英语人>词典>汉英 : 理论经济的 的英文翻译,例句
理论经济的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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This study analysised the condition of Xinjiang's petroleum resource and made an evaluation and it points out that the development of petroleum and natural gas of Xinjiang is still in the developing period in which it aims at discovering the petrol field and increasing its reserves.Although it has a great exploring potential,because of its geograghy limitation and a lack of exploring funds,the exploring level is till low,even lower than the everage level of the whole country. The study is based on theories of industry distributions,its concentration,macroscopic analysis,government regulations and continuing development.From microcosmic and macroscopic aspects,it scientifically and systematically analyses the problems in the development of petroleum industry in Xinjiang.It points that the developments of middle and upper reaches lack a balance and have no rational industry structures.So it is hard to form an integral industry chains.Moreover,the upper reach covers a too much large proportion in the development,so it can not give a strong impetus to other industries.Based it,the paper points the industrial concentration of Petroleum Chemical Products Manufacture of Xinjiang should be enhanced and Input to Petroleum Chemical Products Manufacture of Xinjiang should be increased.Due to a lack of an established fair and competitive market and government's perfect laws and regulations on petroleum industry,it points that the phenomenon of mixed operation has become common in monolopied business and competitive business,so the systems of petroleum industry needs to be restructured.It states clearly that the country should take the development and benefits of Xinjiang's economy into consideration when making strategies for petroleum development .Besides,the allocation of profits between the center and the local should be well arranged so that we can guarantee the profits of Xinjiang ,considered as a resource area.It also reveals that we should not only overcome limitations of resources,environment,economy and technology on continuring development,but also we should deal with some realistic problems well.For instance,contradictions between the concept of limited resource and continuing development,the relationship between petroleum industry's own features and continuing development,the contradictions between the limits on supply of petroleum and the need of future development of continuing resource ,outdated petroleum technology and the need of advanced technology for continuing development,tremendous damages to environment and requirements of environment protection for continuing development and Xinjiang continuing economic development,outdated policy of industry and continuing development,the relationship between continuing development of Xinjiang petroleum industry and continuing economic development of Xinjiang.


World is in the , of change reforming and opening of our country Theory , of courage the , of new experience that sum up practice draw lesson from Only the ideological theory in the Party of this , leads to Practise the theory on the foundation and create something new is that the society develop to Create something new through the theory promote the system and create something new , the science and technology initiates Not slack , this is that we want to insist on longer govern the Party 2 .s raise and be on one's own importance of ability create something new and raise 构, be transformed , of important support of economical high way Compete for the force and fight against the important support of ability of risk.


On the basis of those theories, take the economical development as the goal, the author treats that how the international trade promotes region economy development, including the domain of dependence economic structure constituent reciprocity, grasps function about the international trade to the region economy development mechanism, formulates the most suitable region foreign trade developmental strategy, Thus assure open rhythm of our country region internal economy development, from our country national condition, using the foreign trade to promote the local economy development, cultivate area trade market, promote economies of scale formation, enhance the productivity , meanwhile strengthen this local international competition. Those are important significance of theory and the practice.


This article take the county territory economy development is the comprehensive construction well-off society s key in as the starting point, the encompassment "the strength county territory economy" the spirit, according to "five overall plans" the principle, through is connected economical theory and so on development theory to the economic in, comparative ad...


Hereinto, the study of Multi-Agent simulation of economies based on the complex adaptive system theory is an important research branch of the complexity of economy.


Single capital in the profit-driven motives chases excess value. Law of pro-rata to the total social labor in a competitive relationship regulates the total social capital. But in a capitalist economic relations law of pro-rata to the total labor failed to play its role. In currencies economic relations currency accumulation may be the same with the actual accumulation, may also inconsistent. In the law of organic composition of capital rising income distribution led to the impoverishment of the working class and cyclical decline in effective demand.


By applying game theory and contraction mapping theorem, a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in a multi-person non-cooperative game is proposed. Another implication in the sense of game theory is presented for the stability condition of supply-demand equilibrium in traditional economic theory. It can demonstrate the stability condition for supply-demand equilibrium in economic theory. So the stable supply-demand equilibrium of cobweb model in economics is in fact equivalent to the Nash equilibrium in game theory. That is a brand-new explanation for the conclusion in traditional economic theory.


The cycle undulatory theory tell us that there is certain periodicity in economical development. This kind of periodic performance almost simultaneously expands for the many economic activity, then universal declines, contracts and recovers, thus influend economy development.


The feature of this paper lies in combining economic growth theory, theory of the new economic geography with economic integration space, charactering the type of rural economy with space Statistics technology, and conducting a 2-scale empirical study on rural economic growth factors in time and cross-section by panel data model, providing a basis for making policy of sustainable development of rural economy.


This essay analyzes the actuality of investigation in China Mass-economics and points out shortages of present investigation in the area: two falls and two disjoints , namely the fall between qualitative investigation and quantitative investigation, the fall between macroscopic investigation and microcosmic investigation, the disjoint between theory and practice, the disjoint between economical theory and communication theory; the causations of the deficiency are: from subjective view neglecting the localization of overseas achievement in Mass-economics and the investigation of ontology.


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首先,此种一般化开启了一种对"政治(polity)"进行理论分析的新方法,将其视为与经济严格平行的、在分析上界定明确的一个社会的次级体系. 这就消除了有关社会体系的一般理论中所存在的经济理论与政治理论之间那种极为严重的不对称情形.

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