young plants, linear-lanceolate, 15--35(--50)× 4--5(--7) cm, margin sparsely spiny-dentate, apex 2- or 3-dentate-pointed.

叶近基生,稍2列在幼苗和新嫩枝上,直立,苍绿色,有时幼嫩植株具浅斑点,线状披针形, 15-35(-50)* 4-5(-7)厘米,边缘疏生具刺有齿,先端2或3具牙齿尖。

The TLC of them were concordance.They presented the same color fluorescence in the corresponding position at the ultraviolet light(365nm). After the vanillic aldehyde sulphuric acid ethanol solution developed, violet color spots presented at the same place. Reference substance of Polysaccharide presented violet color ,but in the corresponding position the crude and the prepared didn't show the spots .

生远志正丁醇部位色谱和蜜远志正丁醇部位色谱基本一致:紫外灯(365 nm)下二者在相应位置呈相同颜色荧光,香草醛硫酸乙醇溶液显色后二者在相应位置的几个斑点均呈紫罗兰色,且远志皂苷元对照品斑点呈紫罗兰色,而在与其相应位置生远志供试品和蜜远志供试品均未检视到相应斑点。

The TLC of them were concordance.They presented the same color fluorescence in the corresponding position at the ultraviolet light(365nm). After the vanillic aldehyde sulphuric acid ethanol solution developed, violet color spots presented at the same place.

生远志正丁醇部位色谱和蜜远志正丁醇部位色谱基本一致:紫外灯(365 nm)下二者在相应位置呈相同颜色荧光,香草醛硫酸乙醇溶液显色后二者在相应位置的几个斑点均呈紫罗兰色,且远志皂苷元对照品斑点呈紫罗兰色,而在与其相应位置生远志供试品和蜜远志供试品均未检视到相应斑点。

Stems sparsely purple-brown spotted, nodes 3 or 4; corolla sparsely glandular puberulent outside; anthers 3.5-4 mm; style sparsely glandular pubescent

茎疏生紫褐色斑点,节3或4;被微柔毛的花冠疏生腺体在外面;花药3.5-4毫米;花柱疏生腺体短柔毛 6 Hemiboea omeiensis 峨眉半蒴苣苔

Culms ca. 8 m, ca. 2.5 cm in diam.; internodes dull purple-green, becoming green with lower internodes tinged purple, to 35 cm, initially white powdery; wall ca. 5 mm thick; nodal ridge slightly elevated, as prominent as sheath scar; intranode ca. 5 mm. Culm sheaths pale red-brown, sometimes tinged green, sparsely to densely speckled, dark brown and glabrous along margins, sparsely strigose; auricles and oral setae well developed, purple; ligule purple, truncate to arcuate, short but broad, margin fringed with purple-tinged cilia; blade reflexed, purple to green, crinkled.

秆约8米,约厘米直径;节间愚笨紫色绿色,变得绿色与低节间紫色地微染着,令35厘米的是,最初白色粉状;壁约5毫米厚;节的稍隆起脊,象鞘痕一样突出; intranode约5毫米竿箨浅红棕色,有时微染绿色,疏生对浓密有斑点,暗褐色和沿边缘,疏生糙伏毛;叶耳和口头的刚毛发育良好,紫色;叶舌紫色,削去到弧曲,短但是辽阔,用紫色微染的cilia作为边缘的边;叶片反折,对绿色,皱曲紫色。

Inflorescence terminal, 1–11-flowered; pedicels scaly, usually setose; calyx (1–)2–15 mm, usually 5-lobed, sometimes reduced to undulate rim, scaly, margin mostly ciliate or setose; corolla broadly campanulate or rotate to saucer-shaped, usually yellow, rarely greenish, white or reddish, sometimes spotted, outer surface scaly, sometimes sparsely pubescent; stamens 10; ovary 5(or 6)-celled; style short, thick, sharply bent, usually scaly at base.


更多网络解释与生斑点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


axillary 腋窝的,叶腋的,腋生的 | bacterial 细菌性斑点病 | bagworm 节草虫

fraternal twin:异卵双生

foreskin (阴茎)包皮 | fraternal twin 异卵双生 | freckle 雀斑, 斑点

freckle:雀斑, 斑点

fraternal twin 异卵双生 | freckle 雀斑, 斑点 | frequency of urination 尿频


chaksine | 卡克生 | chalaco | 斑点睡虾虎鱼 | chalan | 发票,收据,通行证,运货单

unpickled spot:酸洗斑点

unphysiologic activation factor 非生理性致活因子 | unpickled spot 酸洗斑点 | unpigmented base coat 无颜料的底涂层