英语人>词典>汉英 : 瑞典的 的英文翻译,例句
瑞典的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The capital and largest city of Sweden; located in S Sweden on the Baltic.


The genuine Kersten diaries which Professor Hugh Trevor-Roper saw in Sweden were never published,perhaps because of the political dynamite they contained on Sweden's elite including publisher Albert Bonnier,alleged to have offered Himmler the addresses of every Jew in Sweden in return for concessions in the event of a Nazi invasion.


Crawford Door 瑞典阔福门业is a subsidiary of Sweden-based Cardo Group, Which ranks top of the world industrial door and docking system manufactures.


Ganda, which does not appear to be spreading and is rated low risk, sends e-mail in English or Swedish. It is signed by "Uncle Roger in Hornsand, Sweden," who complains in a message about being discriminated against in the Swedish school system, Sophos said.


Sweden Kasa : The most beautiful one has more than 100 statuaries.


But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?!


This has yet to be approved by the government, but Hakan Syren, the senior Swedish commander, worries that 0the armed forces are being forced to lower their ambitions when it comes to their ability to repel extensive military operations that threaten Sweden .


She had had a taste of acting at age 17 when she played an uncredited role of a girl standing in line in the Swedish film Landskamp (1932) in 1932--not much of a beginning for a girl who would be known as "Sweden's illustrious gift to Hollywood." Her parents died when she was just a girl and the uncle she lived with didn't want to stand in the way of Ingrid's dream.


But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?


Having immersed himself, and the reader, in the all-encompassing conformism, thrift and diligence of the Sweden of that era, he charts the story of his own rebellion, disenchantment and ultimate reconciliation with a country that in the meantime changes almost beyond all recognition.


更多网络解释与瑞典的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


8) grievance 不平,冤屈 | 9) Justiteombudsman (瑞典的)司法特派员 | 10) ombudsman (瑞典和英国的)司法特派员

Scandinavian Metal:斯堪的纳维亚金属 )

听了很长时间的金属,对柔情金属情有独钟,给我的触动也是最大的,将要推出的都是我听听了又听的,希望大家喜欢. Hammerfall,来自瑞典的力量金属(Power Metal)斯堪的纳维亚金属(Scandinavian Metal)重金属(Heavy Metal)风格的乐队,他们的音乐有着英雄的


瑞典人(Swedish) 北欧瑞典的主体民族. 另有少数分布在芬兰西南沿海和阿兰群岛及美国、加拿大和丹麦. 属欧罗巴人种大西洋波罗的海类型. 其先民为古代日耳曼人北支诸部落. 公元前分布在斯堪的纳维亚半岛南部地区,后逐步向北发展 .

sweeny:肩肌萎缩 (名)

Swedish 瑞典的, 瑞典语的, 瑞典人的 (形) | sweeny 肩肌萎缩 (名) | sweeping 扫荡的, 广泛的, 彻底的 (形)

Swedish Trade Council:瑞典贸易委员会

会议的主办方之一,瑞典贸易委员会(Swedish Trade Council)下属的专业委员会瑞典环境技术网络(Swedish Environmental Technology Network)今天组织我们参观了瑞典一个示范小区--可持续发展城市的概念.


瑞典伏特加(ABSOLUT VODKA): 瑞典伏特加历史可以追溯至15世纪. 15世纪的瑞典,伏特加酒酿造业已非常发达. 几乎每户瑞典人家都有一套自酿伏特加的独特方法,用以抵御北欧难捱的严冬. 瑞典的伏特加不经过提纯工艺,

Madeleine Madeline:法语 来自于圣经中所提到的

25.Linnea 斯堪迪纳维亚语 瑞典的国花 | 1.Madeleine Madeline 法语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala | 2.Madeline 英语 来自于圣经中所提到的Magdala

haglofs,peak performance:瑞典的

northland,奥地利 | 瑞典的haglofs,peak performance | 挪威的norrona

A Swedish massage from a real Swedish person:真正瑞典人做的瑞典式按摩

Put your face in the hole.|把你的脸放入洞中 | A Swedish massage from a real Swedish person.|真正瑞典人做的瑞典式按摩 | Okay, then I'm Swedish.|好的,那我就是瑞典人


Prokofiev (普罗科菲耶夫,苏联作曲家、钢琴家. 1891-1953) | Holst (霍尔斯特,祖籍瑞典的英国作曲家. 1874-1934) | Suggested Listening Works:建议聆听的作品: