英语人>词典>汉英 : 球 的英文翻译,例句
球 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
ball  ·  orb  ·  sphere  ·  bulbi  ·  globi  ·  orbing  ·  orbs  ·  sphered  ·  spheres  ·  sphering  ·  Ball  ·  ballocks  ·  bl  ·  bulbus

anything shaped like a ball
更多网络例句与球相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Resort with the exception of fishing, barbecue, sauna, foot massage, horse riding, camel,勒勒cars, archery, wrestling, equestrian, the discharge of fireworks, firecrackers, KTV and large-scale song and dance performances every night, the water recreational facilities are air flying umbrella, high-speed boats,脚踏船, large cruise ships, as well as indoor沙狐球, table tennis, billiards and many other attractions.


Q: A and B are either opponents in match play or fellow-competitors in stroke play and they are sharing a caddie. They are on the teeing ground and the caddie is positioned where their tee shots would be expected to come to rest. As tee shot comes to rest well short of the caddie and Bs tee shot comes to rest near the caddie. Without specific directions from either A or B, the caddie leaves Bs bag near Bs ball and returns with As bag to As ball. As next stroke strikes Bs bag.


Chromosphere 色球层 A layer of the Sun which is above the photosphere , and it appears red in colour.


Grams of feces onto粪球mantis, owl武大郎playing, what grade, what grade GG bubble MM, this is the case under normal circumstances, and must eat a toad convolvuli meat, do not have the final even miss a meal flies feces.


HIGH KICK \ 争球 Julio Marchant, left, of Uruguay's Defensor Sporting challenged Claudio Morel, of Argentina's Boca Juniors, during a match in Montevideo, Uruguay, Thursday.

上周四在乌拉圭蒙得维的亚举行的一场赛中,乌拉圭德芬索体育队的马恰特(Julio Marchant,左)与阿根廷博卡青年队的莫瑞尔争夺足

Veteran 退伍军人 billiard 桌球 player 播放器 Johnny Archer 约翰尼阿彻 struggled through some middle matches in the 10-Ball Desert Shoot-Out but roared back in the double-elimination finals to defeat Mika "Iceman" Immonen twice and take home the $12,500 first prize.

奋斗,通过一些中等的比赛, 10沙漠开枪,但轰鸣,早在双消除决赛中打败米卡&送冰& immonen两次带回家一二五○○美元首奖。

KEEP IT BOUNCING \ 顶球 Soccer freestyler Dan Magness, right, attempted to reach a new Guinness World Record — 24 hours of keeping a soccer ball in the air — as his wife Julie, left, watched in London's Covent Garden Friday.


Sleazebag/sleazeball 浑球 Walter is a real sleazebag.


Ming-Friends of Golf can provide you golf products are as follows: 1, trainer supplies: putting practice, and automatically back to the ball, and putt-hole plate, with the flag hole, swing trainer, swing rod, swing practice cage, the target practice net equivalent magic rod, super rod weight, ultra-light exercise ball, hand movements, such as corrective belt; 2, for personal use: Golf (14 species), fish ball device (16 species), small bags, paint ball, and printed the ball, and suction tee, golf shoes , nailed, get nailed, and hats, gloves, towels, umbrella, binoculars range finder, gun range finder, bag, ice bag, the ball cradle, the ball is entrusted TEE (8 species), golf tools, with emphasis on lead Article ball display cabinets, etc.; 3, golf gifts: Gift Set putter browser, or stroke hardcover, golf wall charts, incense table seat, table supplies, trophies, golf paintings, etc.; 4, ancillary equipment and related parts: the ball equipment, characteristics rod, grip, plastic, wood, iron frame, the ball is a frame, putting folders, ball, ball caps, bags, bags listed, gun bag, the ball package jacket, his bag rain cover, etc.

