英语人>词典>汉英 : 生叶状体的 的英文翻译,例句
生叶状体的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Martensia was characterized by either single or multiple network-banded blades, procarps consisting of a four-celled carpogonial branch flanked on one side by a single lateral sterile group and on the other side by a group of cover cells, and cystocarp scattered over fertile blades.


Type Ⅰ consists of thallus with pores,and branches with center band.

Type Ⅰ具有叶状体,表面具有孔,叶状体上着生有具有中间加厚带的枝。

It was concluded that the photosynthesis and carbon budget of Ulva lactuca under aquatic state differed from that under aerial state, and such difference was associated with the conditions of ambient temperature and water statues of thalli.


Leaves apparently alternate, distichous; nanophylls present or absent, opposite to normal leaves; stipules 2; leaf blade 3-veined, one major lateral vein sometimes inserted above the base, or pinnately veined, base asymmetric, margin entire or serrate; cystoliths mostly present, linear or fusiform.


As it flows it takes the forms of sappy leaves or vines, making heaps of pulpy sprays a foot or more in depth, and resembling, as you look down on them, the laciniated, lobed, and imbricated thalluses of some lichens; or you are reminded of coral, of leopard's paws or birds' feet, of brains or lungs or bowels, and excrements of all kinds.


Leaves alternate, petiolate; stipules caducous, intrapetiolar, connate, often broad, foliaceous; leaf blade 3-veined, margin dentate or lobed; cystoliths punctiform.


Cauline leaves petiolate; sepals membranous only at margin, remaining until young fruit develops; petals caducous; style minutely papillate, cylindric; stem trichomes crisped simple and forked, or malpighiaceous; raceme elongated considerably in fruit.


Cauline leaves pinnatisect or pinnatifid, broader; stems pilose with trichomes to 1 mm

茎生叶羽状全裂或者羽状半裂,宽;茎具柔毛的具毛状体到1毫米 2 C。

At least basal leaves dentate, serrate, or pinnatifid; median filaments free; stems glabrous or with straight trichomes.


Sometimes armed with stinging hairs; epidermal cells of leaves, sometimes stems, perianths mostly with prominent cystoliths punctiform to linear; Leaves alternate or opposite, stipules present, rarely absent; leaf blade simple. Inflorescences cymose, paniculate, racemose, spicate, or cluster-capitate, usually formed from glomerules, sometimes crowded on common enlarged cuplike or discoid receptacle, rarely reduced into a single flower. Flowers unisexual, rarely bisexual in partial flowers; actinomorphic, very small,(1-)4- or 5-merous, rarely perianth absent in female flowers.


更多网络解释与生叶状体的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

leaping organ:跳跃器

whipped 受到鞭打的 | leaping organ 跳跃器 | stratified thallus 迭生叶状体


特征:孢子体多为二叉分枝,小型叶延生起源又称为拟叶,常螺旋状排列,有时对生或为轮生,有或无叶舌,孢子囊有厚壁,单生于孢子叶(sporophyll) 腋的基部,或聚生于枝端或孢子叶球(strobile),或称为孢子叶穗(sporophyll spike).


例如,与现生的轮藻植物鞘毛藻属(Coleochaete)相比较,它们具非常相似的叶状体,产生壁中含孢粉素的卵孢子. 派卡藻可以想象成藻类植物和苔藓植物之间的一个演化过渡类型. 然而,无论它的系统发育位置如何,派卡藻明显是一种试图在干燥陆地上生活的非维管植物.

Cyrtomium fortunei:贯众

真蕨纲 (Filicinae)真蕨是现今繁茂的蕨类植物,其孢子体发达,叶为大叶型. 孢子体有根、茎、叶的分化. 现以贯众(Cyrtomium fortunei)为真蕨纲代表植物说明本纲的特征. (图:绵马贯众)叶为奇数羽状复叶,叶柄基部密生褐色鳞片,具有.


frondelite 锰绿铁矿 | frondose 生叶状体的 | front-line 前线的


葫芦藓Funnaria hygromentrica Hedw.属真鲜目(Bryales)葫芦藓科(Funariaceae)葫芦藓属. 植物体(配子体)高约2cm,直立,呈茎叶型,无真正的根、茎、叶的分化. 植株基部有单列细胞组成的假根. 叶螺旋状着生,叶片具中肋1条,整个叶片除中肋外由单层细胞组成,


常见的红藻包括掌状红皮藻、紫菜、石花菜属(Gelidium)、角叉菜属(Chondrus). 北大西洋的掌状红皮藻(Rhodymenia palmata)淡紫红色,由扁平的单生或丛生的叶状体所构成,外表扇状,分成多数二叉型裂片. 低潮时,大西洋岩石海岸潮间带的下半部,


硝化杆菌科(Nitrobacteriaceae)是细菌的1科. 根据<<伯杰氏鉴定细菌学手册>>(第8版),本科包括一切能以氧化氨或亚硝酸为能源,并能以二氧化碳为唯一碳源的自养细菌. 菌体杆形、椭圆形、圆形、螺旋形或叶状;无芽孢;革兰氏染色阴性;亚端生鞭毛,


含河苔草科(Podostemaceae)45属水生植物,形似苔、藓、藻类或地衣,生於急流和瀑布中的岩石上. 许多种缺茎和叶,有高度变态的带状叶状体(光合作用在此进行),其上或生有能开花长叶的次生枝. 许多种的液汁为乳状. 该目几乎均见於热带和亚热带地区.

Reboulia hemisphaerica:石地钱

[摘要]石地钱(Reboulia hemisphaerica)属苔纲地钱目石地钱科石地钱属植物.多生长在林下石面较干燥的土层上. 其叶状体(配子体)扁平带状,二叉分枝,腹面沿中肋有一条假根槽,生有许多假根,槽的两侧生有紫红色鳞片. 雌生殖托半球形,绿色分瓣,有短柄,