英语人>词典>汉英 : 瑞典语的 的英文翻译,例句
瑞典语的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与瑞典语的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Business Scope Languages: English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Turkish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Arabic, etc.. Professional Fields: Law, finance, Economics, Insurance, Trade, Industrial and Commerce Administration, IT, Communication, Mechanics, Automobile, Electronics, Computer, Aeronautics, Medicine, Chemical Industry, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Energy, Geology, Environmental Protection, Metallurgy, Construction, Electricity, Textile, Printing and Dyeing, Paper - Making, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and etc..


The word iceberg is a partial loan translation from Dutch ijsberg , literally meaning mountain of ice , [2] cognate to Danish Isbjerg , Swedish Isberg , Low Saxon Iesbarg and German Eisberg .

字冰山是一个部分贷款翻译荷兰语艾斯贝赫,字面意思是山区的冰, [ 2 ]同源,以丹麦语 isbjerg ,瑞典语 isberg ,低撒克逊 iesbarg 和德语 eisberg 。

Apparently, there was a mistranslation from Swedish, and actor is the term the use case community uses.


To class these according to the place of publication and the language chiefly employed in their preparation: 228 are French (a certain number of which are published in Belgium, Switzerland, and other countries than France); 135, German; 88, Italian; 55, English; 13, Russian; 11, Dutch; 7, Flemish; 7, Spanish; 7, Croatian; 4, Swedish; 3, Portuguese; 2, Irish; 2, Hungarian; 1, Czech; 1, Polish; 1, Rumanian; 1, Dalmatian; and 1, Norwegian.

以一流的,这些根据地方的出版和语言,主要是雇用他们编制: 228是法国人(一定数量,其中发表在比利时,瑞士和其他国家比法国), 135人,德语; 88 ,意大利55 ,英语 13 ,俄罗斯11 ,荷兰7日,佛兰芒; 7 ,西班牙语7日,克罗地亚; 4 ,瑞典语; 3 ,葡萄牙语; 2 ,爱尔兰2 ,匈牙利1 ,捷克; 1 ,波兰1 ,罗马尼亚1 ,达尔马提亚以及1 ,挪威语。

Her poems have been translated in English, German, Swedish, Italian, Danish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Czech, Slovakian, Serbo-Croatian, Romanian, Bulgarian and other languages. They have also been published in many foreign anthologies of Polish poetry.


West Norse is a term describing the modern languages of Norwegian, Faroese and Icelandic within the North Germanic language group.

它的北欧同源词分别是挪威语和丹麦语的 norrn ,瑞典语的 norrn 和冰岛语的 norrn 。

Lexia Software supported language: English, German, French, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Italian, Hungary, Greek, Czech.


Good sense of receipting and serving; 165cm; responsible for the reception , consulting, planning work and other relevant serving work of International exhibition


The pre-Christmas celebrations of Swedish-speaking Finns end in the Lucia festival, which has its origins in Sweden.


The North Germanic language of Sweden and Finland.


更多网络解释与瑞典语的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


荷兰语的变体有弗拉芒语(Flemish)和南非荷兰语(又译阿非利堪斯语)(Afrikaans);德语有使用希伯来字母的变体意地绪语(或称依地语、犹太德语)(Yiddish). 北日耳曼语支(或斯堪的纳维亚语支)包括丹麦语(Danish)、挪威语(Norwegian)、瑞典语(Sweden),


瑞典语(Sweden),冰岛语(icelandic)由于长期与大陆隔绝,较多地保留了古诺斯语的特点. ...


丹麦语(Danish)和瑞典语(Swedish)、挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)以及法罗语(Faroese),同属日耳曼(Germanic)语系的北方分支. 外籍人士占丹麦总人口的3%,以及哥本哈根人口的8%. 其中4成来自西欧各国,

standish:石头的风景区 男性 古英语

Staffan 花环 男性 瑞典语 | Standish 石头的风景区 男性 古英语 | Stanford 石头浅滩 男性 古英语


英语被划为曰尔曼语族(Germanic),与德语(German)、荷兰语(Dutch)、佛兰德斯语(Flemish)、丹麦语(Danish)、瑞典语(Swedish)和挪威语(Norwegian)同属一族. 它与这些语言有相似的语法结构和许多共同词汇. 另一方面,英语有一多半词汇又源于拉丁语(Latin).

sweeny:肩肌萎缩 (名)

Swedish 瑞典的, 瑞典语的, 瑞典人的 (形) | sweeny 肩肌萎缩 (名) | sweeping 扫荡的, 广泛的, 彻底的 (形)

Of course, in Swedish, the word "friend" can also be translated as "limping twerp:当然 在瑞典语中 朋友这个单词同样可以翻译成愚蠢的瘸子

You know, in some cultures, it's... | Of course, in Swedish, the word "friend" can also be translated as "limping twerp."|当然 在瑞典语中 朋友这个单词同样可以翻译成愚蠢的瘸子 | Did your pager really ju...


丹麦语(Danish)和瑞典语(Swedish)、挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)以及法罗语(Faroese),同属日耳曼(Germanic)语系的北方分支. 外籍人士占丹麦总人口的3%,以及哥本哈根人口的8%. 其中4成来自西欧各国,


挪威语(norsk)是日耳曼语族的一个分支,普遍通用于挪威,也是挪威的官方语言. 挪威语与瑞典语和丹麦语十分相似,操这三种语言的人也可以互相沟通. 由于丹麦语从十六世纪至十九世纪期间一直是挪威地区的标准书写语言,

North Germanic:北日耳曼语支

它又分为三个语支:(一)东日耳曼语支(EastGermanic)主要以现已绝迹的哥特语(Gothic)为代表;(二)北日耳曼语支(North Germanic),主要以古北欧语(Oid Norse)为代表,包括今日的挪威语(Norwegian)、冰岛语(Icelandic)、瑞典语和丹麦语等;