英语人>词典>汉英 : 甘汞 的英文翻译,例句
甘汞 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

mercury subchloride
更多网络例句与甘汞相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If you are drinking calomel tea you will allow yourself to be deceived to save a marriage or relationship.


She was treated with calomel, a mercury compound, and this treatment gave her mercury poisoning.


To dream of calomel is not a good sign at all as to see it means much unhappiness dealt to you by anothers hand.


We have the saturated calomel electrode.


With Hg_2Cl_2HgS ion-selective electrode and model 217 saturated calomel electrode, experiments have been made for determination of chloride in highpurity water.


An experimental setup with two external saturated calomel reference electrodesand two flow cells was established for flow battery research application.


The calomel electrode has a small pinhole opening or wick .


A three-electrode system had been set up for the HO production,in which graphite,Pt and saturated calomel electrode were used as cathode, anode and reference electrode respectively,and NaSO as supporting electrolyte.


A electrochemical analyticalmethod is presented, with which the content of trace potassium iodate was directly measured byan ion-selective electrode and a saturated calomel electrode.


Determination of the concentration of Vitamin B_1 by the method of automatic potentiometric titration was studied by using silver electrode as indicator electrode and saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode.


更多网络解释与甘汞相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



calomel:[化]甘汞, 氯化亚汞

be indifferent to 对...漠不关心 | calomel [化]甘汞, 氯化亚汞 | roll eccentricity correction 轧辊偏心的修正

calomel electrode:甘汞电极

工作电极为欲测量的试片,参考电极的功用是量测试片在目前环境下的电位,种类有饱和甘汞电极(calomel electrode)、银/氯化银电极(Silver-Silver Chloride)、铜/硫酸铜(Copper-Copper Sulfate)、标准氢电极(Standard hydrogen electrode)等,

calomel electrode:离心喷雾干燥机 甘汞电极

calomel 甘汞 | calomel electrode离心喷雾干燥机 甘汞电极 | calorie 卡

calomel cell:甘汞电池

calobiosis 同栖共生 | calomel cell 甘汞电池 | calomel electrode 甘汞电极

Calomel B:甘汞

C050027 蜂王精 queen bee extract B | 050064 甘汞 Calomel B | 050036 培养细菌用肉汤 Bouillons for bacteriological cultures B

electrode; calomel:甘汞电极

屏蔽电极 electrode; bucking | 甘汞电极 electrode; calomel | 甘汞标准电极 electrode; calomel normal

mercurous chloride:甘汞

mercurous chloride electrode 甘汞电极 | mercurous chloride 甘汞 | mercurous iodide 碘化亚汞

mercurous chloride:氯化亚汞;甘汞

mercurous 亚汞的;一价汞的 | mercurous chloride 氯化亚汞;甘汞 | mercury 汞;水银

mercurous chloride electrode:甘汞电极

mercurous bromide 溴化亚汞 | mercurous chloride electrode 甘汞电极 | mercurous chloride 甘汞