英语人>词典>汉英 : 现役部队 的英文翻译,例句
现役部队 的英文翻译、例句


standing army
更多网络例句与现役部队相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

U.S. forces employ a large number of civilian staff, for no additional active duty forces in the establishment of the circumstances, the broad absorption of the community of human resources and labor for the military services.


Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld approved a request from the top U.S. commander in Iraq to extend the rotations of more than 10,000 American troops in the country, while at the same time ordering the deployment of an additional 1500 active duty soldiers.


It also faces, in North Korea, the world's largest active chemical and biological armoury.


Fourth, that the issue of a common-sense, in fact, the People's Liberation Army and armed police officers are active duty,"Military Service" in Article IV, People's Republic of China Armed Forces, by the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia.


Support for some retired officers, the education of the children of military personnel, and other social spendings are also provided in the defense expenditure.


In addition, a large amount of spendings are used to fund activities associated with social welfare, mainly pensions for some of the retired officers, schools and kindergartens for children of military personnel, training personnel competent for both military and civilian services, supporting national economic construction, and participation in emergency rescues and disaster relief efforts.


To participate in the PLA's active duty, there is no register for military service of citizens on active duty and reserve service or a series of reserve forces who participate in militias, as well as students to receive military training, are all fulfilling military service obligations. December 29, 1998 The 9th National People's Congress Standing Committee adopted the 6th meeting, on revising the "military service" decision, the revised Law on Military Service provides:"The People's Republic of China compulsory service and volunteer combined combination of the militia and reserve military service system."


About 70% of the shortage is in the Reserve components, with the remainder among active duty personnel, Dempsey says.


更多网络解释与现役部队相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

active duty for training:现役训练

active duty 现役 | active duty for training 现役训练 | Active Guard and Reserve 国民警卫队和后备役部队现役成员

Forces in active service:现役部队

现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example | 现役部队 Forces in active service | 线下商贸运作 offline business operation

active air base:现役航空基地

activation 正式建立部队,新部队组建完毕 | active air base 现役航空基地 | active air base 作战机场

active air fleet:现役航空兵部队

active air defense 积极防空 | active air fleet 现役航空兵部队 | active aircraft inventory 现役作战飞机总数

standing army:常备军; 现役部队

standing 立着的, 经常的, 不动的 (形) | standing army 常备军; 现役部队 | standing committee 常务委员会


现役部队动员部署的同时, 为解决现役人员的不足, 美国大规模征召后备役如国防部与唐尼公司签订了1,430 万美元的合同, 为陆军增加炮弹生产, 为"布莱德利"(Bradley) 步兵战车生产60万发穿甲弹, 得克萨斯公司生产2,

unit line number:部队开进编号,单位线路编号

United States Armed Forces 美国现役武装部队 | unit line number 部队开进编号,单位线路编号 | unit movement control center 部队调动控制中心

delaying action:迟滞行动

delayed entry program 延迟加入现役部队计划 | delaying action 迟滞行动 | deliberate attack 预有准备的进攻

active optical fuzing system:主动式光学引信起爆系统

active military unit 现役部队 | active optical fuzing system 主动式光学引信起爆系统 | active radar homing 主动雷达自导引(寻的)

Servicio Militar:现役部队

Servicio Geologico de Bolivia;玻利维亚地质局;GEOBOL; | Servicio Militar;现役部队;SM; | Servicio National de Apredizagem Industrial;国家工业培训局;SENAI;