英语人>词典>汉英 : 球茎 的英文翻译,例句
球茎 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
corm  ·  bulbotuber  ·  bulbi  ·  bulbs  ·  carmus  ·  bulbodium  ·  bulbus

solid bulb
更多网络例句与球茎相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or tuber.


A small corm arising at the base of a larger corm.

球茎 Cormel 大球茎基部生出的小球茎

A thin skin or membrane .A loose, membranous outer covering of a bulb or corm, as of the onion, tulip, or crocus.


The results indicated that the treatment of irradiation restrained the growth and differentiation of protocorm, especially to roots.The LD50 is 67.23Gy, because the protocorm is a integrate embryoids and higher tolerance was found. Ploidy analysis showed that most of aberrant seedlings go with the change of DNA and they were not euploid. When the plants trearted by irradiation, some of aberrant seedlings appeared stem forfication, and leaves appeared chlorophyll-deficient or green-white.,probably due to some genes' expression or closing.


Maculate protocorm was highest in the KC solid medium, being 71.9%, and their seedling growth was best and the diameter of the protocorm was(5.8±0.3) mm. The survival rate of D.nobile protocorm was highest in the B5 solid medium, being 65.0%, and their seedling growth was best in the KC solid medium and the diameter of the protocorm was (3.8±0.6) mm.


The results showed that N6+TDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+NAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Platanthera mandarinorum with an induction rate of 92.5%; N6+TTDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Coeloglossum viride with an induction rate of 98%; N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Platanthera mandarinorum with a germination rate of 96%; N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+GA30.01 mgL^(-1) was most suitable for Coeloglossum viride with a germination rate of 94.5%.

结果表明,最适合长白舌唇兰原球茎和类原球茎诱导的培养基为N6+TDZ0.05mgL^(-1)+NAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1),诱导率为92.5%;最适合凹舌兰原球茎和类原球茎诱导的培养基为N6+TDZ0.05 mgL^(-1)+KT0.50 mgL^(-1),诱导率为98%;长白舌唇兰类原球茎萌发为完整植株的最佳培养基为N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1),萌发率为96%;凹舌兰类原球茎萌发为完整植株的最佳培养基为N6+IAA0.01 mgL^(-1)+GA30.01 mgL^(-1),萌发率为94.5%。

The dry seeds of Dendrobium nobile and Pleione maculata were cultured on MS, B5 and KC liquid media for inducing protocorms, and the protocorms were subcultured on MS, KC and B5 solid media to study the growth of protocorm differentiation seedlings in the different medium.


The increment of 6-BA concentration can increase the protocorm propagation obviously. And the matching of high concentration of 6-BA and low concentration of NAA is more suitable for the protocorm propagation of C. grandiflorium. 6-BA at the concentration of 1.5 mg/L was most favorable for protocorm induction and differentiation.

结论]6-BA浓度的增加,可明显提高原球茎的增殖,高浓度6-BA与低浓度NAA的配比较适合大花蕙兰的原球茎增增殖;6-BA在1.5 mg/L时最有利于原球茎的诱导分化。

The phenomenon of vitrification could restore significantly after culture 2 or 3 generations in the culture medium without hormone. The differentiation ability of protocorm restored and the state of plant growth was consistent with the formal protocorm. It could continue applying to the manufacture of tissue culture.


Oncidium on 15 hrs light period and night break treatments exhibited heavier fresh and dry weights, lower total soluble sugar content in pseudobulb because nutrient translocated for inflorescence development, however water content was no significantly different. After treatment of 9 hrs and 12 hrs light period, the total soluble sugar content in pseudobulb of Oncidium was higher than other treatments because of consuming less nutrient transfered from pseudobulb due to poor inflorescence development and the quality of inflorescence also showed worse.


更多网络解释与球茎相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

abruptly bulbous:平截球茎状的

Abruptic 质地突变的 | abruptly bulbous 平截球茎状的 | abruptly pinnate 平截羽状的

Arethusa bulbosa L.:北美球茎湿地兰

"北美湿地兰属(兰科)","Arethusa" | "北美球茎湿地兰","Arethusa bulbosa L.;bogrose orchid;dragons month;moss nymph" | "泽兰;旭兰(日本)","Arethusa japonica A.Gray"

Arethusa bulbosa L.;bogrose orchid;dragons month;moss nymph:北美球茎湿地兰

"北美湿地兰属(兰科)","Arethusa" | "北美球茎湿地兰","Arethusa bulbosa L.;bogrose orchid;dragons month;moss nymph" | "泽兰;旭兰(日本)","Arethusa japonica A.Gray"


"球根,球形物,鳞茎","bulb" | "小球茎","bulbel,bulbil,bulble" | "保加利亚[发酵]乳","Bulgarian milk"


4.球茎(corm)球状的地下茎,如荸荠(Eleocharistuberosa)、慈姑、芋等(图3-121,D、E),它们都是根状茎先端膨大而成. 球茎有明显的节和节间,节上具褐色膜状物,即鳞叶,为退化变形的叶. 球茎具顶芽,荸荠更有较多的侧芽,簇生在顶芽四周.

corm:球茎,球根 球莖

core area 核心区 中心地域 Y | corm 球茎,球根 球莖 Y | cormlet 小球茎 小球莖 Y


corm 球茎 | cormel 新生球茎 | cormorant 鸬鹚


cormatose | 具球茎的 | cormel | 新生小球茎 | cormidium | 合体节

Likies grow from bulbs:百合是从球茎长出来的

178 bulb 球茎,电灯泡,球茎状物 | 178 Likies grow from bulbs.百合是从球茎长出来的. | 178 bullet 子弹


通常先形成原球茎(Protocorm)随后再发育成一棵小植株. 原球茎是兰花较原始程度的非常幼小的芽,再生能力强,可切割分离不断增殖,从而形成大量遗传一致的材料. 采用分生组织繁殖的另一个优点是再生植株通常不含病毒.