个人用品:高尔夫(14种)、捞器(16种)、小袋、画器、印器、吸座、高尔夫鞋、鞋钉、取钉器、帽子、手套、毛巾、伞、望远镜测距仪、测速测距仪、手提袋、冰袋、托架、托TEE (8种)、高尔夫工具、配重铅条、展示柜等;3、高尔夫礼品:推杆器礼品套装、折合杆精装、高尔夫挂表、香表座、桌上用品、奖杯、高尔夫画等;4、具及相关配套件:具、特色杆、握把、胶套、杆、铁杆架、具架、推杆夹、头、头套、袋、袋挂牌、枪袋、包外套、包雨罩等;5、具检测维修生产设备:假平衡秤、级数板、扭力测量器、退杆机、磨杆机、头烤箱、杆烤箱、喷漆台、装握把机等

GOOOAL! \ 球进了! Spain's goalkeeper Iker Casillas, foreground right, reacted after the U.S.'s Clint Dempsey, right, scored his team's second goal during their Confederations Cup semifinal soccer match in Bloemfontein, South Africa, Wednesday.


更多网络解释与球相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

baff:以球棒底端刮地击球, 以球棒底端刮地使球高飞

Backspin 回旋, 强后旋 | Baff 以棒底端刮地击, 以棒底端刮地使高飞; | balance point (杆)平衡点

diving header:鱼跃顶球

头顶中包括跳起顶(flying header)和鱼跃顶(diving header). "Dive"即"跳水、潜水"之意,鱼跃顶员将身体前扑,如鱼儿跃出水面般顶. 还有一种叫作"香蕉"(banana kick),因为运动的路线是弧形,像香蕉的形状.


(失误)右曲(Fade)稍稍向左,下降时轻微偏右. (并非失误,有实际需要)右飞(Push)直飞向右侧(失误)右旋(Slice)先飞向左方,然后右旋至右方(失误)切击(Chip)以低弹道飞行短距离,然后滚动三、四倍距离.

two-seam fastball:二縫線快速球

另一种二缝线快速(Two Seam Fastball)系的路-卡特(Cutter ball). 又称为切或快速滑,因握法跟伸卡有点类似,姑且把它归类是胞生兄弟. 切(Cutter)介於直、滑之间,进垒时会向右打者外角快速偏移,行进路线像滑,但变化幅度不如滑,

free kick:自由球

●自由(free kick) 自由有直接自由及间接自由. 踢直接自由及间接自由时,必须静止. 踢自由员,在触及另一员之前,不可第二次触. ●角(corner kick) 被守方队员踢出或触出本方端线时,判由对方踢角.

jump shot:跳球

19.跳(Jump Shot) 当白跳越目标(object ball)的任何一部分,不论在跳越的过程中,有否与该目标接触,就做成跳(Jump Shot),除了以下情况: (a) 当白首先撞击一个目标,然后再跳越另一个, (b) 当白跳起并撞击某个目标,

Lost ball:遗失球

遗失(Lost Ball) 符合下列情况的被视为是"遗失": 员的一方或他的或他们的童开始找五分钟后,没有找到员不能确认是自己的时;或 员打了替换;或 员在被认为大概是初始之所在地或较该地点更靠近洞处打了暂定.

object ball:目标球

也叫母. 比赛中唯一可以用杆直接击打的,并利用该撞击其它入袋而得分. 目标(Object ball) 除主外剩下的都是目标,包括红色和彩色. 目标不可直接用杆...

touching ball:贴球

* 贴(touching ball) 主与其它相接触的情形称为贴. 击选手必须将主打开而不能使与其相贴的移动,否则就造成推杆. 击选手已声明将其作为活击打则除外. * 重置黑(respotted black) 一局比赛中,当所有的目标入袋后双方分数相等时,

Not Up:死球

"死"(Not up)、"低"(Down)"界外"(Out)之任何判决提出上诉. 上诉成立应判和. 若在员回击后,记分员叫出"界外"(Out)、"死"(Not up)或"低"(Down)时,员可提出上诉,若上诉得,值应判和,除非裁判认为记分员的错令该失去一必胜的回击,