英语人>词典>汉英 : 生产能量 的英文翻译,例句
生产能量 的英文翻译、例句


operation capacity
更多网络例句与生产能量相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of Energy says cellulosic ethanol provides 54 percent more energy than corn-based ethanol in comparison to the amount of energy required for production.


Exhaust time gauge and steam time gauge, you can understand exhaust speed and statistically production.


The impurities generating mechanism is explored and corresponding technical plan is provided for determining and diminishing the impurities including diphenyl methane, triphenylmethane, triphenylcarbinol, 4-methy benzophenone, 4-chloro benzophenone and etc. in order to produce high purity benzophenone.


The geology research of carbonate reservoirs in Ordovician of Tahe oilfield showed that many large dissolved vugs and fractures were developed. The spread of the reservoir take on a very heterogeneous state. And the typical fractured-vuggy reservoirs was formed. According to the combination of the various spaces, the formation was divided into vuggy formation, fractured-vuggy formation and fractured formation. The research showed that development of the vug is relevant to the its position on the structure, the fractures, the water surface and the weathering surface. Multi-phase charge and recharge of the oil in the reservoirs resulted in the complexity of the fluid distribution. So the"Bottle Model"was brought forward to explain the movement of the water-oil contact. The special storage space and the complex fluid distribution lead to the unstability of the production and the complexity of the water cut. In order to explain the characteristic of the fracture-vug unit was brought forward and the basic principle and method of the partition of the fracture-vug unit was formed. The classification and evaluation of the units were performed according the reserve and energy. Based on the research of geology characteristic and the fluid flow in the reservoir the comprehensive numerical simulation plan of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs were established. Through the selection of the simulation unit, fluid flow type and parameter equivalent the triple media reservoir simulation model was established. Considering the practical application the model was resolved by the DKR decomposition conjugate grads method. Based on the fine reservoir description of Dsitrict IV of the Tahe oilfield the various space type were classified and combined together. The geology model of Unit S48 was constructed. Two typical single well model was established according to the geology and the dynamic phenomena. Finally the single well model and the Unit S48 were simulated by the triple media reservoir simulator. Via the local grid refinement and coarsening in the simulation good matchs were gained. Based on the results of the simulation the reserve distribution, percent of reserve produced in various space and the natural energy were analyzed. The fluid was storaged in the fractures and vugs mostly and more than 90% the produced oil came from the systems. The energy belonged to the active one. The results of simulation accorded with the fact and showed the validity and practicability the research and the simulator.


Through comparison of energy inputs in corn fuel ethanol life cycle,fossil energy inputs of corn production and ethanol conversion processes were identified as the most important,and therefore nitrogen fertilizer,electivity and diesel used in corn farming and energy consumption of distillation and dehydration process in ethanol production could be known as the most influential factors for the energy benefit of corn fuel ethanol.


The geology research of carbonate reservoirs in Ordovician of Tahe oilfield showed that many large dissolved vugs and fractures were developed. The spread of the reservoir take on a very heterogeneous state. And the typical fractured-vuggy reservoirs was formed. According to the combination of the various spaces, the formation was divided into vuggy formation, fractured-vuggy formation and fractured formation. The research showed that development of the vug is relevant to the its position on the structure, the fractures, the water surface and the weathering surface. Multi-phase charge and recharge of the oil in the reservoirs resulted in the complexity of the fluid distribution. So the"Bottle Model"was brought forward to explain the movement of the water-oil contact. The special storage space and the complex fluid distribution lead to the unstability of the production and the complexity of the water cut. In order to explain the characteristic of the fracture-vug unit was brought forward and the basic principle and method of the partition of the fracture-vug unit was formed. The classification and evaluation of the units were performed according the reserve and energy. Based on the research of geology characteristic and the fluid flow in the reservoir the comprehensive numerical simulation plan of the fractured-vuggy reservoirs were established. Through the selection of the simulation unit, fluid flow type and parameter equivalent the triple media reservoir simulation model was established. Considering the practical application the model was resolved by the DKR decomposition conjugate grads method. Based on the fine reservoir description of Dsitrict IV of the Tahe oilfield the various space type were classified and combined together. The geology model of Unit S48 was constructed. Two typical single well model was established according to the geology and the dynamic phenomena. Finally the single well model and the Unit S48 were simulated by the triple media reservoir simulator. Via the local grid refinement and coarsening in the simulation good matchs were gained. Based on the results of the simulation the reserve distribution, percent of reserve produced in various space and the natural energy were analyzed. The fluid was storaged in the fractures and vugs mostly and more than 90% the produced oil came from the systems. The energy belonged to the active one. The results of simulation accorded with the fact and showed the validity and practicability the research and the simulator.


Carnitine does this by transferring long chain fatty acids into mitochondria where they are oxidised to produce energy.


The first industrial production teflon thin film majority uses have re-equipped the plank veneer peeling lathe turns on lathe cuts the processing, this traditional veneer peeling lathe uses the mechanical drive control generally, produces not only the thin film the quality is not high, the reliability is bad; Moreover in the production process the noise is big, consumes energy much, the production efficiency is not high, is unable to adapt the now industrial production demand.

The 第一工业生产聚四氟乙烯打开车床裁减处理,这台传统表面饰板削皮车床一般使用机械驱动控制,生产不仅质量不是高的薄膜,可靠性是坏;而且在生产过程中噪声大,消耗能量,生产效率不是高的,无法适应现在工业生产demand。

The process driving force and the energy-saving potential were presented in the phosphorous acid production by BEP.


Energy budgets were obtained and the ecophysiological mechanisms of fish regulating its energy allocation were discussed. These results can provide basic data for the study of fish bioenergetics and fish culture.


更多网络解释与生产能量相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cancelled check:柱销支票;付讫支付

Call up capital 已催缴股本(包括已收及催缴未收的股本) | Cancelled check 柱销支票;付讫支付 | Capacity expenses (生产)能量费用

production capacity:生产能量

production 生產,產出 | production capacity 生產能量 | production center 生產中心


监察王虫-增加了污染(Contaminate)技能:消耗75点能量-对一个敌方建筑使用时将会使得该建筑在30秒内不能生产单位或者进行任何的研究. 增加了被感染的人类:消耗125能量-被感染的人类拥有跟之前一样的数值,该单位将会被生产在监察王虫的正下方.

idle capacity:空闲(生产)能量

Identification method 辩认法(指各项存货计价) | Idle capacity 空闲(生产)能量 | Idle equipment 闲置设备

Inadmissible assets:不可税资产

Inadequate capacity不敷(生产)能量 | Inadmissible assets 不可税资产 | In balance 平衡

Maturity date:到期之日

Maturity 到期 | Maturity date 到期之日 | Maximum capacity 最高(生产)能量


线粒体 Mitochondria: 线粒体(Mitochondria)是细胞的能量发生器,也是细胞中最活跃的组成部份之一. 需要大量能量的细胞如肌肉等部位,细胞之中约含有1000到2000个线粒体,每个线粒体都能生产出三磷酸腺酶(ATP)分子,为细胞活动提供足够能量.

productive assets:生产资产

Production quota 生産預計額 | Productive assets 生産資産 | Productive capacity cost 生産能量成本

productive capacity:生产能量

生产导向多元化 Production-oriented diversification | 生产能量 Productive capacity | 生产力 Productivity

e.g. energy-producing:生产能量的

energy-saving a. 节省能源的 | e.g. energy-producing 生产能量的 | portable a. Carried or moved with ease:易携带或移动的: